This Beautiful and Highly Intelligent WOMAN works tirelessly in her business, in the lab, and in research continually presenting critical data that is bringing all the lose ends together so that humanity is receiving a better understanding of results of the BIOWEAPONS that Big Pharma and Traitors in our country and the world was using to kill, maim, and disable our people.

Dr. Ana is a life saver and a worker of light in these dark times.

Anyone truly interested in humanity and to understand preventative measures that Dr. Ana presents along the way should read her work and utilize this information to help others.

All citizens should support this WOMANS work as she presents her work free for all to evaluate and read to understand progress she is making in understanding more about this WEAPON.

Thank you Dr. Ana for your dedication and doing the work of God IN YOUR GIFTS THAT YOU ARE PROVIDING FREE TO THE PUBLIC.

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EIGHT MILLION likes for your comment, I agree 100%!

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AMEN, I 2nd That Motion!💟♾️🛐👑🌟😇

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Welcome to my fellow comrades that have made it to 2025 despite the efforts of some to kill us...

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By the Grace, Mercy & Love of GOD. I WILL PRAISE HIM 🙏 ALL MY DAYS 🫂❤️‍🩹🕊️😇🛐👑💟♾️🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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I too am Grateful to still be HERE, ONLY BY HIS HOLY SPIRIT, DID I KNOW WHAT TO DO, and WHAT NOT TO DO, TO STAY ALIVE! 💉💀☠️. ...🛐🙏🛐🙏🛐

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Thank you Dr Ana for all your hard, dedicated work. I know of no other person doing what you’re doing.

It’s imperative that we continue shining the light on these most evil-devilish people! They are not doing this for humanity’s benefit rather to kill off / control / disable and displace humanity!

This cannot be anymore evil!

Thank you for so much evidence and explanation of why we must continue illuminating these attacks against “Humanity!”

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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All War is Evil. No More War.

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The trick of the antichrist is going to try to bring the world together in peace. But it will only be slavery at horror. So do not say these things. Listen to Jesus

Matthew 24:6-13

New International Version

6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

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Hallelujah! Glory be to God and in the highest.

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Ask your pediatrician these vaccine questions. (I shared this list in 2016 they're much worse now).

1, What are 10 ingredients in vaccines other than the viruses themselves?

(Aborted fetal tissue, polysorbate 80, MSG, aluminum, formaldehyde, bovine cells, thimerasol, canine cells, lactose, Phenoxyethanol)

2, Which vaccine ingredient opens the blood brain barrier allowing toxins to enter the brain?

(Polysorbate 80)

3, Which vaccines contain either human aborted fetal tissue, canine cells, monkey cells, chicken cells?


4, Which vaccines contain neurotoxins such as aluminum or mercury?


5, Which vaccines contain carcinogenic ingredients?


6, Which vaccines have not been tested on pregnant women yet are recommended by doctors?

(TDaP & Flu)

7, Which vaccines are known to cause either anxiety disorders, anorexia, developmental disorders, autism, adhd, weight gain, seizure disorders, Crohn's disease, diabetes, SIDS...per scientific peer reviewed studies?


8, Who is Dr. William Thompson and what role does he play at the CDC?

(Senior Lead scientist at the CDC, turned whistleblower)

9, Which vaccines contain live viruses which infect the recipient and can shed to others?

(MMR, Varicella and Rotovirus)Also flu mist which has been recently reintroduced is a live virus and sheds. ➡ Additionally, the Dtap/Tdap and Polio vaccines that are NOT live have been shown to cause the vaccinated to become asymptomatic carriers whenever exposed, thus the vaccinated can be spreading the illness, without knowing, at any time.

10, Which country is having dozens of outbreaks in highly vaccinated communities?


11, Which vaccine is causing an outbreak by the tens of thousands in India and Africa?


12, Which vaccine is routinely given *after* an injury despite it being a preventative vaccine?


13, What are the various cancer-causing ingredients in vaccines?

(MSG, formaldehyde, Phenoxyethanol)

14, What is the 1986 vaccine Injury act?

(Removes liability from vaccine manufacturers, using taxpayer money to pay for Injury reimbursement IF awarded)

15, How many billions of $$ has the United States vaccine injury court system paid out?

($3.9 billion and counting)

16, Does acquiring mild childhood illnesses such as measles and chickenpox have any long-term health benefits?

(Strengthens the immune system to fight future illnesses like cancer)

17, Which renowned Children's Hospitals have notified recently vaccinated individuals to not visit patients with auto immune disorders?

(St. Johns and St.Judes also all nicu's)

18, Where is there proof of vaccine induced herd immunity?

(There isn't)

19, Which virus in a vaccine is being manufactured into a cure for cancer?


20, Why is it a horrible idea to give Tylenol before or after vaccines?

(it suppresses the immune system and depletes glutathione which is needed for detoxification)

21, How many milligrams of aluminum make up to 75 doses of vaccines given to children under 18 years old?

(Wayyy more than is considered safe per FDA)

22, Which vaccine given the day of a child's birth contains dangerous levels of aluminum?

(Hep B)

23, Which industrialized country has one of the highest, if not the highest, infant mortality rates as well as vaccine rates?


24, Which vaccine was given to 40 million Americans and was later revealed to contain a cancer-causing monkey virus?


25, Which industrialized country has the fanciest hospitals, highest rate of cancer in children, highest rate of children with auto immune disorders, and most profitable pharmaceutical industry in the world?


26, Which vaccine was involved in the recent CDC whistleblower scandal showing a link to autism and the CDC covered it up?


27, Which states in the US require children to maintain the CDC vaccine schedule in order to attend school?

(California, West Virginia and Mississippi, New York, NY, Cali, CT. , plus DC)

28, What is wrong with natural immunity?

(It reduces profit of the pharmaceutical industry)

29, ..... Dr. So And So...

Do you have any idea how many children you are poisoning and lives you're adversely affecting by your med school indoctrination, ignorance and denial????

(Millions worldwide)

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Who gets immunity?

Only the manufacturer.

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For Human use the manufacters believe they are immune to prosicution.

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My best wishes to everyone for the new year. You have within you the infinite potential and the ultimate capacity to understand our world and to transform our society.

This year, 2025, I want to share with you a bit of tough love. Not because I want to, but because we really have no choice but to do so at this point.

Why has politics collapsed in America, and around the world? Why do we see idiots like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, placeholders for billionaires who prefer to hide their influence, dominating the media and fighting god-forsaken defenders of the “left” like Cornel West, Chris Hedges and Bernie Sanders, sad men who speak some truth but who have sold their souls to have the chance to appear in the media. They are, therefore, silent on state crimes, and on real corporate crime. For this reason, the limited truth they offer cannot hold off the limited truth tellers of the right, whether Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, and other conspiracy theorists who are just as compromised, and who talk only about a few select conspiracies, leaving out the most important ones, and then they attack anyone who reveals that their feet are made of clay.

What a disgusting mess.

In part the crisis is one of decadence, of cultural collapse. As Hermann Broch relates in his novel about the moral and spiritual blindness in Germany that made the pointless world war possible in 1914, his novel “The Sleepwalkers,” ultimately, the problem is the decay of values—such that we can no longer discern right and wrong.

This reality is multiplied by the cynical strategy of the billionaires, and their investment experts, to dumb down the population and destroy our ability to think rationally, and to organize effective resistance.

The ability to think rationally is destroyed by the introduction of video games and intentionally stupid cartoons for children, sometimes marketed as essential AI for the future, plus violent war games, pornography, Tik Tok YouTube videos featuring cheese cakes, fat cats, cute boys and girls, and pushing repetitive patterns that encourage robotic thinking and short-term desire. Education, moreover, is not about learning how to think for yourself, scientifically, or even about learning useful facts. It is a business that forces you to pay big money for a certificate that will allow you to work.

But those tricks could be overcome by citizens if the culture that we wade in was not so passive and so cloying.

The ability to organize effective resistance is undermined by thousands of covert campaigns to identity and neutralize anyone who speaks the truth, who is articulate, effective, honest, and is not for sale. If you are effective in your words or actions, you are put on the list automatically, you are pushed into the margins by Homeland Security special access programs. If you are hypocritical, corrupt and self-indulgent, you will be pushed to the front of the line by those same contractors.

This state of affairs is a result of the biggest sin of them all. The refusal of most of the truthtellers and whistleblowers, and the progressive, or common sense conservatives, to address the true state of affairs: that is that the United States, from February of 2001, has effectively been under military rule, granted that the military serves the billionaire class, and that the military hides behind corporations, government organizations, universities, NGOs, newspapers and a host of public intellectuals who do not hesitate to sell their souls for fame and profit.

Finally, the failure of our pundits, our public intellectuals, to address what politics really is, and instead to focus on easy-to digest-themes that Homeland Security has approved of, themes that lead everyone in the wrong direction, that failure has been a major, major problem for citizens trying to find their way forward who do not have the time to read, or the privilege of receiving advanced educations. It is, to speak bluntly, the treason of the intellectuals.

So, what is politics really about? Let me tell you what real politics in America is all about. Until we have honest political figures who talk about real politics, we are going to continue going downhill.

Real politics in America is worked out through contracts for surveillance and manipulation of the public signed between government and multinational private contractors.

Real politics is the negotiation of, and enforcement of, monopolies of production, shipping, logistics, distribution and retail sales that are held by the multinational corporations that control the effective economy in ways that can never be subject to a vote—and serious discussion of is blocked out of the media by classified directives from Homeland Security.

Real politics is the battle between private banks and private equity for control of the determination of the value of currency, and its creation by the Federal Reserve—at the expense of the citizen.

Real politics is the promotion of, and implementation of, war internationally and conflict domestically, by arms manufacturers, private intelligence firms, private security firms, political consulting firms, and the strategy teams of billionaires so as to create the uncertainty and instability in society that discourages resistance, and generate profits through arms sales and government security programs at home and abroad.

Real politics is about the control of food, water, and energy by a group of multinational firms that are owned by a smaller group of trusts, belonging to a handful of billionaire families.

Real politics can be found in the orders for administration given out to the departments of the federal, state, and local government in the form of classified directives and secret law that dictate what must be done and that demand that the true power relationships in government cannot be made public.

Real politics can be found in the domination of medical schools, hospitals, medical journals, and pharmaceutical corporations by a cluster of funds that are run by investment banks for the profit of the few—and hidden from view by a privatized intelligence blob.

Of course, there are plenty of cardboard messiahs who will identify parts of these problems, but they will not describe how things actually work, and they will not tell you how you can start to take control. In other words, they are not engaged in politics at all.

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Excellent summary, thank you! My husband has 50 yrs research as virologist/immunologist, worked for lab at Public Health Dept in PA for many years. He would completely agree with you. One thing he/I would add is cancer cells (from monkeys but you did list monkey cells). He used to help develop jabs back in 1970s until he found out what was in them: cancer cells and mercury among other things. He quit making jabs then and hasn't been jabbed himself since then. I'm curious: do you have a source for this list? It helps if I'm going to present this to my doctor. Thank you. Also if you haven't read it you may want to read Dr. Mary's Monkey, a terrific book.

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#27. You're missing New York.

NY, Cali, CT. one other plus DC.

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Thus, we are the last humans. Earthly creatures are doomed.

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Including us. Probably us sooner than them. Cockroaches shall inherit the earth...

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Haven't even seen a cockroach in months and I live in the tropics. Small tree frogs seem to be vanishing too.

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I suspect that weight loss peptide shot sheds also!

A family member was staying with us and I kept having colitis attacks.

Very sensitive. Had menopausal bleeding 2 days after my elderly family got their jabs.

( he passed away in December from radiation treatment for cancer, it was everywhere. She’s doing ok, neuropathy side effects and grief.)

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& happy New Year. Stay hopeful and curious, everyone!

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Prayers 🙏 for a Happier Year ahead 🙏💓🥰🍀

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Yes, it has been confirmed that similar self-replicating nanotechnology is in those shots too, and all modern injectables, like insulin.

I did not Know they shed, we have not been around anyone taking them but I suspected as much so thanks for confirming my suspicions.

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The medical industrial sickness and eugenics complex with the licence to globally kill.

Happy new year!

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We have 4 feral cats that live mostly outside...no vaccines...all very healthy.

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Veterinarians are part of the problem too.

Pet owners need at least to turn to homeopathy and gemmotherapy for detoxing their furry kids,for now…

Starting small, after reading a lot on topic,keeping a daily health journal, asking a trusted homeopath when stuck.

Gemmotherapy-vegetal stem therapy-is a very potent, little known detoxing tool. Important for over-sensitive beings. Asking the advice of pharmacist who sells them would help us tremendously.

My take from gemmotherapy macerates experience is this: they are so potent that starting with one drop, even if the box says 50 thrice a day should be one drop too much, for a sensitive human. So starting with caution, humans and pets, being observant without becoming hypochondriac and write the data down for future reference are the golden rules with all supplements and natural medicines.

There are some fine gemmotherapy books out there.

The detox is great and I’d like to see some of substack people working with darkfield microscopes looking into couple of gemmotherapy detoxing macerates and what’s their impact on cleaning the blood.

This may be part of answering the pets and wildlife detoxing the nano-gunk.

Holding the cats in our arms, while on a vibration plate, would help effortlessly drain their limph too, few minutes daily. Some dogs may be persuaded to stay calm on the plate for few minutes too.

Digestive enzymes may be helpful for them, not just for optimal absorption of nutrients but also for chelation.

Cats produce their vit C but the old cats won’t hurt if we ad it to them, in very small portions. The big dogs thrive on it too. I don’t know what impact would have on small dogs.

Vit D3+k2 and high DHA omega 3 , adapted to weight is also beneficial for both species.

All above are a few of many things I do for my furry boys. I am not a doctor, just a mom. I’d like to see at least a veterinary doc admitting there are artificial, quasi intelligent entities in all beings’blood!


Resisting abuse by vaccinations for pets and looking after docs offering titre tests instead of injections should become a huge trend, in places where they abuse pets and farm animals with vaccines.

We just live to fight them another day, the problem is solved when vaccines scam is exposed and never ever forced again on people or animals!

Suing local councils members personally, for abusing pets and farm animals, should become the norm.

Helping the dissident doctors in our area should be an honor! I am still waiting to hear about one, where I live… until then I encourage Dr Makis.

Pet owners are a force in North America. We just need to come together, like we didn’t when they abused our kids and grandkids… or did we?

I wish everyone a glorious and courageous 2025! 🌲

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Did the sub stack say before that dental anesthetic was filled with nanobots? If that is the case and I need to get a cavity filled where can I get safe anesthetic? I can just bring my own to the dentist I don’t care.

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There are unfortunately no clean anesthetics found yet out if about 25 around the world that we have looked at. I have looked at 18. ☹️

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How long ago do you think the nanobots started in the dental anesthetics?

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They found Similar, although not as advanced, tech in a still sealed injectable dental anasthetic from the 1990's.

They have been advancing their technology for a few years now.

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I might bring my own microscope into the dentists office. Can someone recommend a good microscope and where to get one? This was on the substack several months ago but I can’t find the link anymore. I know there are lots on Amazon and other sites but I’m not sure which one to get and how much zoom I need, etc. etc.. I’m sure it’s really easy once you have it I just don’t know how to get going. I also want to test my blood and other peoples blood.

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Dr Ana has a very expensive neogenesis but these are cheaper.


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Is it even possible without the anesthetic? Or what about the gas? I never tried the gas before.

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Look into TENS. I haven't researched it yet but it has been mentioned here in the past. As an alternative to dental anesthetics.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation.

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Some people choose to just tolerate the pain, depending on the procedure.

Dentists say that laughing gas simply distracts the patient, and makes it hard for the dentist to work, but it does not numb.

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Have you been able to look at the Sputnik or non American injexts and if so what do you see please...?

Happy new year 2025 🇷🇺

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There are no viruses until credibly, scientifically proven so.

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Thank you Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea. When the real truth comes out. You will be honored, respected for being a true caring doctor.

Words cannot express my gratitude.

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Happy New Year, Dr Ana and all followers!

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When my cat appears to be down I give him a drop of Chlorine Dioxide in his water bowl and he is back to himself within 2 days.

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