This is the first moment in the history of our planet when any species, by its own voluntary actions, has become a danger to itself—as well as to vast numbers of others.

Truer words couldn’t be said!

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That makes it logic for AGI to eradicate all psychopaths who do not care about life on this planet. The vigilant with higher awareness, caring for the environment, looking for evident truth, are the ones needed to stay alive and prosper, in balanced numbers with nature!

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💯 agree! Very sad 🙂‍↕️

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While it's simple to recognize the genius of these overlapping technologies evolving into Bio-Digital Convergence, it's also impossible to express the depth of instinctive revulsion and repugnance of my soul belonging to the Holy Spirit. Imagine I'm not alone in experiencing a shrinking solar plexus with awareness of this evil to be a threat creating an Extinction Level Event of all organic life on Earth.

As a kid babysitting for neighbors in our community into the late night/early morning, was so appalled with the old 'Late Show' movies; 'The Island of Dr. Moreau' and 'S-s-s-s.' Is difficult to not shrink inside in knowing 'Science Fiction' of my lifetime pursued to be actual reality by delusional psychopaths.

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FuQ comments here

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💪👊 Here is found a delusional psychopath right out of the gate.

Praying for all the Demon Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals and Vampires as you. 🙏🏻

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All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

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5 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

I am always thankful to Dr. Ana for making sense of the madness since often times, it is as clear as mud!

Still, I am usually left with questions...

I thought it has been determined that there has been NO mRNA found in the "vaccines." Why then does it keep getting mentioned as if there is?

What am I missing?

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Someone can correct me if I am wrong and I'll appreciate the correction, since I'm not spending much of my time on this.

I believe I have read that some researchers did not find any mRNA in some of the alleged Covid-19 injection product vials, but that does not mean that mRNA does not exist. The concept of mRNA ("messenger ribonucleic acid") was taught to us in cell biology courses back in the early 1970s, if I remember correctly; and, if researchers can look for it in injection product vials, then it must be something that is real and not just from some researcher's imagination. If you don't have a current cell biology text handy, Look up "messenger RNA" in Wikipedia.

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I do understand that there is indeed mRNA in BIOLOGY (nature), and in the body, but it has not been found in the "vaccines" since no nitrogen or phosphorus (the "elements of life") was found. I think maybe I didn't make it clear in my above question though.

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I believe that mRNA has not been found in some alleged Covid-19 injection products; but, that does not mean that it has not been found in ALL alleged Covid-19 injection products.

Here's some interesting information which I gleaned from Karen Kingston which points to mRNA in the Covid-19 injection products:

Ed Paré: Malone was 37 years old when the following 1996 U.S. patent 5,580,589 was issued; and, curiously, he has not spoken about his role in this research. He's listed next to last out of 5 researchers and, from what I remember when I was publishing in the 80s, next to last is a fairly prominent position on scientific articles...sort of like the Wuhan "bat woman" being listed immediately before UNC's Ralph Baric on the 2015 Nature Medicine spike protein gain-of-funtion paper. I do not know whether the same holds true for patents.

U.S. Patent Office document:


This potential can of worms was opened by Karen Kingston, who appears to have been somewhat miffed by something Malone said, as she implies in the following video:

March 13, 2023

FOREIGN U.S. Biolabs EXPOSED! Russian General Igor Kirillov Cites Karen Kingston & Stew Peters!


Kingston at time = 19:41: "Yeah. Well, when you brought forward, and Dr. (Bryan) Ardis brought forward that there were snake venom peptides in the spike protein, that was true; and, it was confirmed by scientists out of the University of Pittsburgh, Germany, the Cedars-Sinai in LA. And the lung samples of people who died out of Lombardi, Italy...Europe's ground zero; and, they found there was cobra venom peptides and krait venom peptides, as well as glycoprotein 120 ( Ed Paré Note: I couldn't understand the next 5 or 6 syllables) in the spike protein. So, it is true."

"Now, the other thing that probably Dr Malone wants people to say, you know he's saying, "that's a crazy conspiracy theory" ( Paré Note: I assume Kingston means about the presence of venom in the people who died of the jabs), is because in his 1996 patent (5,580,859) for creating non-mammal DNA inside of mammals..inside of humans, him and his co-inventors used his cationic liposome lipidnanoparticle specifically to express toxic peptides, including cobra venom factor and ricin. So, it's in Dr. Malone's best interest; you know, if it was his idea and he patented the ability for this technology to convert human cells; because it also says you can use the mRNA to code cells in the tissue to produce the polypeptides for less than about 20 days and usually less than 10 days. So, he invented the technology that can convert human cells and program them to produce toxins such as cobra venom, it's in his best interest to call you and I a conspiracy theorist and discredit it; because that's his only chance at not being accused of being a biowarfare terrorist. He has to say what, everything that he's done, that he doesn't want people to know about, is a conspiracy theory. - Does that make sense?"

Peters: "Makes sense, yeah."

(Ed Paré Note: According to Dr. Bryan Ardis, various toxic venoms cause symptoms identical to the symptoms alleged to be indicative of the Covid-19 illness, including loss of taste and smell. Additionally, Ardis states that PCR tests will report these toxic venom peptides as a positive result for "Covid-19" 100 percent of the time.)

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Hey Kim. What is throwing you off, I believe, is that your not keeping track of those Dr. Anna may refer to in her posts for "limited and partial Reference" material. Most in academia and industry and elsewhere are still both wittingly and unwittingly refering to "mRNA" which has at least been proven to not exist so far as COVID Vaccines and other permutations. Hope this helps.

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LNPS for modRNA delivery are in 10 to the 15th power in number in a ml of "vaccine". They are small enough to go everywhere in your body and into every organ. They outnumber all the cells in a human body hence why widespead inflammation is being seen in bodies that have had post shot PET/CT scans. Researchers at UCSF said the bodies lit up like a Christmas tree.

Didn’t Bill Gates remark a number of years ago that if you want to know what happens with these shots in humans (guinea pigs) you have to wait three to five years

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 Why are the Replicon “vaccines” due to be released in Japan as early as next month (October 2024) worse than nuclear weapons?

Japan's plan to destroy the world.


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Including themselves? And, of course, the ignorant and pointlessly-destructive delusional psychopaths who will also suffer the same fate as they plan to inflict upon all other Life?

Mad Scientism-ists ought to stay in their corny old black and white movies and not attempt this sort of idiocy in RL...

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Actually, the article should have been titled "Japan is ready to commit suicide".

Since ~2008, the population of Japan has been decreasing by at least 700K per year.

Japan used to have a population of ~128million and they are now around 122-124 million in less than 2 decades.

Like many other countries that imposed mRNA nanomachines on their populations, their excess death since 2021 is very high. I believe they need the mRNA Replicon to knock their empire out of existence once and for all...

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I am a layman and therefore patently unqualified to make a value judgement on the conclusions with medical and scientific experts. Having said that, I wondered whether you had seen Sasha Latypova's dismissal of the "hysteria" concerning self-replicating "vaccines"? As I am sure you are aware, she is something of an expert on vaccines' manufacture and production. I (and, I imagine, many other subscribers to both your and Sasha's Substacks) would appreciate your reaction to her "nothing to see here" article.


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This is absolute bs! FDA did trials but canceled them in first stage due to killer results then they destroyed the data. Fda is corrupted

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Research FAERS for safe and effective lol, drugs.

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The creator of all things will soon intervene to stop his creation being destroyed.

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"Japans Self Amplifying mRNA Vaccine"

NOT a "vaccine".

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