I heartily applaud your efforts to bring truth, and from it, profound policy change. I would suggest that your already strong and important positions would be far stronger and more impactful were you to not just call for legislation to be written to defund and exit the UN and all of its subsidiaries, including the WHO, but to endorse the legislation NOW BEFORE THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/S: 3428).

You can read that Act here, https://PreventGenocide2030.org, and you can take action there to 1. send an email to your Members of Congress urging them to cosponsor and pass this bill with the necessary supermajority necessary to override and Oval Office veto, 2. read the Legal Memo which makes it clear that the US, and every other country in the world, has, in fact, no legitimate treaty obligations with the UN, that is, the Unelected Nobodies, so nothing promoted or promulgated by the UN or its agencies carries any force in any country in the world unless the country chooses to abrogate the rights of its citizens in favor of the UN Death Machine tyranny, 3. send a Tweet to each of the POTUS candidates asking them for Yes or No answers to the three most important questions now facing us.

You can also set up your own support mechanism for this critically important Act, of course, and, in fact, the more the merrier.

Buy why call for new legislation when we have exactly what we need now before Congress and could, with your help, pass this bill now.

I estimate it will require about 10 million people in the US demanding exactly that to create a policy turn-around as the political class realizes that this is an issue that they might lose control of the control that they are maintained in place to hold on to.

They might also find that the fact that by NOT voting for the Act they are, quite literally, violating their Oath of Office to "support the Constitution" and perhaps committing crimes as grave as treason, which does not survive Congressional immunity to be interesting enough to move the needle for them.

But certainly, I urge your organization, and each of the actors on your organizational stage, to take up this banner and urge each of their followers and every audience they can reach, to support in vigorous ways, the passage of the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2030.

I would remind us all that on September 23, 2024, the UN General Assembly is scheduled to adopt the horrifying Pact for the Future. It is unclear if, once that happens, we would ever be able to have the opportunity to have such legislation before the Congress again.

That link again is PreventGenocide2030.org.

And after people take it, it is crucially important that they share it with everyone they can reach.

We'll be past the 10 million marker in no time if people take that simple second step.

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Dr. Laibow I agree on your stance 100%

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The ARM Platform desperately needs to be supported by the Populace for many most concerning Issues being addressed, most important imo is disseminating the heavily censored Nobel deserving Research presenting isolation via Carnicom Institute > this Research was 1st introduced into the Public Domain over 25 YEARS! ago > in 1999 Clifford first made us aware of the fact ALL Life is being systematically exposed to what appears to be DNA altering transhumanist based endocrine disruptors & neurotoxins > how this is being accomplished (Vectors being used) is the question before the White Collar Criminals, including elected & unelected nefarious Actors who clearly support the Transhumanist Agenda, even to the degree of involuntary exposure which speaking for myself & being bold enough to speak for many others who I personally know, We do not consent nor have We ever > Biowarfare is being carried out upon the Global Populace who is most certainly owed a formal/official response from a myriad of what is advertised as oversight Entity's > from the USAF to DoD to WHO & UN + several others which Carnicom has made numerous formal requests to address > very fair questions Carnicom began asking 25+ years ago that without doubt the Global Populace is owed if not a valid explanation, a response that addresses proactive measures being taken to protect all Life from this ongoing systematic involuntary exposure.

In the absence of Mass support, public apathy will continue to play a most alarming & significant role > We have Nobody else to blame but ever transitioning Transhumanist selves for failing to be more effectively proactive.

To not publicly support Carnicom Institute Research & National ARM leaves the blood of Humanity on the apathetic Individual > once this knowledge is shared, to not address is to give consent which is exactly what the CONtrollers are banking on > those responsible for carrying out this most alarming Crime upon all Life must be effectively addressed otherwise it is a guarantee they will eventually get what they're seeking > a Populace of ignorant & apathetic Transhumanist Slaves serving the Agenda of the Puppet Masters.

Support > CarnicomInstitute.org


as if the fate of Humanity depends on it > because it most certainly does.

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It is my hope that you will have a conversation with Sabrina Wallace.

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Jun 21Edited

Would be interesting, but I wouldn't hold my breath. both Dr Ana and Sabrina do great work, but Dr Ana doesn't even visit the comments, or address Clifford Carnicom's findings that there is significant differences between the unvax'd and the vax'd blood, his words not mine.

Her primary focus appears to be only that EVERYONE has this crap in their blood now, a forgone conclusion, even the natives of New Guinea, the natives deep in the Colombian jungles, eskimo's, natives in in the Bay of Bengal which I haven't heard here mention yet what was found in their blood, or maybe she hasn't actually tested them yet?

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It makes me sick to watch sports events filled by brainless hauling fans [fanatics ],by the millions and here matters of life and death get only four comments . That means that most likely only four people read this report . That shows the support we can expect from people on the most important issues facing us .

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Well Joe unfortunately without commercial media access because they are all bought and paid for and it has been an Us. vs Them scenario painted. The masses have to get the info, then you’d hope it would be seen for what it is. I feel most have been brainwashed and cannot objectively see anymore? Best!

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I have a question that family and friends are asking me: "Do the Nuremberg trials and code apply to the Covid jabs and those pushing it?" PLEASE REPLY!

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Example of what we can do.

I believe that people, in Europe, can do small things for example with chem-trails:

If you see an airplane making "condense-trails" lasting longer than 1 minute, write a signed letter to the local police. Condensation-trails normally last 10 seconds and more often no condensation.

It is important to do the small things very often. In that way the police are flooded with letters from common people.

I am 72 years old and remember the blue sky, the puffy clouds and the low pressure rain clouds.

Now there are 2 or three different layers of clouds at different heights, so that most of us have metal in our blood is understandable.

Yours sincerely

Carl Friis-Hansen


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Very interesting, just keep going in the right direction, we are all behind you!

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there is one solution .. and one solution has to start with people finding common denominators .. as easy starters on anybodies list should be clean air, water & food ..+ i like a wealth cap @ 1 B p/Person, (links are found via search) as this would mean hardly any dramatic changes needed and still it could effectivly curb plannedobsolescence (of which war is the most brutal form) and excess commodification * - > https://boingboing.net/2018/04/14/shared-microbial-destiny.html

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Jun 21
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I believe it depends on how “dirty” the batch is.

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