Yes the future has been here for several years now and despite all our efforts to tell people this was happening, many are just discovering what has been shedding to us all for 4 years now.
And we are late in the game to be playing catch up. As I have said many times, this is the worst time in any of our lifetimes to willfully Choose to be ignorant of the shitty reality we now find ourselves in.
Its not hopeless though and you will never convince me it is. Give up if you want but I'll be damned if I do. I plan on living, because Fuck Them.
And anyone that tries to tell you the only proven solutions are poisons while they sell you fucking heavy metal water.
People better wake up and realize we are in a real fucking war, just a quiet one. And they are going to kill us if we just let them.
The best long term solution is a mixture of antioxidants and chelators. EDTA and ascorbic acid are the best without a doubt so dont be scared by all the fearmonger articles, they are all bullshit.
Or take other antioxidants and chelators Together, I talk about them all the time.
Or Fast and take them, it works much much much better. Just make sure you take EDTA right or dont be surprised when it doesnt work.
Im not wasting all these fricking keystrokes for my health though, Im wasting them for Yours.
Ionic foot bath. Available on eBay, Temu, or Amazon.
Ionic foot bath shoots a current through your body and draws out magnetic nano particles directly out of the pores of your feet. It makes huge buckets of nanotech goo which is easily examined under microscope.
I just did my live blood analysis after a week. Cleanest blood sample I ever saw. Nothing moving at all.
Yes, it will turn water brown from iron in the water. But it also draws lots of other color goo... greens, whites, ambers, reds, black... supposedly from different organs. When you view the goo under the microscope, it's full of dead nanotech.
The will all do the same thing. It shoots an electrical current through the body, the magnetic pull from the energy causes magnetic nanoparticles to attract to the ionic array in the water. The bucket fills with goo.
The people orchestrating the deployment of these technologies want to mine us for data, among other things.
Therefore, don't give them their data by not using the technologies that enable them to control and data mine us.
In addition, keep using the supplements to remove this nano-garbage from the body.
Data is mined via cell' phone, bluetooth, and wireless internet connections. This whole game is dependent on people using cell 'phones. Remove the cell 'phones and we begin to remove part of the problem.
We have been fed the 'norm' of having a cell 'phone, along with it being made such a convenient, do-it-all, entertainment gadget.
Many people have allowed their lives, and their children's lives to be shaped by their cell 'phone, and by depending also on wireless technology.
To stop the long-term deployment of these technologies, stop using WiFi, and stop using a cell' phone - it is possible. I grew up without one, used one briefly for a while, and I now use wired techologies. I also set boundaries with people so that I am not available 24/7.
We, as a society, have been deliberately baited and hooked on using wireless technology as a prelude to these nano technologies being deployed and then transmitting data to the cell 'phones.
Stop using wireless technology, and by and large, the game is up for those in control; they won't have enough people's data, and will have a harder time influencing people neuronally via wireless microwave communication.
I must admit that what I am saying is not easy for everyone, and has some consequences. In addition, the plethora of public WiFi and cell-towers also made it difficulty to completely shield ourselves from wireless magnetic fields in most urban areas.
Therefore one approach is to use supplements to remove the nanogarbage, and to reduce exposure to Wi-Fi and cell phone use.
I remember the days when cell phones were used by some people only in case of an emergency if their vehicle broke down or if they had a car accident. They threw the 'phone in the glove box, and only powered it up once in a while to charge it. We need to return to those days en masse.
By censoring/deleting comments critical of her attempt to paint Shanahan et al as 'white knight' resistors, "ANA" has conclusively shown her true 'colors.' The "jews for jesus" psyop is simply the next stage of the OWS project to corral 'christians' prior to eliminating them altogether... in the new 'noahide law USA' which it seems our author is now an agent of.
“For over a decade, I identified as Jewish. But now, with the New Testament in my hands, I see the world’s spiritual pain in a way I never could before. It’s like a veil has been lifted, revealing a deeper understanding of the struggle between light and darkness,” she wrote, adding that she is now “a Jew for Jesus.” Shanahan the dissimulationist speaks.
Be warned. Boobi Jr & Friends are NOT your friends. What they seem to 'give' with one hand they will take away with the other. Wake up ... or be swept away!
Why is "Ana" using fake terms like mesogens... and hiding the info about GO(graphene oxide)people need in order to understand what's happening to them?
"you are blocked from commenting on this" - sleazy, Ana, but no use.
not going to be able to delete this "ANA"... your record will follow you now - whatever you try!
Indeed. You have a better idea on where one might spend there time...
than analyzing and pointing out dissimulationists and there fellow travelers?
Some of the information which the Ana entity is 'leaving out'/replacing with false trails/and/or deliberately seeding to inspire false hope will prove to have been critical parts of the web of deceit by which YOU will have been inveigled into abetting your own destruction.
You may wish to improve the quality of your 'come back' line on the return volley... or simply leave the /sarc business to someone better equipped.
Say! You wouldn't be one of those DJT/RFK followers would you?
Don't be retarded. Those who work with the nanotechnology, which is limited almost exclusively with the military, are perfectly comprehending the dangers. They serve Lucifer, literally. These people, most of another species than homosapiens, have very high intelligence, are malevolent, consider humans as cattle, and are intent to depopulate humanity. Wars, bioweapons, all that is designed. Do you think that they are unleashing this in ignorance? The WHO and WEF have been plannning this for many many decades, as has been the Vatican and globalists. World war 3 was planned, as were the first two, in 1871. As happened, and is happening, same nations involved, same results, same reasons. The species has had the ability to make clones, to manufacture human bodies, to scan and upload minds and memory, and to install them into those bodies they call "sleeves." Informing "humanity' has been my vocation, but it is not "humanity" who has any influence here, and unless we rebel in outright and very violent manner very soon, it will indeed be too late. There is also terraforming going on, and that is where the nanotechnology comes in= the chemtrails are causing atmosphere change as the other species finds cooler and more methane atmosphere more pleasant for them, being that they have been living underground. Look up all the celebrities who have revealed that they are cloned, doing the one-eye and okay hand sign.
All based on a mental disease called virology based on fraudulent junk science. All vaccines introduced at end of bell curve when we already had herd immunity/resistance. Latin word Virus translation to English is poison. Polio was agricultural poisoning, mainly arsenic and DDT. Ann virus isolation means is removing contaminated fluid/ tissue sample from host. Then they add mor contaminants and poisons and then look at highly contaminated sample and then look at it like a Rorschach test and make up images of artifacts and call them “viruses”. Insanity. Study the Army research of 1918 where they couldn’t get anyone sick. Also read books “Bechamp or Pasteur” by Hume, “The Contagion Myth” by Cowan and Morell, and “Good-Bye Germ Theory” by Trebing, for starters and do your own research into this medical fraud and brainwashing. Time to wake up to the medical scam brainwashing Sheeple. It’s not an accident it’s called public programming on NPR!
Does anyone else wonder if Gene Hackman, along with his wife, plus the dog that happened to be inside the house were somehow the victims of DEW? The really bizarre clue is that Gene's pacemaker stopped 10 days before the bodies were found. A DEW would surely stop a pacemaker in its tracks. And the other dogs outside were fine, yet the one inside the house with Gene and wife also died. Someone needs to investigate Directed Energy Weapons playing a role in their death--whether accidental or targeted. Thanks again Dr. Ana for all your work!
DEW is used on various Targeted Individuals around the world, and paid for by the US government. See my edition that's devoted to Targeted Individuals at Look for the words Targeted Individual in the left hand column of the Table of Contents.
I'm not that familiar with Mr. Hackman so don't know why DEW would be used on him. Can someone please tell me?
I do not know why either, however we know that the various nefarious methods of torture and killing are ften perpetrated by governments, and that they may at some point need to test out the "latest version".
If DEW were found to be involved in the Hackman deaths, that is only half the puzzle. The other half is learning whether it was directed specifically at their household, or whether the perpetrators were testing a new version of the system and decided a random firing was in order, or it could have been purely accidental (newbie at the controls).
I just heard a radio advert today: "Hasbro unveils all-new toy brand, nano-mals, electronic interactive pets that encourage nurture play, sensory play, and self-expression." I hadn't been listening at full attention but "digital" is a part of this. My gut response was 'this is creepy' and further fosters kids interactions with the non-living, artificial life which now responds to them in realistic human ways, a substitution for real people. Not sure what age this is geared for but, if for the very young, I can see where confusion is ripe for development. Leave our kids alone!
Yeah, I looked it up. Totally woke. Unicorn in skirt. Narwhal too. Lots of purple colors.
I had the original GI-Joe from the 60's. He was totally hell-for-the-leather. He had an M-14 and a carbine. The #1 male toy for Christmas 1964 was the Johnny 7 gun. It was awesome.
That's right. It will turn the water brown from iron in the water. But put your feet in and it makes other colors, then examine the goo under the microscope, it's full of nanotech.
God is not interested in correcting the evils that plague planet Earth today. Rather, He is interested in allowing mankind to come to the point of annihilation and intervening then, to abolish all nations and governments of men, replacing them with the Kingdom of God headquartered in Jerusalem. That is the gospel that Jesus Christ brought (Mk. 1;1, 14, 15). The true gospel has been suppressed as foretold by the prophet Amos (8:11). Today's pulpits preach a gospel of men about the person of Jesus Christ but ignore the message that He brought: the coming Kingdom of God. They preach the messenger but not His message. This is idolatry, an abomination in the eyes of God. Therefore, praying to God that the USA be repaired and restored is futile unless made in conformity to His exception in 2nd Chronicles 7:14. So, if the President of the USA led the People to humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, turn to God and then pray, He promises to heal their land. What is the likelihood of that happening? Otherwise, there is no hope for the USA.
IT ALL ADDS UP DR.ANA..... TRANSHUMANISM.... HUMAN BATTERY CONNECT FIELD... ANDROID S... ALL PORTRAID IN 1974 WESTWORLD MOVIE...1975 FUTUREWORLD MOVIE...HBO WESTWORLD SERIES...2016... MOVIE CELL....MAN WITH MACHINE...I think even Six Million Dollar man and Bionic Woman TV series were hinting at this....1992 BARCELONA OLYMPICS OPENING CEREMONY before Athletes came out... they Even had an A.I. Gold god in ceremony...MUST Google much more... Ehhh. They act like it is no big deal... don't forget the demon...yuvall hurari...
"Human Augmentation Is Self Spreading Nanotechnology. "Natural Human Colonies" Will Be Cross Contaminated By Geoengineering "
Why do you call it Geoengineering? Because of Dane Wiggington?
Geoengineering is used to imply mitigation of climate change.
Climate change is a a hegelian dialectic.
Climate change is the use of global weather modification & climate engineering. They've been creating weather disasters, and posing it as climate change for decades, first it was cooling then warming now change.
Which allows them to can turn around and claim it's climate change and weather modification doesn't exist as does Katherine Hayhoe. [hoe indeed]
Weather modificiation it is, it does exist. But this geoengineering NLP,
Is like merry-go round- round and round, they need to geoengineer to save Earth from climate change, which is weather modification and climate engineering.
Words/ are swords, they MATTER.
"Feasibility Studies Weather Modification, Inc., has been involved in multiple programs with the goal of identifying the potential benefits derived from the application of cloud seeding techniques."
"Operational Defenses through Weather Control in 2030"
Michael C. Boger, Major, United States Air Force April 2009
Geo-engineering is just another word for chemtrails. Geo-engineering spews out Morgellons that invade under people's skin. I have a friend in London, England who suffers from this phenomenon who I have tried to help end this nightmare for her.
"Her focus is to fight for the human rights of the natural human, to limit geoengineering to some areas since the natural human will not be able to survive in the coming 6G geoengineered space."
I have read your books Dr Ana Maria. I believe you. So I focus on solutions instead of trying to convince others there is a problem. I do not intend to be a victim - I do not do, Victim.
My personal Faraday shield. Especially when barefoot (grounding). The RF is conducted across my skin, around me, on the surface.
P.S. Important to note: The bees wax I am using is from China. The pollens contain the latest antigens for disease originating in China and that is transferred by the bees to the wax.
"Pfizer trial documents, which outlined that if an unvaccinated man inhales the air around a vaccinated woman, that man can transmit the vaccine to another unvaccinated woman."
I assume the man is being intimate with the unvaxed woman, the exchange of seminal fluid is for some reason required, and lesbians won't do the trick. Also, it would only be a component of the vaccine that's transmitted, not the whole entity.
There are three people involved here. Vaxed woman, unvaxed man and unvaxed woman. 1 passes to 2 passes to three. Why is the unvaxed man needed to pass to an unvaxed woman, if the vaxed woman can just exhale around the unvaxed woman?
Thank you Doctor Ana. For all the very hard work you are doing. I do have to ask a simple question by a simple man. Since everything on earth has been infected by this nanotechnology. With all the evidence out there. Why can we not shut it all down by taking them to court and completely defunding them. And. Also make them pay to cure everything on this plant. Which would cost more then every form of money that is on this earth. Which would definitely put them out of business. If there is one judge who does his job in protecting all the people who are still human
Thank you for insisting on the extreme seriousness of our situation over and over again, Dr. Ana. Maybe more people will finally pay attention before it is too late for them and for the rest of us. Pertinent question: will we be able to resist these attacks against all lifeforms for much longer? I wish more people would become aware. Period
Yes the future has been here for several years now and despite all our efforts to tell people this was happening, many are just discovering what has been shedding to us all for 4 years now.
And we are late in the game to be playing catch up. As I have said many times, this is the worst time in any of our lifetimes to willfully Choose to be ignorant of the shitty reality we now find ourselves in.
Its not hopeless though and you will never convince me it is. Give up if you want but I'll be damned if I do. I plan on living, because Fuck Them.
And anyone that tries to tell you the only proven solutions are poisons while they sell you fucking heavy metal water.
People better wake up and realize we are in a real fucking war, just a quiet one. And they are going to kill us if we just let them.
The best long term solution is a mixture of antioxidants and chelators. EDTA and ascorbic acid are the best without a doubt so dont be scared by all the fearmonger articles, they are all bullshit.
Or take other antioxidants and chelators Together, I talk about them all the time.
Or Fast and take them, it works much much much better. Just make sure you take EDTA right or dont be surprised when it doesnt work.
Im not wasting all these fricking keystrokes for my health though, Im wasting them for Yours.
Choose to Live. I can't win this war alone.
Here you go. I got a good one for ya.
Ionic foot bath. Available on eBay, Temu, or Amazon.
Ionic foot bath shoots a current through your body and draws out magnetic nano particles directly out of the pores of your feet. It makes huge buckets of nanotech goo which is easily examined under microscope.
I just did my live blood analysis after a week. Cleanest blood sample I ever saw. Nothing moving at all.
Funny that because if you put just the ionic element in empty water without feet, the water still turns brown after a 30 minute cycle.
Yes, it will turn water brown from iron in the water. But it also draws lots of other color goo... greens, whites, ambers, reds, black... supposedly from different organs. When you view the goo under the microscope, it's full of dead nanotech.
Just can't see how that works. Which footbath did you use?
You can buy separate Ionic elements that you place in a water bucket and add salt. Amazon sells them.
The will all do the same thing. It shoots an electrical current through the body, the magnetic pull from the energy causes magnetic nanoparticles to attract to the ionic array in the water. The bucket fills with goo.
Thank You!
Thank you for sharing these ideas, Ana.
The people orchestrating the deployment of these technologies want to mine us for data, among other things.
Therefore, don't give them their data by not using the technologies that enable them to control and data mine us.
In addition, keep using the supplements to remove this nano-garbage from the body.
Data is mined via cell' phone, bluetooth, and wireless internet connections. This whole game is dependent on people using cell 'phones. Remove the cell 'phones and we begin to remove part of the problem.
We have been fed the 'norm' of having a cell 'phone, along with it being made such a convenient, do-it-all, entertainment gadget.
Many people have allowed their lives, and their children's lives to be shaped by their cell 'phone, and by depending also on wireless technology.
To stop the long-term deployment of these technologies, stop using WiFi, and stop using a cell' phone - it is possible. I grew up without one, used one briefly for a while, and I now use wired techologies. I also set boundaries with people so that I am not available 24/7.
We, as a society, have been deliberately baited and hooked on using wireless technology as a prelude to these nano technologies being deployed and then transmitting data to the cell 'phones.
Stop using wireless technology, and by and large, the game is up for those in control; they won't have enough people's data, and will have a harder time influencing people neuronally via wireless microwave communication.
I must admit that what I am saying is not easy for everyone, and has some consequences. In addition, the plethora of public WiFi and cell-towers also made it difficulty to completely shield ourselves from wireless magnetic fields in most urban areas.
Therefore one approach is to use supplements to remove the nanogarbage, and to reduce exposure to Wi-Fi and cell phone use.
I remember the days when cell phones were used by some people only in case of an emergency if their vehicle broke down or if they had a car accident. They threw the 'phone in the glove box, and only powered it up once in a while to charge it. We need to return to those days en masse.
By censoring/deleting comments critical of her attempt to paint Shanahan et al as 'white knight' resistors, "ANA" has conclusively shown her true 'colors.' The "jews for jesus" psyop is simply the next stage of the OWS project to corral 'christians' prior to eliminating them altogether... in the new 'noahide law USA' which it seems our author is now an agent of.
“For over a decade, I identified as Jewish. But now, with the New Testament in my hands, I see the world’s spiritual pain in a way I never could before. It’s like a veil has been lifted, revealing a deeper understanding of the struggle between light and darkness,” she wrote, adding that she is now “a Jew for Jesus.” Shanahan the dissimulationist speaks.
Be warned. Boobi Jr & Friends are NOT your friends. What they seem to 'give' with one hand they will take away with the other. Wake up ... or be swept away!
Why is "Ana" using fake terms like mesogens... and hiding the info about GO(graphene oxide)people need in order to understand what's happening to them?
"you are blocked from commenting on this" - sleazy, Ana, but no use.
not going to be able to delete this "ANA"... your record will follow you now - whatever you try!
THIS is what you spend time on?
Indeed. You have a better idea on where one might spend there time...
than analyzing and pointing out dissimulationists and there fellow travelers?
Some of the information which the Ana entity is 'leaving out'/replacing with false trails/and/or deliberately seeding to inspire false hope will prove to have been critical parts of the web of deceit by which YOU will have been inveigled into abetting your own destruction.
You may wish to improve the quality of your 'come back' line on the return volley... or simply leave the /sarc business to someone better equipped.
Say! You wouldn't be one of those DJT/RFK followers would you?
Like I said, a total waste of your time.
When I need you to advise me on how to spend my time. I'll let you know. Otherwise, try to concentrate on doing something constructive with your own.
Be well.
Don't be retarded. Those who work with the nanotechnology, which is limited almost exclusively with the military, are perfectly comprehending the dangers. They serve Lucifer, literally. These people, most of another species than homosapiens, have very high intelligence, are malevolent, consider humans as cattle, and are intent to depopulate humanity. Wars, bioweapons, all that is designed. Do you think that they are unleashing this in ignorance? The WHO and WEF have been plannning this for many many decades, as has been the Vatican and globalists. World war 3 was planned, as were the first two, in 1871. As happened, and is happening, same nations involved, same results, same reasons. The species has had the ability to make clones, to manufacture human bodies, to scan and upload minds and memory, and to install them into those bodies they call "sleeves." Informing "humanity' has been my vocation, but it is not "humanity" who has any influence here, and unless we rebel in outright and very violent manner very soon, it will indeed be too late. There is also terraforming going on, and that is where the nanotechnology comes in= the chemtrails are causing atmosphere change as the other species finds cooler and more methane atmosphere more pleasant for them, being that they have been living underground. Look up all the celebrities who have revealed that they are cloned, doing the one-eye and okay hand sign.
All based on a mental disease called virology based on fraudulent junk science. All vaccines introduced at end of bell curve when we already had herd immunity/resistance. Latin word Virus translation to English is poison. Polio was agricultural poisoning, mainly arsenic and DDT. Ann virus isolation means is removing contaminated fluid/ tissue sample from host. Then they add mor contaminants and poisons and then look at highly contaminated sample and then look at it like a Rorschach test and make up images of artifacts and call them “viruses”. Insanity. Study the Army research of 1918 where they couldn’t get anyone sick. Also read books “Bechamp or Pasteur” by Hume, “The Contagion Myth” by Cowan and Morell, and “Good-Bye Germ Theory” by Trebing, for starters and do your own research into this medical fraud and brainwashing. Time to wake up to the medical scam brainwashing Sheeple. It’s not an accident it’s called public programming on NPR!
You are brilliant. Indeed Pasteur used arsenic to get his germ theory accepted by people.
Does anyone else wonder if Gene Hackman, along with his wife, plus the dog that happened to be inside the house were somehow the victims of DEW? The really bizarre clue is that Gene's pacemaker stopped 10 days before the bodies were found. A DEW would surely stop a pacemaker in its tracks. And the other dogs outside were fine, yet the one inside the house with Gene and wife also died. Someone needs to investigate Directed Energy Weapons playing a role in their death--whether accidental or targeted. Thanks again Dr. Ana for all your work!
DEW is used on various Targeted Individuals around the world, and paid for by the US government. See my edition that's devoted to Targeted Individuals at Look for the words Targeted Individual in the left hand column of the Table of Contents.
I'm not that familiar with Mr. Hackman so don't know why DEW would be used on him. Can someone please tell me?
I do not know why either, however we know that the various nefarious methods of torture and killing are ften perpetrated by governments, and that they may at some point need to test out the "latest version".
If DEW were found to be involved in the Hackman deaths, that is only half the puzzle. The other half is learning whether it was directed specifically at their household, or whether the perpetrators were testing a new version of the system and decided a random firing was in order, or it could have been purely accidental (newbie at the controls).
I just heard a radio advert today: "Hasbro unveils all-new toy brand, nano-mals, electronic interactive pets that encourage nurture play, sensory play, and self-expression." I hadn't been listening at full attention but "digital" is a part of this. My gut response was 'this is creepy' and further fosters kids interactions with the non-living, artificial life which now responds to them in realistic human ways, a substitution for real people. Not sure what age this is geared for but, if for the very young, I can see where confusion is ripe for development. Leave our kids alone!
Yeah, I looked it up. Totally woke. Unicorn in skirt. Narwhal too. Lots of purple colors.
I had the original GI-Joe from the 60's. He was totally hell-for-the-leather. He had an M-14 and a carbine. The #1 male toy for Christmas 1964 was the Johnny 7 gun. It was awesome.
That's right. It will turn the water brown from iron in the water. But put your feet in and it makes other colors, then examine the goo under the microscope, it's full of nanotech.
Use distilled water
God is not interested in correcting the evils that plague planet Earth today. Rather, He is interested in allowing mankind to come to the point of annihilation and intervening then, to abolish all nations and governments of men, replacing them with the Kingdom of God headquartered in Jerusalem. That is the gospel that Jesus Christ brought (Mk. 1;1, 14, 15). The true gospel has been suppressed as foretold by the prophet Amos (8:11). Today's pulpits preach a gospel of men about the person of Jesus Christ but ignore the message that He brought: the coming Kingdom of God. They preach the messenger but not His message. This is idolatry, an abomination in the eyes of God. Therefore, praying to God that the USA be repaired and restored is futile unless made in conformity to His exception in 2nd Chronicles 7:14. So, if the President of the USA led the People to humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, turn to God and then pray, He promises to heal their land. What is the likelihood of that happening? Otherwise, there is no hope for the USA.
Why Jerusalem?
Why not?
Great article, however it's not coming soon. They already did it!
What is coming is, biological carbon based organisms will not be able to survive on this planet! Maybe silicone based organisms will?
IT ALL ADDS UP DR.ANA..... TRANSHUMANISM.... HUMAN BATTERY CONNECT FIELD... ANDROID S... ALL PORTRAID IN 1974 WESTWORLD MOVIE...1975 FUTUREWORLD MOVIE...HBO WESTWORLD SERIES...2016... MOVIE CELL....MAN WITH MACHINE...I think even Six Million Dollar man and Bionic Woman TV series were hinting at this....1992 BARCELONA OLYMPICS OPENING CEREMONY before Athletes came out... they Even had an A.I. Gold god in ceremony...MUST Google much more... Ehhh. They act like it is no big deal... don't forget the demon...yuvall hurari...
Look up Sabrina Wallace .. she talks about the biofield- Psynergy is her channel - juxtaposition has her on sometimes ..
Great. Thank you for the link. The more we learn the better...
I believe Germany passed a law about self replication back in 2020-21. They knew.
"Human Augmentation Is Self Spreading Nanotechnology. "Natural Human Colonies" Will Be Cross Contaminated By Geoengineering "
Why do you call it Geoengineering? Because of Dane Wiggington?
Geoengineering is used to imply mitigation of climate change.
Climate change is a a hegelian dialectic.
Climate change is the use of global weather modification & climate engineering. They've been creating weather disasters, and posing it as climate change for decades, first it was cooling then warming now change.
Which allows them to can turn around and claim it's climate change and weather modification doesn't exist as does Katherine Hayhoe. [hoe indeed]
Weather modificiation it is, it does exist. But this geoengineering NLP,
Is like merry-go round- round and round, they need to geoengineer to save Earth from climate change, which is weather modification and climate engineering.
Words/ are swords, they MATTER.
" S.3383 (94th): National Weather Modification Policy Act Introduced: May 5, 1976 94th Congress, 1975–1976 Status:Enacted"
"Stratospheric Aerosol Modification by Supersonic Transport Operations With Climate Implications' (NASA Technical Reports Server - 1980)"
" Weather and Climate Modification - National Science Foundation [NSF]" 1965.
" Weather Modification Using Electromagnetic Beams Common Knowledge at Aquiess,Inc"
"Feasibility Studies Weather Modification, Inc., has been involved in multiple programs with the goal of identifying the potential benefits derived from the application of cloud seeding techniques."
"Operational Defenses through Weather Control in 2030"
Michael C. Boger, Major, United States Air Force April 2009
" S.517 - Weather Modification Research and Development Policy Authorization Act (2005-2006)"
" Geoengineering." when they decide it's a good way to play the mitigation game
" H.R.4586 - Geoengineering Research Evaluation Act of 2017"
It's based on and is weather and climate modification technology.
They are spraying self assembling nanoparticles. Perhaps it is related to the geoengineering. But seems to me these are two different things.
Geo-engineering is just another word for chemtrails. Geo-engineering spews out Morgellons that invade under people's skin. I have a friend in London, England who suffers from this phenomenon who I have tried to help end this nightmare for her.
"Her focus is to fight for the human rights of the natural human, to limit geoengineering to some areas since the natural human will not be able to survive in the coming 6G geoengineered space."
I have read your books Dr Ana Maria. I believe you. So I focus on solutions instead of trying to convince others there is a problem. I do not intend to be a victim - I do not do, Victim.
It has been a while but I have a new batch, applied liberally.
My personal Faraday shield. Especially when barefoot (grounding). The RF is conducted across my skin, around me, on the surface.
P.S. Important to note: The bees wax I am using is from China. The pollens contain the latest antigens for disease originating in China and that is transferred by the bees to the wax.
How are you using these products?
This is my second 40-Day food fast.
"Pfizer trial documents, which outlined that if an unvaccinated man inhales the air around a vaccinated woman, that man can transmit the vaccine to another unvaccinated woman."
I assume the man is being intimate with the unvaxed woman, the exchange of seminal fluid is for some reason required, and lesbians won't do the trick. Also, it would only be a component of the vaccine that's transmitted, not the whole entity.
No, its just breathing the air.
Which is why they said 'breathes the air'.
There are three people involved here. Vaxed woman, unvaxed man and unvaxed woman. 1 passes to 2 passes to three. Why is the unvaxed man needed to pass to an unvaxed woman, if the vaxed woman can just exhale around the unvaxed woman?
They are sneakily admitting second shedding Also occurs.
You can get the shedding from an unvaxxed person who has been heavily shed upon.
Which is how my wife and I got the magnetism, which I discovered I had on June 10th 2021 at 10:38pm Pacific time.
Im a pretty precise and accurate person.
My wife however is still undecided about whether she likes that about me or not.
So basically we’re all jabbed
Not totally, like the jabbed emit bluetooth MAC addresses.
Almost all unvaxxed do Not, unless they have had extensive body fluid transfer with the vaxxed/infected.
I imagine there are other differences as well but thats a big one to me.
Vaxxed victims will shed skin which is florescent and glows under the black light. The bed glows.
Thank you Doctor Ana. For all the very hard work you are doing. I do have to ask a simple question by a simple man. Since everything on earth has been infected by this nanotechnology. With all the evidence out there. Why can we not shut it all down by taking them to court and completely defunding them. And. Also make them pay to cure everything on this plant. Which would cost more then every form of money that is on this earth. Which would definitely put them out of business. If there is one judge who does his job in protecting all the people who are still human
Thank you for insisting on the extreme seriousness of our situation over and over again, Dr. Ana. Maybe more people will finally pay attention before it is too late for them and for the rest of us. Pertinent question: will we be able to resist these attacks against all lifeforms for much longer? I wish more people would become aware. Period