Thank you so very much for all your hard work and may God bless you for your diligence and timely info. Do you happen to have a vid on the rabies jab? I'm trying to explain the importance of not putting this in the dog but he's not getting it. He's going to jab her so he can have her groomed; I'd prefer a healthy, shaggy dog :) Debbie

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My beautiful Shih Tzu got the rabies vaccine. He was a gentle and sweet little soul. Two weeks later he was dead. I know it was because of that shot. I don’t trust any shots, I don’t trust doctors, hospitals or healthcare.

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Shaggy can turn into a problem; why not learn to groom your dog yourself? While the dog is young and can get used to the care you give her. Great videos on Youtube for training dogs.

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No longer shocked but still disgusted … those behind this intentional destruction of humanity are truly evil … I cannot begin to imagine their horrific afterlives

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Last year I realized they are doing some kind of experiments on wildlife. I was out in my yard feeding apples to a doe that had been hanging around for a while. Suddenly there was a faint swishing sound in the sky, something I’d never heard before. The doe turned away from me and started high-step marching away from me and nothing I said got her attention or interrupted her marching away. Very strange! In my 63 years of being in the forests, I had never witnessed anything like that. The following evening when I was arriving home from work, there was one buck and six does leaving my yard doing the same style march, all going the same direction as the doe the evening before. Once again, there was no yelling or banging sounds I could make that would get a reaction from them. They were in a sort of trance. I have no idea what that is all about but, it reminded me of a phrase I read a couple of years ago how trans-humans would be called back to the “hive”. One-hive mind is how it was described I believe.

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have you seen the film, The Cell? https://www.blackfilm.com/read/watch-cell-trailer-starring-john-cusack-and-samuel-l-jackson/

There is one reference to frequency, during the drive-in movie scene. The channel for the movie reception in the car radio is something like 103.7 FM. If you look up frequency bands for mind control, this falls within that range. Since the film is about a cell tower emitting a hive mind-altering frequency, this is an odd coincidence.

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They almost always tell in movies or cartoons what they’re going to do beforehand.

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No. I haven’t watched that. Thank you for sharing the link.

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Ohhhhhh. Bad. I got a road kill squirrel couple months ago. He was full of plastic stuff. Dig up my earth worms... full of plastic and sick looking.

There are videos from China of cattle walking in precise "ovals" and cannot be persuaded otherwise. Possible hoax.

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I’ve read that it’s the nano making animals run in circles/ovals. There is video.

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The Internet of things as The murderer bill Gates said these are self assembling and we just need to mess around with them

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He said that?

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Yes, I recorded his speech as evidence, when needed...

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I was slow to come to the enlightened party. My first awareness was around mid 21, Quinta la Columna, Ricardo Delgado. Since then I am stunned at Ana’s work and diligence. The problem is that if I slip any of it into a conversation, I am mocked, laughed at. If I refer them to the evidence, they just ignore me. I would be better off talking to a tree in my local woodland, I would get more sense out of it. I have a question though, about sources of "vaccines" that are scrutinised. Where are they obtained from, and could a defense not be posited that a chain of custody has been corrupted in some way 🤔

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Dr Ana is currently an expert witness in a Swiss legal action involving this topic. If the attorney for the plaintiff has any integrity her work would’ve been tested against such scrutiny at an investigative level.

These images have been coming out of labs run by scientists and medical doctors around the world, not connected with or to each other, some have been attacked, and La Quinta has lost a few from the team according to Delgado. Blood, organs and tissue samples are transported everyday, everywhere. Time to decide who you trust.

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I got the same problems as far as "alone in the wilderness". It's a shame when you know you're the only sane person. Perhaps someone should start a dating website for "nanotech shrieking banshees."

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The Gates of hell.

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Remek! Akkor indulhat a Kill Bill bűnügyi eljárása.

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Yes I have the comments all printed off and laminated so there’s no misinformation from Fakebook

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I think so.

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God- it’s frightening to see it appear exactly like a circuit board.

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I'm freaking out. While skiing, I broke my collarbone. The surgeon wants to put a plate in. It's not a simple break. He thinks that I could maaaaybe avoid surgery, but that it would take at least 6 months to heal. I have a surgery scheduled in a couple of weeks, which will require general anesthesia, and a possible stay in hospital of up to a week. I have no idea what might be lurking in any of the injections I'll no doubt receive. The chance of infection and general issues that might result make me extremely anxious. Apparently, this is the main anesthesia used in Japan https://pins.japic.or.jp/pdf/newPINS/00071301.pdf and this article discusses Japan's approach to surgery and anesthesia https://www.apsf.org/article/a-japanese-perspective-on-patient-safety/. This is made by Merck https://www.selleck.co.jp/products/sugammadex.html. Maybe I'll get a second opinion.

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That is an unfortunate situation to be in and one that could happen to any one of us. I have often thought of being is this type of situation as I have lymphoma. I, myself, have opted out of any medical intervention with an allopathic doctor unless it is with someone who I absolutely trust and one with whom I know understands this technology. Typically, doctors do not have the first clue of what nanotechnology even is. Same with dentists. And even if they do, they are most likely subservient to the medical, dental, and pharmaceutical industrial complexes and will not speak up for their patients.

Case in point...recently I went to the dentist just to get my teeth cleaned. It turned into a whole, big thing when I politely refused to get a panoramic X-ray because I didn't want my entire head to be radiated with EMF's when there was no dental indication for it, and ended with me having to sign a form to deny it. It wasn't good enough for me to just say "no, thank you."

I would not want any sort of "plate" put into my body. I have read horrific stories from people who have gotten such things as dental implants. A plate implies that it is made of metal, but I suppose they could be made of other materials, like maybe polymer hydrogels?

I don't trust anything the medical system does anymore. I trust my own immune system and its amazing ability to heal itself.

I don't know if I have been helpful here, and it probably isn't what you wanted to hear, but if it were me, I would think seriously before doing something that may not be able to be undone. I can think of a lot worse things than having a broken collar bone that will heal on its own. Give it some time before jumping into making any sort of "pressurized" decision.

I have come to the conclusion that going to the doctor for help is no longer a healthy or safe option like it used to be.

Here is a way you can gauge where a doctor stands. Simply ask them how they feel about the C-19 injections. How they answer that question will tell you everything you need to know.

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I swear I got some teeth pulled and something's been growing above it ever since. Thought it was a brain tumor until I realized the likely cause.

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I have two lumps under the skin, one about the size of a dime right in front of my right earlobe and one smaller one behind the same earlobe that I think are mesogens. I don't think they are lymph nodes. I know what lymph nodes feel like. Lymph nodes are squishy and movable. These lumps are hard and immovable.

I made two appointments with my dermatologist, who is about the only doctor I can somewhat trust, but both times I cancelled the appointments because I know that there is no point in me going there. I am not going to allow him to do anything such as a biopsy or any further treatment. So, now I just live with them and hope that they will go away on their own.

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I have managed to clean my blood and body from "most" of my contamination using an ionic foot bath machine. Ionic foot bath uses electrolysis and shoots current through your body. Magnetic nano particles are sucked out the pores of your feet. It makes a big bucket of nanotech goo, which is easily dried and examined under microscope for relative "bot load". Almost like it was custom made for the task. You can buy it on Amazon.

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Jó a kérdés. Jó ötlet a rákérdezés. De van-e alternativ lehetősége az orvosnak, a fogorvosnak?

Oltáskritikus mozgalmunknak, társaságunknak van egy fogorvos tagja is.

E substack-ről tudjuk, hogy több fogorvosi érzéstelenítő is tartalmaz grafént, stb.

Azonban ez az orvos határozottan letagadja, elutasítja ezt, talán üzleti megfontolásból(?), de ezzel bizalmunkat éppen saját maga felé játsza el. :-(

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A paciens szempontjabol lenyegtelen hogy van e mas lehetosege az orvosnak.

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If your break will be at least 2 weeks in the healing then they will have to rebreak (unless) there was quite a distance between in the break . I would get a good look at the imaging / x-rays and go over it with a 2nd opinion Dr. K2, D3, Magnesium , good choice of calcium , and bone knit (comfrey) can really speed along healing a break . I might also consult an energy healer.

Explore your options quickly

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All similar thoughts to me. Thank you all for sharing. It's a complex break, to be sure. Though, I'm hoping to get a 2nd opinion soon. I feel similar about trusting my body to heal itself, even in this situation. Sure, it might take longer, but I'd rather wait and see before having surgery. It scares the crap out of me. Especially these days. There are too many possible negatives that are irreversible. Even if it means having the bone rebroken, I'd rather wait. Seems the chance that a surgeon might not recommend surgery, when that is what they do...is slim, no? And since I already had a lumpy collarbone, from breaking it as a kid, I don't suppose it would bother me if it were going to be lumpy again. Am taking all these things supplements, plus applying dmso, clo2, castor oil, arnica, etc. onto to site of injury. Plus, I've just been sitting on the couch bathing my collarbone in meditative light. Imagining my bone being already healed. It can't hurt, at least, to do this.

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psd, look into what treatments were given many years ago before the medical industry started putting plates into people. Most likely it will heal on it's own.

My wife broke her wrist seriously about 3 years back and the surgeon never even discussed her options, i.e., a titanium plate or not, he just inserted one and today it has limited her ability to use her right hand and she can feel it constantly. It's not a major detriment but if we'd been informed of the options she would have declined. I thought way too late, "how were broken wrists treated 30 years ago?' Just a plaster cast.

I'm reading A Midwest Doctor's substack on DMSO and recommend checking it out. Good luck.

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I am supposed to have dental work done which I am not doing because I refuse to have lidocaine injected. I no longer trust the medical community with anything. Not even as much as a test.

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good day ana, i have an idea and some basic testing i have done on myself in which i hope to talk to you about directly. please get a hold of me if and when you have some time. iride161@protonmail.com the name is devo. i've been involved in health for over 30 years as a career chef. since the covid-CONN i've been making a LOT of tea w/ stinging nettles/ mulberry leaf green tea and chewing nicotine gum ,... just for starters so you know where i'm coming from. also have a recipe for hyperoxiginated water that most ppl could do quite easily in their own home. would like to see if someone who does live blood analysis to see if my hypothesis is correct concerning the gas exchange job of the red blood cell. thnx sooo much for your time and energies. peace to the path.

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As far as i know, being subscribed to her substack for more than 1.5yrs , she never reads comments/replies to her posts being too busy w/ jer job, activism & all.So maybe you should consider another way of reaching her .Just a thought ..

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oh, ok.... thnx for the heads up. namast'e

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Thank you, Dr. Ana, you are my hero.

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Isn't this a "first"? In Dr. Ana's pics, she describes the spheres one day, and then shows how by the next day, the spheres have all disappeared, and been apparently replaced by the network-looking designs, which probably are true nano-electronic networks in the making.

As Dr. Ana has reminded us repeatedly, this is progressing faster and faster. And of course she is featuring the very latest "vaccine", the 2024-25 influenza jab.

And in her recent dialogue with Sansone, she reminds us that not only is detoxing important, but it is worth repeating DAILY, that we need to stay off our devices. Maybe we should do what she has suggested many times--just get rid of them. Period. If I understand this correctly, if they cannot access you via your SmartPhone, or wireless computer, then you are somewhat safe, or maybe almost safe.

So, detox, ditch devices, earth, eat cilantro as often as possible, and practice loving kindness as often as possible. Thanks to Dr. Ana once more!

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Why the ‘cilantro’?

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I've read that cilantro chelates heavy metals.

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Thank you. You are so cool.

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Dr. Mihalcea's books seem very very interesting! I also recommend Cyrus Parsa's book!

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Looks like the work from Neo - that's where I saw it first.

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Thanks Ana for this important information.

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Dr. Mihalcea, do you have any guesses as to what their reasons are for injecting the circuits into people? It is obvious they wish to cause harm and death but, that does not require self-assembling and replicating electronics to achieve that.

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Mind control. Hive mind. Is it live, or is it Memorex?

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Energy harvesting, surveillance and/or mind control.

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Frightening......thanks Anna so much for your work..

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The name of this vax is "Afluria" as in "a flurry of bots".

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