Sep 24·edited Sep 24

I do not understand nor do I agree with the use of Methylene Blue as a potential antidote in vivo. First of all, there is no known natural existence of Methylene Blue in the human body (or of EDTA for that matter). Secondly, as if passing EDTA chelates through the kidneys is not harmful enough, the actions of Methylene Blue on the self-assembly nanoparticles would certainly cause MORE kidney problems.

While I appreciate the darkfield optical microscopy science presented by Dr. Ana Mihalcea, there is not so much consideration of the effects that these foreign substances would have when ingested and injected into the human body. I am reminded of the age old saying, "well the experiment was a success, but the patient died".

My point is clear. Find an antidote to the self-assembly nanoparticle BIOWEAPON that is not a large molecule which is not hard on kidney filtration and is not foreign to the human body.

I am not set up to do live blood analysis using darkfield optical microscopy. However, I have developed a simple and effective oral chelation protocol using food grade Potassium Iodide (KI). I have some published science reasons to believe that this protocol will decompose the nano-technology in vivo. I have on numerous occasions asked Dr.Ana to do the live blood analysis using Potassium Iodide to observe the effects (until I am blue in the face), but with no response. She keeps repeating experiments with the same EDTA/VitaminC and Methylene Blue. Dr. Ana Mihalcea either does not seem to understand that we are human beings infected with a BIOWEAPON and

NOT lab rats to be experimented on. We need an antidote which is SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!

If there is anyone out there reading this who is set up to do live blood analysis using darkfield optical microscopy, please try using Potassium Iodide (KI) and contact me with the results.

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I might receive our microscope this week, so will start investigations with my GP who is an internal medicine specialist. We'll look at KI.

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Thank You.

It is important to demonstrate using darkfield optical microscopy that KI is and effective ANTIDOTE to the self- assembling nanoparticles.

If this is true as I suspect, and there is also some published science which indicates this also, then proper use of oral chelation using food grade KI and pure distilled water should be efficacious in chelating the self-assembling nanoparticles and graphene oxides out of the body and restoring normal healthy homeostasis.

Live blood analysis using infected individuals would, of course, be the final test.

I have developed and have been using an oral chelation protocol for several years now with good results and no apparent problems in spite of my chronic UC and other chronic inflamatory conditions. It is because of the UC that I am especially cautious of my kidneys and feel that a chelator with the smallest molecule possible is best. KI is a simple ionic binary salt. It is comprised of one K+ and one I- Ion and dissolves readily in water. This solution sources a supply of Bipolar Ions which will be attracted to and bond with anything that exhibits a surface charge. Things like heavy metals, Respiratory Virions, etc. are neutralized safely and quite readily and will be filtered out of the blood and excreted by the kidneys and the liver.

The difficulty is that these Bipolar Ions will also bond with good minerals vitamins, etc. so it is important to ingest KI when the vitamin and minerals are low. This is why the oral KI Protocol requires no food for 6 hours before and 2 hours after any food and no liquids except pure distilled water during this 8 hour period. The point is to not use up the chelation properties of the Bipolar Ions on that minerals, vitamins, etc. which are not harmful.

Also, food grade Potassium Iodide a naturally occurring substance, is very inexpensive and not patentable, and therefore not profitable from the point of view of medical practitioners or even alternative practitioners.

I find it ironic that possibly the best nutritional protocol for neutralizing a BIOWEAPON which probably costs trillions of dollars to develop, have absolutely no $ profit value whatsoever.

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NanoBots in Everything, from Vaccines to Vinegar is a Misconception

"Lee and Broudy (2024) reported conspicuous microscopic objects in mRNA vaccines, which they interpreted as “nano-robots”. This is a misconception, because the wide range of different shapes can be readily explained in terms of self-assembling lipids (including cholesterol).....

It has long been known in the field of biophysics that all of the intriguing geometries described here by Lee and Broudy (2024) can emerge naturally from lipid preparations, as are used in the mRNA vaccinations in the form of lipid nanoparticles. The astonishing µm-sized architectures can be explained by a simple physical process called lipid self-assembly. Notably, lipids make up the bulk of the vaccine ingredients." researchgate.net/publication/383928431_…

Here is a paper from 1992, before commercial applications of nanotechnology began. And the photos in this study are strikingly similar to what Dr. Lee and Professor Brody presented… researchgate.net/publication/21633946_F…

Commercial applications didn’t begin until years after that paper was published.

“The early 2000s also saw the beginnings of commercial applications of nanotechnology, although these were limited to bulk applications of nanomaterials rather than the transformative applications envisioned by the field.” https://saudijournals.com/media/articles/SJEAT_66_143-151_FT.pdf#:~:text=The%20early%202000s%20also%20saw%20the%20beginnings%20of,than%20the%20transformative%20applications%20envisioned%20by%20the%20field.

No one needs a microscope to see a severely flawed argument.

Zeolite Clinoptilolite is an excellent detoxifying, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. As a result, it is been used in many applications ranging from environmental remediation to oral supplementation. In two studies with ZC, it’s been shown to help those with IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome). One was a small RCT that showed it also increased beneficial bacteria…


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Thank you for sharing this. Would terry naturally tri-iodine contain a high enough dose?

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Where will you be posting your testing results? Thanks!

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Lookoutfa charlie on youtube used a potasium iodide protocol he swore by and I would love to see Anna do a test using it, so, maybe she might see this and try it considering there are more than just one in the peanut gallery? Also, I would love to see her try testing with chlorine dioxide, ozonated oil, ozonated water, and pure ozone. These would be great possible tests, all human friendly. Another test, may be testing the blood of someone who used a zapper for (2)x 15 mins, @ 20 minutes apart. The Zapper of Bob Beck/Hulda Clark protocols. I also wonder about sodium ascorbate as opposed to ascorbic acid.

Agent131117's substack has research that sheds a very bad light on EDTA, ascorbic acid, and many "suppliments", and he makes a good case. I have also heard/read some sketchy methelene blue information somewhere. So, I am with you on hoping Anna tries some other "friendly" substances, (and zapper protocol) because like you, I don't have a microscope myself, but I am very interested in finding something thats not EDTA, or methelene blue, and that kills the invaders while giving me peace/ piece of mind. I have had a bottle of EDTA for a year, and I look at it every day, and can't bring myself to taking it, knowing the ingredients!

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

I am for anything and everything that will detox people from the microbots, etc. If it is natural, from nature, great. If it is cheap and available, great. If it does not do additional harm, great. Some things to remember-- poisons naturally exist in nature. Poisons are all different. A minute drop of some might kill you, yet a few drops of others might be medicinal (until the point where they become toxic). "Agent" does a lot of investigative work, but I don't always agree with his conclusions. He says vitamins are fake, but then he says you can get them from what you eat. I tend to think that chemically sourced vitamins are mostly inferior to nature-made, but you can't always consume enough fruit and veggies to get the quantity of vitamins you desire, plus it could get very expensive buying all that produce. He also does not seem to understand that in manufacturing vitamins, you often need nasty chemicals to get a base. Those nasty chemicals are not in the base. Finally, I am not on the positive side that you can rid your body of unnatural manufactured toxins just using what is available in nature. Sometimes, a little poison might be in order.

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And just eating organic foods these days is not enough. What about polluted rainwater? Soil degradation? An apple today is at least 25 times less nutritious than what our grandparents ate! I agree MOST supplements (especially from corporate chains) are crap or not ideal, but if they are sourced from real foods and purchased from your local organic market, it helps. I can't tell you how many times good supplements and herbal tinctures have saved me and my loved ones, I haven't been sick in years (knocking on wood).

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Organic doesn’t exist anymore. Agent shows the supermarket racks with ‘organic’ options to EDTA, well, they may be cleaner, in terms of hormones and pesticides, but nothing is completely natural anymore.

We are facing a situation where we need massive mechanical removal of tech gunk and also need precise chemical reactions for that, ideally with no damage to the body. EDTA chelations existed before our time and people lived longer lives with that, it’s also amply documented on many decades…

We are past chicken soup and clean tomatoes, it seams…

We buy everything labeled ‘organic’ because they are cleaner, that’s it… I’ve just dried beets labeled ‘organic’, do I believe they are? Not so much.

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We have to pick our battles and organic is on the spectrum from 1 ingredient that is organic (to get the silly label) to Amish organic. Even the latter is not perfect but we still have to eat right? I would be curious what Agent and Medicine girl eat, most likely supermarket food and occasional take out because it's convenient, I get it. They both shit on EDTA I thought? And I never heard of EDTA existing before us? What? Sorry, I will still never take EDTA. My blood is clean from other things I do and don't do, and EDTA and blue colored dyes do not jive with me. Exercise and extremely hot dry saunas get most poison out of me and/or kills the invaders.

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Mark, how do you know your blood is clean?

Just curious.

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Which reminds me to bless my food and water before eating or drinking.At the very least I have always expected whatever I take as nothing but good.

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Organic to me only means without the use of pesticides and herbicides, which is one thing that is helpful, every little bit helps.

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We can just hope that they are free of pesticides, herbicides or genetically altered.🙏

But with all staff they are doing to us, since decades, there is no pure food left on the earth.

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Real Organic soil is not only free from toxins, heavy metals, herbicides and persticides, but also has a proper variety and distribution of minerals and microorganisms.

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To me, its a pricey certification label, I used to have way more faith in it but now, local and natural is my priority... not bc I am some green fanatic tho.

C02 is good for us and good for the planet!!!!

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Yes growing real nutritious organic food is something that everyone must do in their own. Big Ag, business, FDA, USDA etc. can not be trusted to produce and license REAL ORGANIC FOOD. In fact, quite the opposite.

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Agreed,I read Agents substack and did a little research myself, So i'm posting this as I sip my meth blue and orange juice,https://drnealsmoller.com/rant/the-14-mega-corporations-that-own-your-supplement-brand/

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Read agent also and I agree about synthetic VITAMINS,of course there is some poison from the satanic corporations,they all have satanic logos,https://drnealsmoller.com/rant/the-14-mega-corporations-that-own-your-supplement-brand/

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Was sad to see Garden of Life and MegaFood sell out. Hopefully Dr Grouper of Global Healing and Mike Adams Health Ranger never will.

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I have some products from both global healing and mike Adams.I know about Garden of life obviously but never even heard of Megafood.Just got some real vitamin C,https://thesynergycompany.com/collections/shop-all/products/pure-radiance-c-4-oz-powder

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This is from 4 yrs ago and I ignored it(Mistake)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIvcSpjFcwg

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And a new one I just discovered from Natalie,quantum command.https://frequencyfoods.com/product/quantum-vitamin-c-120ct-capsules/

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I just checked her website, says she is on sabbatical that could last years. Wonder what that's about. If I didn't have loved ones that depended on me, I would totally check out myself.

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Do you know how they make it quantum? Do they use something similar to a Leela Infinity Bloc? https://leelaq.com/infinity-bloc/

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I agree, all of these approaches should be thoroughly investigated.

It is a shame that Dr.Ana Mihalcea is so stuck in her ways that she can not see past her laboratory training.

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You could try contacting Mike Adams of Brighteon ( Health Ranger). He has a good lab and does all sorts of testing

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FYI- Mike made it clear on a broadcast that he was not interested or had time in doing Lab Work on Nanotech. : (

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TBH I really dont like your whole comment and am having a hard time not just bashing your piece for your logical inconsistencies and intellectual shortcomings but Im trying to be nicer now because honey flies something something.

So let me just direct you to some research which allow you to realize that some of your assumptions are incorrect. EDTA passing through the kidneys is not in and of itself harmful, although if you have impaired kidney function then Yes, news flash, you should be very careful about Anything you take.

And why would you Assume she, a doctor treating thousands of Actual patients per year (many of whom are old people), has thought less about how EDTA would effect their Kidneys, than You?

And if you are willing to pay someone to do it for you, why not just buy your own darkfield microscope and show us how much better your theory is? I dunno, maybe it IS. Amscope has them starting at $300, which Im here to tell you is a hell of a lot cheaper than getting an analytical laboratory to run some tests for you.


And you think she does not understand humans are not lab rats and are infected with a bioweapon? What kind of fucking shit is that to say? Oh, Im being nice... what kind of question is that?

Just because You just figured out what is going on doesnt mean everyone else just did. Some of us have known this for 2 or 3 Years now and she has been giving EDTA to patients for Many years, since back when she was working at Panorama City.

Far longer than I have taken it but I myself have taken EDTA for around 18 months now and my wife has taken it for maybe 10-12, because I know we are in a biowar and Im not fucking around in the slightest in trying to cure it. Im not dead. Im not sick, in fact I feel better than ever, like most people would if they took Vitamin C and EDTA Correctly. You make a lot of incorrect assumptions though.

Here are some studies where they treat kidney disease with EDTA, that you Could have found and read yourself by putting "EDTA Kidney Disease" into any search engine though.






EDTA Is safe and effective, you just dont know that yet.

And like most people who dont know any better, you get fooled by these idiots like agentfucktard and the other people saying EDTA is poison. Its not and they are fucking stupid, cherrypicking random data while they help people Die Sooner. Fuck them.

I should just stop now, my niceness wore off but stop listening to them, everything they say is Bullshit.

Vitamin C and EDTA is Cheap and easy to take if you can follow basic instructions (?) and its not dangerous at All for most people with normal kidney function. If you had read some of those old studies Im not going to find for you, you would already know that some people took 27 GRAMS A DAY FOR MONTHS AND WERE FINE. Zero Deaths. TACT2 Trial, 55,000 EDTA Patients, hundreds of thousands of infusions, Zero Deaths. Stop being a pussy and Choose To Live. I can't do it all for you.


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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

He is right about the importance of our kidneys,his criticism of Dr Ana pissed me off also but also trying to be nice,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Kidneys,So after reading this, type in grounding mechanism and read that and start grounding.

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I have been taking potassium iodide since Fukushima (2011). But for decalcifying my pineal gland. I take EDTA and vitamin C in the Witching Hour. Methylene blue in the morning before eating. It makes my pee green!

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Please try this method.



In this short video, Dr. David Nixon uses his microscopic images to show how colloidal gold dissolves the nanotechnology compounds seen in the samples.

The remarkable thing is that the samples taken from his patients do not even have to come into direct contact with the colloidal gold and the dissolution of the nanotechnological structures still works. He always left a distance on the slide between the sample, in which the structures of the nanotechnology can be clearly seen, and the addition of a drop of colloidal gold. Here he is talking about one to several millimeters.

Dr. Nixon does not yet have a definitive explanation for this phenomenon, but he assumes that it must be due to the electrical charge of the colloidal gold, which was produced using the ELECTROLYSIS PROCESS.

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I work with Dr. Nixon regularly, and he would like to clarify to this Comment that that experiment does not prove effectiveness in dissolving any Nanotechnology INSIDE the body, and he is not specifically recommending it. Also, since that time, he and other microscopists have found that Nanocrystal Chips can dissolve and then reform into other forms when disturbed by various methods; it does not mean that they dissolve or disappear completely. He does advise taking activated charcoal and sodium citrate.

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Thank you for clarification and further information.

An applied kniesiologist I know out of Colorado sells birch bark charcoal and recommended it to me, as it is supposed to be better than the standard coconut shell charcoal. He also has, and recommended to me, banana peel extract, which is a blood purifier and was "covid remediation" recommended, but I haven't seen any definative proof on these products. Birch bark charcoal has a good reputation and a past medicinal history, though, as you likely know. This detox, de-nano thing is so new, it seems that the information changes daily, and I commend everyone with the tenacity to keep on searching, testing, exploring, and sharing their findings. These are very strange times. Again, thanks.

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Look into :ozonated charcoal:

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So many methods to attempted.

The magnetism did seem to diminish after a round of activated charcoal.

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Could you share a link where Dr Nixon makes a similar statement on this subject as you have posted?

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I don’t think has not made a video or a statement on his Substack that I know of. He might have commented in an interview. I just texted him to ask for his response.

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I only share information from reliable sources and I expect the same from others. Lately, the intensive activity of trolls has been noticeable, especially in topics where the truth is discussed and people are provided with real information. No one should claim anything or believe anything until there is an authentic source attached to the news ‼️😎

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Very True! It is frustrating that people make videos of other people and then they go viral. Some of it is laziness, or naivety.

Images of what Dr. Carrie Madej of her original “Hydra” photo are still being spread, and I disproved that after my own investigation and revised my Substack. Integrity is everything these days. I understand you want info directly from the original source!

Im talking to David tomorrow. He’s very cautious now of making any definitive claims. Ive told him he needs to make a follow up statement about the gold!

I cant believe the nerve of some of the Trolls ! - people would do anything- lie, attack, deceive- for money or they are under mind control. Thanks for your integrity!

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Colloidal silver and colloidal gold. Which is safer for the body?

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Both, anecdotally of course. I've done silver, gold and copper. Everyone's body chemistry is different, but these three colloidals have been beneficial to me.

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I worry about putting more metals into the body so I stay away from it. Supposedly, they are cumulative over time. Also, didn’t they put gold in the c-jabs to help it along?


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Finally someone who brings up the no less than haphazard self dosing with chemicals.

This guesswork experiment on your organs with these substances in the long run might be doing more harm then you bargained for

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Potassium iodide has a role in the supply of iodine. It supports thyroid function and has a preventive effect against radiation sickness. It is used in the laboratory to produce iodine-potassium iodide solution (Lugol's solution). I am not aware that it can be used to remove heavy metals. Iodide ions (I-) are simply negatively charged, possibly acting as an electron donor.

However, I do not see the potential to replace or even surpass MB. Taking MB increases the capacity of the mitochondria, how many electrons they can process per time. At the usually recommended doses of less than 2 mg per kilogram of body weight, side effects are unlikely. Since 2011, there has been a process for producing MB without it being contaminated with heavy metals. A 70 kg person could therefore take 140 mg without any problems. However, 10-20mg is enough.

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You're exactly right

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what means 10 - 20 mg ?

I have a solution o MB that is 1% .

How many drops i need to take ?

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20 drops = 10mg

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thank you !

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You have a good point, although perturbing the thyroids of everyone on the planet with repeated KI intakes might not be a good ideea… If one KI safe dose kills it all, it’s more than worthy. Otherwise, nobody should start a war with his or her thyroid-boss.

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thinking the same thing Jeffery. One thing dropping a working antidote in a Petri dish yet another one having them ingested daily . What is this McCullough doing with Nattokinase therapy . Have these two Physicians ever talked with each other. I am not familiar with this KI protocol . pls. suggest a link for further reading .

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Sep 24·edited Sep 25

Yes, Jeffrey thank you! I applaud what you said. Potassium Iodide is one worth looking into. Sure, chemicals such as EDTA (or Methylene Blue) may apparently stop things that can be seen in the blood, but what about if they are still going into the cells and transported into the organs which can’t be seen? What further harm may harsh chemicals be doing to the body over time especially if they accumulate with continual use? It may well be they are tolerated okay on a one time basis if needed for emergency use.

But what if there are some more natural products that stop nanos’ productions also. I’ve also asked in here for Dr. Ana to test using only Essential Oils but she hasn’t done that, she has tested some Essential Oils along with using some other chemical (I forget which) but with no Vitamin C, and the results were good, but has not tested Essential Oils alone (that I know of).

I’m very strict with food, water, no meds, etc. which I think helps, but I’ve also been using certain Essential Oils for a few years, especially Oregano and a ‘Thieves’ blend. I have taken some EDTA since last January 2024. But *before* ever taking any EDTA and just using Essential Oils, last November 2023 I had my first live blood analysis from my Naturopath dr (had been using certain Essential Oils for a few years), and it looked very good, he said it was the best he’d seen, especially for my age. I looked at it and it had hardly any rouleaux and I could see nothing bad in it, so to me that means maybe the Essential Oils are worth testing too, using NO chemical along with the test. Just my opinion.

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Been drinking essential oils for yrs to move the chemtrail metal,mostly with a quarter shot of brandy.Oil of oregano is powerful,kills nano on contact but have not really figured out a good way of getting it into the digestive system but put it on all small cuts.Plain and simple the cuts heal faster.It

would be nice to know for sure if it goes thru the skin if applied topically.Dr. Ana wrote about essential oils and recommends them.You know the story about how it became called thieves oil,look it up.

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I feel sure it does go through the skin when used topically, due to one of my first experiences using Oregano Essential Oil (I’ve only ever used Oils topically). At that time I was not aware that one should only use a few drops of Oregano Essential Oil as it’s extremely potent. I put a lot on, for a couple of days. I felt it big time, felt dizzy and weak. I then looked it up in the book I’d gotten with the Oils (all a present from my daughter), and found one should only use a few drops in a carrier oil. And a little goes a long way.

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There was one time I drank like a quart of brandy,all half shots with different oils.Got high as a kite for a couple days and felt great but don;t really want to do it again-)

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Yes, a nice tale about Thieves Oil, true or not who knows: https://myhealthessentials.ca/thieves-oil-history-blend-benefits/

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I am a chiropractor in Portland Oregon and I want to enthusiastically and fervently thank Dr. Ana for responding to my request/comments a few weeks ago. I asked that Dr. Ana give us subscribers -paid or not-I am paying-to give us more details on dosage for oral use of EDTA, vit C, etc. She has responded in big way with many details of dosages of these items on her podcast interviews and shows. God bless you Dr Ana for listening to your many paid subscribers. I pray I will meet or speak directly with you one day.

I would love to discuss spiritual and health issues with you. Peace and God bless you for your courage and love of the truth and people.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24


I've been supplementing with mb orally, daily for almost a year. Praying that its helping my unvaxxed brain fog. It is.

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What's causing the brain fog? I'm guessing 5 g from phones/ towers?

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I am no scientist but I suspect Gwendolyn knows as well. My faith is my guide.

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I've been on EDTA for about two years and methylene blue for over a year since I found out about it. In addition to that I take other things that have been shown to be effective by the microscopers in clearing the blood. I'm also a fan of CDS which has an essential role to play. My take on all this is that we live in a swamp of disinformation and fear mongering designed to throw us off the path. Those with discernment (which is a rare quality) will be noting the evidence and the outcome reports. It is difficult to argue with photographs and videos, but those with anti human agendas (either paid or gratis) will continue their ops, while at the same time both ignoring direct evidence and disscussion of it. In this very thread, there is fear mongering and disinformation ops (imo), plus it looks like demands are being made.

My further take on this is that if you want a solution, quit bitching to someone else about their work and go do the work yourself. Otherwise, you have no credibility and are part of the problem.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

The words ‘fear mongering’ and ‘disinformation’ are a justification used to censor other people’s opinions on many media sites.

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deletedSep 24
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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

What I said stands on it's own and does not need reframing, restating, reimagining or gaslighting by you. I find it interesting that although none of what you said previously falls into the context of what I was referencing, you were the first to respond.

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Interesting that you’re screaming at him for stating an opinion.

Accusing him of exactly what you just did.

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Dr. Ana-how about seeing how borax mixed with the Covid-19 bioweapon-see if and effect on nanotech bot formation? Great info about Methylene Blue!

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See lookout for Charleys website. There is a protocol that includes borax, KI, epsoms among others.

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MB can create Serotonin Syndrome in the Brain.

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Have been following this protocol for 12 months now, thankyou for reassuring my protocol, a very interesting article, always something to learn!!!

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

Greg. What products are you using and who are you purchasing them from?

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Thank you.

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Wow and thank you, Dr. Ana--your work proofs just keep getting better and better--so grateful. xo

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MB is a wonder healer.

My husband always caught a deep chest cold in the fall.

Last year we started MB, right before we received the first bottle he had the signs of the chest cold coming on.

I dosed him with MB as soon as it arrived.

I kid you not.

Next day.

No chest cold.

That thing always landed him in bed for a week.

No hint of it this year.

It’s worked for me as far as not getting sick too.

Brain fog hasn’t cleared, darn it .

I’m not religious about taking it. I should try that… I’ve read it clears brain fog .

I just listened to a neurologist yesterday talk about the health benefits from his own personal experience.

2 days in a row of MB appearing on my phone…

Worrisome. Government hates cures

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

Maybe it has been considered here, but it could be the Methylene Blue inhibits the nanobot communications simply with color filtering. If it is truly a comms system, then light blocking stops the control messages from reaching other nodes building something. When only the Methylene Blue light frequency is passed into the blood, all of the 'pretty dangerous' colors, seen as flashing colors in Doc's videos, are blocked.

And if oxidation can be used to contaminate those nano structures, it might reduce oxidative stress in other parts of the body. This reminds me of the Replicators in Stargate SG-1. They replicated using old metallurgy, so didn't work as well.

Flush, rinse, repeat.

MB, EDTA, repeat.

It would be great to have another step that disables the artificial construction in another way.

Simply said, they are inorganic structures that must be susceptible to the environment in other ways than could be treated by traditional medical methods. THEY, whoever the pr*cks are, can work around a single solution MB.

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Several years ago before the great Ray Peat passed away I emailed him bc I was having a difficult time processing an EDTA IV. My heart rhythm was very dis- regulated. It was scary. I went to Hospital and was given a lecture on EDTA.

Ray Peat helped me a great deal. He said EDTA would pull too much from the bones too quickly and it would damage my organs. He said to slowly drink half quart of orange juice mixed with half quart of milk - that it works slowly to chelate while not damaging your organs. It worked well.

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I am neither took the c19 jab nor PCR test. Due to working in very close proximity to vaxxed and heavily vaxxed injured people, I developed symptoms due to shedding. My left calf muscle became tight as if I had a cramp and needed magnesium. No amount of magnesium would resolve the problem. Therefore, I began taking Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, which eventually alleviated the calf muscle issue. However, the issue resurfaces if I stop. I soon started taking Methylene Blue after reading one of Dr. Mihalcea's articles. The Vitamin C plus Methylene Blue have worked and continue to work well to alleviate the issue. I have since added oral EDTA a few months ago.

The issue remains due to coworker's continued shedding, food contamination, water contamination, and air contamination with microplastics and nano particles.

Dr. Mihalcea's methods do work.

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 Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 bioweapon and the antidote Calcium EDTA plus Vitamin C.


Whatever you believe - detoxifying metals that are known to be sprayed on humans via geoengineering with Calcium EDTA and taking Vitamin C and multi minerals is an inexpensive good idea for your health prevention in these treacherous times




Couple the above with vitamin C. The idea is to get rid of the various things that shed and are in the Covid-19 shots.


3 Common Mistakes When Taking EDTA

Calcium Disodium EDTA isn’t like most other supplements, and knowing how to take EDTA correctly allows you to chelate minerals from the desired areas, and not from the food you just ate.  EDTA is a proven safe and effective dietary supplement that can chelate minerals and metals from the body, and by avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll know you are maximizing its effectiveness:

Mistake 1: Taking EDTA with meals or other medicine

EDTA and heavy metals are attracted to each other, the heavier the metal, the stronger the attraction.  But EDTA also chelates indiscriminately, which means it’ll grab onto the first minerals it encounters.  For this reason, you want to make sure you are taking EDTA about 1.5 - 2 hours apart from meals and other medicines/supplements.  This allows your body time to digest and absorb the EDTA into your bloodstream with its full ability to chelate still intact.

Mistake 2: Taking EDTA every day without a break

While you won’t be in any danger from the EDTA itself, not giving your body a break sometimes can lead to depleted mineral levels in your body.  Taking a ‘one-a-day’ multi mineral supplement will help maintain those levels, but it is still a good idea to cycle on and off this product.

Recommendations vary regarding cycle duration, however a good rule of thumb for EDTA cycling is a 3:1 ratio (i.e. 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off).  This will allow your body time to replenish its natural mineral levels, and help avoid deficiencies.

Mistake 3: Taking One Capsule 2-3 times a day

This is unnecessary and adds to the difficulty of taking EDTA properly.  There is no harm in taking all of your daily dosage at one time (on an empty stomach).  Many people we talk with take EDTA early in the morning or right before they go to bed in order to keep their schedule with meals and other medicines.



1930's Cartoon


Not Funny

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Dr. Ana, I have a miniscule piece of titanium in my breast which was put there as a tag when the area was checked for breast cancer, which was negative. I know allowing them to insert the piece of metal was a mistake. Would EDTA or methylene blue likely be problematic or not due to this piece of metal in my breast?

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I have one of those also.

It never dawned on me that I should have said NO!

I regret that.

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Appreciate your work Ana.

Be very careful.

You almost certainly are under surveillance.

When you determine any treatments keep them to yourself, till you put them online. No telephone conversations, downplay results to any colleagues or coworkers. Make copies of your research.

Don't travel alone. Avoid flying.

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THEY already tried to violently kill Dr. Ana with Demons a couple years ago. She told the story on Dr. Len Ber's podcast for Targeted Individuals. https://lenbermd.substack.com/p/my-interview-with-dr-ana-mihalcea?utm_source=publication-search . Dr. Ana is Fearless and not scared of anything, anyone and especially of dying.

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Wow, gives me a great understanding of Dr. Ana Mihalcea.

Impressive interview. Thanks for sharing.

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Absolutely,just had an astral experience something like Dr.Ana experienced.Demon is one word,Dr. Ana called it a dragon.Humans have been calling them dragons for thousands of years but I think the most accurate is Reptilian.This attack has it's headquarters in the 4th dimension.I was attacked from behind,thing grabbed me by the back of the neck and forced me down on a table or something and was pushing hard.I had no panic,no fear and since both arms were free thought about backhanding it off me,then I woke up.Coming back into the body is instantaneous because of quantum entanglement,faster than the speed of light.I've been dealing with shoulder and neck pain the last 4 or 5 days since then.Found out how very effective DMSO is also,got to get some with aloe vera in it as it's hard on the skin.It's interesting that one company sells it with frankincense which am already a fan for.So yeah,the all seeing eye is reptilian,they gave us a symbolic look at that in the jurassic park movie.Even though I thought about backhanding this thing I don't remember doing it and was pissed at myself when I woke up.want to know the difference between the one world order and the new world order?https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/One_World_Order

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Wow! Intense. I’m so sorry you experienced that!

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Funny thing is I'm only sorry I did not kick it's Ass,= intention

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Thank you for the link and taking time to reply

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I had a bad reaction to M B.

I used M B for about two or three weeks the same brand you show on your posts, about 18 drops 4× a day at first then 2-3× a day with no problem.

I remember using Fulvic Acid 6am then 2 hours later Lions Main and possibly Theanine and CoQ10 like I have done many times before later in the afternoon I took a 50 mg R-ALA and less than 20 drops of MB and had a bad reaction that included heart pains, I was almost ready to call 911 more than once.

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Prob not best to combine lions maine coq10 theanine etc etc before knowing the MINIMUM tolerance threshold for methylene blue.

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Sure, agentdouchebag, I dont believe anything you say.

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