Thank You For All That You Are Doing For Humanity and For Freedom...God Bless You

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I want to thank you for all your work on this bioweapon. The shedding was and is a main concern to me. I could never find any information on it. I'm thrilled to know there is something I can do. Is there any information on how or when it is shed from another? Any way to avoid it? Other than the obvious. It isn't always possible to isolate from the vaxed. Although it may be something that should be seriously considered at some point soon. I guess that depends on what the near future brings. Again. Thank You!

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

@15m25s... these nano materials are not shedding. Morgellons is when some peoples metabolism reacts against the nano and tries to expel it. That's the only instance where nanotech sheds. However, this is quite rare, and as the tech has become more and more advanced it has become even rarer still. The nano is not systematically jumping from one human to another.

The reason the non-vaxxed are infested by nano is because these fibres are in the chemtrails as well. See Sofia Smallstorm video from 2009 and 2012 which clearly shows that this is happening... https://www.aboutthesky.com/aboutthesky/pseudo-life-series

Also Kristen Meghan, Former Air Force Officer Turned Chemtrail, Geoengineering Whistleblower... https://www.bitchute.com/video/btVRfCSMMe1v/

The reason the nano is so prolific in the vaxxed is because the payload in the vaccines is highly concentrated. The reason the nano is so prolific in the non-vaxxed is because they have been spraying everyone (geoengineered) with nanotech since 1991 - so for at least 32 years!

Refusing to take the monkeypox vaccine may not be enough - because these are frequency weapons. The nanotech is only one component of a multi faceted weapons system. You could be killed by either the hardware (nano) or the EMF (5G).

Monkeypox and 5G... https://anitabaxasmd.substack.com/p/5g-graphene-covid-and-monkeypox-symptoms

The nano is designed to connect everyone's WBAN to military level A.I. Quantum Computers. The vaxxed are not shedding, they are transmitting.

Most peoples immune systems won't be able to process these toxic materials and they will die, and their deaths will be blamed on COVID, or monkeypox, or whatever they think of next. However, some people will be able to adjust and survive, just as some Targeted Individuals have survived the 40 year long system beta-testing phase. The same thing happened in 1918 when millions of people died during the 'electrification of the earth' project which the authorities later dubbed the Spanish Flu Epidemic.

The 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic happened just after the global introduction of radiation wave technology (radio waves). Why are the same families and institutions who controlled the Radio Wave narrative after the Spanish Flu pandemic also controlling the 5G narrative? https://open.lbry.com/@psychoNWO:9/Covid-19...-5G...-Spanish-Flu---The-Usual-Suspects:9?r=DGkLp8wHymQsGq3i2kx7DJRKKmCesvUd

Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. Discusses the link between viral epidemics and the development of electro-magnetic technologies going back to 1917... https://open.lbry.com/@psychoNWO:9/ΚΟΡΩΝΟΪΟΣ-ΚΑΙ-5G--Ομιλία-του-Dr.-Thomas-Cowan-που-έγινε-στην-“Health-And-Human-Rights-Summit”-στην-T:e?r=DGkLp8wHymQsGq3i2kx7DJRKKmCesvUd

FM8 and Cherie - 21st Century Diseases are a Program... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Tony%2C-FM8-and-Cherie:b?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

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I'm wondering if there's a way to gather the materials using directed energy to force a coagulation and then make an incision to extract the clots. I don't know how fast they assemble, but if they can be found ahead of time as well, and then removed, that might be a good option to get rid of a bunch of the material. But since the vaccine was meant to create little factories that keep producing the spike, then we may need something more drastic to blow up those factories or "pour sand in the gears".

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The fibres are magnetic. So if you wore a strong magnet on the site of inflammation overnight before making an incision, you would get more of the shit out. GO acts exactly like ferrofluid. I imagine this procedure in the future will involve magnets and then something like a fishhook carefully placed directly into the polymer, and then yoink out as much of the dirty scampi clot as possible. The hook itself should probably be a magnet too.

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I came across this article that stated thousands, or 56% of participants in a mud swimming competition got 'infected' and sick with skin infections/afflictions & digestive issues in 2022. Now, the event has been held since 2010 with no such issues. So what changed? Was it the water from a hydrant, previously used, to make the mud? Did one participant 'mud' the mud pool? Or were 56q of partipsbts succeptible to the bacteria thars common in ponds & soil, because they were vaxed & boosted?

IMO, doctors are not going to be able to determine the cause and treatment and a lot of misdiagnoses will be made for many illnesses & drug side effects that are in fact caused by the effects of the Covid vaccines. Which means people are going to suffer needlessly & senselessly because the medical establishment will not admit the Covid vaccines (and other many upcoming new 'vaccines' MPox') are anything but safe and effective and can indeed cause the 1200 or side effects, aka symptoms of poisoning/injection of toxic vaccines as listed in Pfizer's paperwork. How many illnesses & diseases with various fancy names prior to 2020 were due to the injection into the body of toxic vaccines? Many. There are books in the subject, a few written in the 1800's. The problem now is exponentially worse due to the Covid vaccines and it will only be worsened by new supposed mRNA drugs, and by reduced graphene oxide & graphene hydroxide adulterants in drugs, food, supplements and the air we breath. Doctors will continue to diagnose patients with viral infections such as pneumonia and the flu when in fact their lungs are being negatively affected from within by previously consumed or injected toxins that affect the blood and its flow. We've learned from the Covid vaccines that side effects, or better, consequences, can take hours, days, weeks, months, even years to materialize. When a vaccinated victim gets say MS or dies of myocarditis 3 years post vaccination, vaccines are never suspected or blamed by Allopathic doctors, but instead, the link is denied. All of mankind has been poisoned by various drugs, and it's population is declining. This should scare the hell out of everyone.


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Ana you are now by far the biggest expert on this is the world. We need a standardised detoxification protocol. We need to get all the microscopists to contribute to a huge data set on detoxification protocols to figure out what works best. I believe there are thousands of us out there that can now perform our own blood smears and follow the guidelines you set to find the best solution for humanity. There is a one size fits all detox solution for this and we must find it together with you as our leader.

Below is all the stuff that the cure will most likely be compromised of, based on my years of research. Humanity’s cure lies in the right combination and protocol of some of these products below, and that is the conundrum we must solve, and through trial and error with red blood cell monitoring we can figure it out.

Calcium EDTA

Methylene blue

Vitamin C

Vitamin D




Calcium Bentonite Clay


Zeolite Clinoptilolite specifically

Sea salt

Bicarbonate of soda

Eucalyptus oil

Oregano Oil

Castor oil


Curcumin (turmeric)



Mud baths

Foot spa/detox

Green organic smoothies

Orgone emf blockers

Faraday cages/boxes/protection work 100% to prevent Self-assembly 🔥 this is huge.

I’m no expert like you, but has anyone actually tried out most or all of the above? I’d happily be the Guinea pig if you want to suggest a protocol. I’ve had a magnetic shoulder thanks to a dental shot 2.5 years ago.

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Thanks for all your work. Much appreciated.

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In the interest of accuracy, there is no "covid 19" virus. Covid 19 is just a list of symptom that has

been attributed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Whether there is a SARS-CoV-2 virus is another question.

The "viruses" seem to come along about every 4 yrs in time for election season.

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"By 2030, Smartphones Will Not Exist, Technology ‘Built Directly Into Our Bodies’".

-- Pekka Lundmark, Nokia CEO, Davos 2022.


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Thank You Dr. Ana for all your hard work! Yes, it is puzzling all these people still talking about the mRNA Spike Proteins and giving remedies for them. How many of them are bought out or mind-controlled.

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