Are they using weather as warfare against states that might not elect demoRats ?

I ask spellcheck....

Is spellcheck warfare?

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You are right, IMHO!

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They’re using weather warfare to obtain the Lithium that’s abundant in those areas. They were literally bulldozing the land without retrieving the bodies stuck within the mud in order to fast-track building their factories. They used the excuse of war in Gaza to obtain access to the oil basin. It’s disgusting.

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Since Sunday, I have been observing the doppler weather radar for signs of HAARP activity, and I can tell you that I have learned much about their hurricane machine. It's looks like it doesn't need to beam energy anymore, the storm is spun up to the max with max energy and moisture. It's quite an achievement. Bet those HAARP guys are really slapping themselves on the backs tonight. It's just like the nanobots: If you look for it, you will see it.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

So for the last few hours I've been observing the beam coming off Key West toward the south side of the hurricane. Looks like it spins it up while corralling it toward Florida. My guess is this storm would have spun off to the south toward Yucatan or Cuba without the HAARP machine, probably it would have never formed at all.

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All they have to do is configure low and high pressure areas (domes), via heating and cooling techniques (EMF, cloud seeding etc) to steer and create weather anomalies.

Giga Watt transmitters working as an array can do this easily, by radiating the ionosphere with high powered emfs, aka HAARP, Nexrad, and other land based stations.

Low orbital satellites feed temp data back to the AI systems for adjustment.



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Looks like they messed up! The storm has too much momentum to the east, it's gonna miss Tampa. I'm waiting for a magnetic bomb signature to come off the HAARP: barge, located 100 miles or so off Tampa, to bring the storm back on course!

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Even more reason for us to keep the quartz in our bodies crystal clear - so we can tap into our raw piezoelectric power, rather than being used as an antenna for someone else's agenda.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

I wonder if humans have been downgraded from crystalline to carbon?(junk dna does not exist)Turns out from my research Quartz is unique like graphene,probably much more so as I have not read anything else about the quartz mines.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Crystal_Properties

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All the News are lies & all the news of "donations" to other countries are lies to make nations against each other !!

The enemy against us " all " is the "Committee of 300" & the head of the committee of 300 is the Queen & King of the " Crown in England !

Queen & King of the Crown in England is the head of the Committee of 300 leading the enslavement, genocide , theft against humanity to own all the Earth & it is the continuation of the Imperialism colonised invasions against humanity using the technology this time !


All presidents & governments around the Earth are " Satanic Freemasons" participating in theatre fictional story that there is governments to sedate & to mislead the people around the Earth inorder to hide the main reasons for those declared wars & declared mandates which is to genocide the people in each country by their "own governments" like Bolshevik genocide & like the genocide happened in Cambodia by Pol Pot & like all the genocides happened in the last 300 years "at least" all done by infiltration of Satanic Freemasons (Nazi or called Zionists ) in every ( governments , religious leaders , Health system , banks , police , secret agencies , military etc ) around the Earth ... their loyalty to the Head of the Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of 300 which is the Queen & King of the Crown Parasites in England the head of the colonised Imperialism invasions against humanity for centuries!

X disease means "Crucifixion culling sign" to crucify humanity by the Pirates of the Crown in England !

Amazingly the Queen & King of imperialism colonised invasions for the Crown in England are also the "Patron" for the "British Red Cross" since "1870" to inject the victims of their planned wars what they wish from poison medications for secret depopulation agenda & child trafficking under cover of humanitarian aid !


Watch This singer supported by the Crown in England & this song the "History Repeating" is released in 1997 before 9/11 / 2001


The singer showing the teeth of a predator wild Animal in Jungle because the New 'world Order is the law of Jungle opposite to what they announced the NWO ....

In this song "There is something evolving & it is keep revolving & the revolution is near & to me is quite clear that all just little bit " History Repeating" ! "

This is the story of the One World Government of Piracy (Crown in England ) Head of imperialism & colonised invasions for centuries until now to rape & to enslave humanity to steal all the wealth with invasions & this time the Crown in England evolving as they stole the technology since the start of the Royal society in 1600 & they were "Evolving" & "Revolving "around the Earth with infiltration & it is quite clear it is a " Revolution" of the Crown in England against humanity as they stole the technology & they infiltrated every government on "Earth" with their secret armies of Satanic Freemasonry & it is "just a little bit History Repeating of the "colonised invasions for the Crown in England "while this time it is "different" using " Silent weapons for Quiet Wars " as they stole the technology to enslave humanity secretly , to hack people brains since 1920 , to control every government around the Earth with synthetic telepathy subconsciously & consciously using V2K communication with the governments to mislead the people with wars & with mandates for fake pandemics & to target the people with directed energy attacks inorder to genocide the people around the Earth !

They show you the BBC podcast team are barbies sexual creatures to distract the audience with their sexual barbie looks !


King & Queen in England is the Head of Satanic Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of 300 controlling every government & aspect of life to genocide , to rape & to steal everything from every human on Earth & they are Death Cult & Sex Cult & they are the Head of the Skull & Bones secret society!

They already hacked our brains secretly by impregnated our bodies with these nano technology at least since 1920s in water we are drinking , in air we are breathing through the chem-trails spraying , in the injections through the first infant vaccines in history & in any injections & medicine including the dental anaesthetic injections all loaded with hydrogel , graphene , nano smart dust to connect us to the satellites ( clouds ) & to the Pirates of the Crown Military Industrial Complex "supercomputer 666" & to control the people brains globally with synthetic telepathy to the subconscious mind by sending synthetic thoughts to make the people feel & think negative against themselves to accept certain agenda or to suicide or to feel & to think negative against each other to kill each other for secret depopulation for the Crown in England ..

They hacked our brains via satellites that they see through walls , They see what we see and They hear what we hear & they read the mind !

There is no virus as germ in human history..

They did not isolate any virus in human history !

The infant vaccines is to inject us the nano smart dust , hydrogel to connect us to the satellites via the free energy technology to hack our brains secretly & record all our lives what we see , what we hear and what we say inside our houses !

"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ..Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the "Poison " !

Means Corona Virus is " Crown Poison" against humanity

The genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison "either with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning ) & with "bioweapons injections" using the poisons as venom " snake venom, other poison , & by poisoning the people mind with "Fake News " & with synthetic telepathy ( synthetic thoughts ) beamed via satellites to make nation against nation for depopulation & to make the people think & feel negative against themselves or against others for silent secret depopulation !

Since 1600 the British Crown controlling the science to get more power over humanity to enslave & to steal all the Earth ..

See Royal society !

1) https://royalsociety.org/about-us/who-we-are/history/

2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Society

This is how the British Crown they controlled the science & they stole the science including the Electromagnetic Technology , Free Energy Technology & others science to attack humanity secretly with Directed Energy Electromagnetic Field technology ..

Infiltration of Freemasonry to every governments & to every religious leaders around the Earth



Freemasonry & Satanism is freedom of morality !

This is " The Monarch Pox " to Rape & to Kill humanity to Steal all the Earth !

World Economic Forum is led by " K " Charles III & he is talking about cutting the emission of the CO2 & we need martial law to do that !

Watch !


This means this is announcement to kill humans on Earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe !

CO2 is not dangerous & this is a lie & deception !

We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity!


Happer explains CO2 is life gas & we have very little CO2 in our environment now !


This One World Government Piracy against every human on Earth regardless what religion they are on and what race !

1) Trump Rolled out 5G & it is military weapon against the people in USA to make the people have short life span & to have cancer in the next 5 years !

Read his speech rolling out 5 G against the people in USA in 2019 in (Roosevelt Room)


Why Trump his speech was in ( Roosevelt Room ) because this is a signal that Trump following the path of "Franklin Roosevelt" (the traitor) as F. Roosevelt drafted Declaration for the "United Nations" with Churchill ( Crown in England) in 1941 & also Roosevelt in 1933 forced the people in USA to give up their gold to the government !

Means Trump like Franklin Roosevelt slave to the Head of the One World Government of Piracy ( Crown in England ) Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity secretly to own all the wealth & to own all the Earth!

2) Trump rolled out the death bio-weapons injections called vaccines against the people in USA !

Millions are dead or disabled for life because of these injections


Who created the United Nations to fool the world is the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 and their Committee of 300 members including Churchill & the Presidents including Franklin Roosevelt working for their secret genocide agenda against humanity to steal all the wealth on earth and to steal all the earth while enslaving humanity with the technology they stole since 1600

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https://rense.com/general79/among.htm skunk works " ben rich " we can already travel among the stars.... they dont have to do anything like this ,,,,their technology is light years beyond this .... good God help us all return/ turn to goodness truth and lovd

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Yes. Zero point energy. There's a reason why they scarfed up Tesla's personal papers after he died. And then we back-engineered some interesting things, but all was taken dark. Here's what Ben Rich, former head of Lockheed's Skunk Works, had to say -- https://www.geekslop.com/life/strange/strange-news/2013/skunk-works-director-technology-et-alien-esp-star-travel

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philadelphia experiment lead to c e r n... tesla became a recluse after causing the tunguska explosions... because his tech is simple 19 century tech ,,, they decided to make einstein physics and quantum and nucular phisics to hide tesala tech... bruce cathie discovered a lot too not all acurate

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Why is reality and truth so depressing?

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Because the ones in charge are psychopaths who hate humanity!!

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Because we have all around us slaves that protect they master! 99% of people trust television more than their own eyes!

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Dr. Mihalcea, are you familiar with using diatomaceous earth (DE) as a heavy metal detox? How does it compare with EDTA. Does EDTA + Vitamin C ACTUALLY remove nano particles from our bodies? Thanks for all you do- you are a hero. Sorry if off topic -Jerry

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She does not answer these comments anymore but the chemical composition of DE usually comprises 80% to 90% silica, 2% to 4% alumina minerals, and 0.5% to 2% iron oxide.

Since silica and aluminum are part of the building blocks of the nanotechnology, I personally would not recommend taking it anymore. Plus no one has shown it works as well as EDTA and Vitamin C.

And I dont understand your other question.... EDTA forms metal chelate complexes with the metals it binds with and they are filtered out by your kidneys and you urinate them out.

And if you keep taking EDTA and Vitamin C correctly, Yes it will remove at least some nanoparticles from your body.

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Thanks for answering. I appreciate it.

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I don't think she has the time to monitor the thread.

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Ask for Gods’ mercy in this time and ask Him to reveal Himself. Satan is a liar and brings doubt, disgust, evil and hate into the world. Even if the plan is nefarious- God is present still.

Ask and pray🙏

God bless you all.

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You are correct

All the plans of the evil ones will eventually fail, their destination is rather warm. We are in the final war, & God wins. Do not let fear over take , stand firm in the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Draw near to God, stay alert, pray always.

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"The human body is being used for data transfer as well. No cables needed."

Right, because of the human biofield (aura) they have hijacked:




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Is our Aura our soul?https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Anti-Soul_Agenda

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I don't think so.

But do you know the weight of the soul?

~57:25: "Consciousness leaves..." Dr. Klaus Volkamer proved that after you fall asleep your body loses about a pound of weight, which comes back as soon as you wake up.

"Das Gewicht der Seele und die Erforschung der „Feinstofflichkeit" | Dr. Klaus Volkamer im Gespräch" - https://youtube.com/watch?v=vTKO4YCugZM


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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Great video,thanks.I'm really fast in the astral,about a month ago a tall white (Reptilian)threatened to kill me.I was not worried,he could not catch me,then I woke up.Couple of weeks later I'm back there.It was dark but there was a light,reminded me of like a salt lamp.There was a woman in that light motioning me to walk her way when suddenly something grabbed me by the back of the neck and forced me down over a table or something and was squeezing really hard pinning me down.i told the woman call the police (Hahaha) although there was no panic,no fear.Since both my arms were still free I thought about backhanding it but I don't remember doing that just thinking it.Then I woke up mad at myself for not doing that but perhaps I did.I was ambushed,whole thing took maybe 15-20 seconds.About a day after that I started having shoulder and neck pain which got pretty bad.I actually wanted to go back there just so I could fight that SOB.I have rethought that since then.It does not matter what you believe,when you die your soul has to leave your body and once the silver cord is severed you can't go back.I would venture there's not many that would want to come back to this prison planet.What is a human soul,this is taken from Alfred Lambremont Webre's book, emergence of the omniverse.The question,how can we achieve our role as divine co-creators with source?Answer,by understanding,acknowledging and accepting that our individual souls are,as a matter of replicable scientific empirical evidence,holographic fragments of source(God)That holographically the whole of source(God)is contained in each of our holographic souls and that as incarnate souls we are de facto divine co-creators with source.Our map of the omniverse explores the prima facie evidence for the dimensional ecology of the intelligent civilizations of souls.(Soul) is defined here as meaning an individuated,non local,conscious,intelligent entity that is based in the interlife dimensions and that is a holographic fragment of the original source or creator of the spiritual dimensions of the omniverse.This empirical evidence for the existence of souls is derived from a replica database of more than 7,000 cases of hypnotic regression of soul memories of the interlife,developed according to a standard protocol.Replicable data report that souls are created in a process that results in a soul as a holographic "egg of light" drawn from the original source.What was it JZ knight said about a ball of light.I just watched that video about a week ago,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00iCAa0XYR8.There's also Anita Moorji video called dying to be me,you can look it up if you want to.Another video I really liked.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jgXZZ5wtnU.

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I guess I ran past the limit,post them here.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00iCAa0XYR8.That was JZ knight being interviewed by the dark journalist and the other one that did not post I can't remember

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God is in charge of His creation and will allow only so much. He wants His people to love him out of free will. Pray please and have hope🙏❤️

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Also see https://stopdigitalid.info/


They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 


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Well... We won't have to worry about being technocratic slaves much longer. All this technology will pass away, right along with every living organism on the planet. Geoengineering chemical residues have destroyed well over 70% of insect, bird, and amphibian populations. No wildlife = No more humans. Pretty simple equation...

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Glyphosates are found in air samples all over, far from farms at levels toxic enough to insects & negatively affect small animals.

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I hope you're wrong anyways.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10


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And so is our earth a living being and is also under attack.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Crystal_Core

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"I took Replicon down: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replicon_(genetics)

I was not without a price. Whenever they wander far from parameters I have already inoculated then I have to pay a "toll" or suffer injury to authorize my gene editing. https://www.rcsb.org/experimental/8YF6

It is a stretch for you to visualize that The Sons of Cain are the Sons of God. Jesus was both a Son of God and a Son of Man. Me too. That is to say my mother was the vestal virgin in the Lodge, and that even vestal virgins get pregnant the same way as other women.

Skipping all the Bible misinterpretation, Lets just say the Sign of Cain is the Orobouris. The self-perpetuation of a dragon devouring its own tail. That is appropriate because Replicon was engineered to be exponentially reproductive. 2 makes 4 and 4 makes 8... It was also designed to devour all electrical/chi/life energy to complete depletion. It was set up so that when the Replicon population reached critical mass it was going to leach the life out of the entire planet earth within twenty-five minutes. Complete extinction of all life.

First let me show you the spectrum of Dragon Genome in mine. https://drive.google.com/file/d/17mY5EDLH233Qr0HjP-itU3TwfsQxfvh0/view?usp=sharing

Fill in some details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_eSnZ5xIEPHQ2t0UB8XcB0iVxQb2WuPv/view?usp=sharing

Talk about the best of intentions! The Science is quite dead - it died when they told the Control Group to get the "real" vaccine... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TnszdPCNomKh3oMwuzThC0i0PctQOB0-/view?usp=sharing

No control, no science. That is extreme when a hero has to jump timelines to save us all.


You may remember the dodecahedron from my natural COVID Vaccine: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18ALgZ6508zmIDVobtQxXUvh3R0WM-BYf/view?usp=sharing


Last time I stoned God He gave me control of the weather.

More explanation by link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/134PUKy29RzZHmNqa4AAk4wYSTq_E5kAl/view?usp=sharing




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Somewhat elusive of interpretation, but if one were to take the various allusions to 'vestal virgins,' 'dodecahedron.' and 'jumping timelines.' one is forced to suppose you are claiming either descendance or direct 're-incarnation' from Elagabalus... aka Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus?

The past four years of complete societal madness, as postscript to the bizarre reign of the black hermaphrodite and phony pharaoh Soetoro 1, aka Barack Dunham, Hussein Obama, etc., leaves the observer necessarily open to any and all possibilities, no matter how improbable.

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Like inverting cause and effect simulateously. The syllables in Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus have big meaning to me, many of which are in my family bible. So my guess is Yes. I believe that Jesus' biological dad was Archelaus HEROD but you suggest Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus stepped in? Or more like, slept in?

It is Mariamne that has caught my interest. She was raised inside the Temple and is therefore mother to a priest, by carrying him to term in the Temple. Jesus was born a priest. (David Radius HUDSON at the Ramtha School - YouTube). Ancient Alchemy.

The inversion of cause and effect is the empathy to harbor the lethal Replicon and while under the delirium of a 104° temperature perform the gene editing by remote viewing. My Dragon Gene overriding. Replicon will remaine very lethal to those who roll up their sleeves but you can never tell with transhumans, if they are actually dead or not.

That is something Dr Ana seems to neglect. Maybe not. She does seem constantly amazed that the blood conditions of patients walking in can support consciousness alone, much less driving to her office and carrying on conversations. This monster required two nights of 104° fever and a careful review of my heritage and destiny to save life on earth.



But don't worry. I should be doing windsprints by mid-afternoon! Very cleansing...

P.S. They are taking their Replicon (eternal life spoof) way too seriously! Within hours I was bombarded with theta and gamma nuclear radiation - in several slow pulses.



I would say, You can't make this stuff up. But that seems to be what I am doing. I would not believe it, this reaction, if I had not been expecting it. I took down Replicon so Japan is pulsing inverted Dragon genome to degrade our immune systems.

See the dead spot on my geiger counter display. That was from the initial pulse. You see it pulsing off and on. It seemed like they were tuning it for the first few pulses.


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What about the dodecahedron reference. I looked at the image, but couldn't make much of it. Care to expand?

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I invented the vaccine: the real vaccine, anyway.



I calculated the length of the protein scaffold from the outer diameter of the dodecahedron shaped capsid in order to calculate a good resonant frequency I could generate with my signal/sweep generator.


I invented "Waggle" too - which is to say, "tickling the capsid". By centering a sweep around the resonant frequency I convince the capsid it is within the living cytoplasm of a cell and it deconstructs to release the RNA.


Finding the phase conjugation dimple precisely where I calculated is very convincing. Likewise sparing the entire elderly community I was working in the middle of verified the vaccine worked well.


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Dragon protein,Dragon awakening,just type in dragon in the search box.The human body was designed as a replica of the universe.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Dragon_Awakening

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Yes, Yes and Yes! All of the above Dr Ana!


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