I was diagnosed in 2013 with follicular lymphoma and have been treated 3 times with the allopathic poison and the lymphoma always comes back eventually.
I am currently taking the Ivermectin and Fenbendazole and many other supplements, and although it seems to be helping, it is still coming back slowly.
I really appreciate any suggestions because I absolutely refuse to go back to an "oncologist" any more and be poisoned again. I think that I can eventually get this to go away if I can just come up with the right antidote, so this information here gives me more arrows in my quiver. Eventually, if it gets worse, I will most likely be coming to see you there in WA. You are about the only doctor I trust at this point.
What kind of water are you drinking? I would get a Zerowater pitcher, its like $30 for a cheap one and it gets The Most things out of water. Plus they give you a free tester so you Know when its time to change the filter. I think drinking pure water makes a Huge impact in detoxing or healing.
And have you tried chlorine dioxide? I know if I had cancer or even thought I might have cancer, I would use the 2-part activator bottles of chlorine dioxide, the kind with hydrochloric acid activator rather than the citric acid (because its easier on your stomach when you start drinking a lot).
Then I would mix it up and put it into water and Drink It. Its actually the best chlorine on earth for humans, we use it for water sterilization and cleaning spray, but it oxidizes when it contact viruses or bacteria in the body so it increases your blood oxygen while its killing biologics.
Including many cancers, which is why they put Jim Humble in prison for it. And they have test strips so you can figure out the exact ppms of ClO2 per amount of water you are mixing it in, and then its easy, just use the same number of drops each time.
Thats how I know chlorine dioxide doesnt cure the shedding, I drank one cup of 250 ppms chlorine dioxide water every half hour for 8 then 9 then 10 and 10 hours a day. Or maybe it was two 9-hour days and one 10 hour.
In any case, a Lot by many peoples standards, but if you read Jim Humbles book, many people took Much more than that years ago and they were fine. Just like EDTA, in several of the old studies, people took 27 Grams per Day for over a Year and they were fine too.
Im not saying to do that, Im just telling you what I took and I was fine too. And that is the first thing I would do if I had cancer.
I mean it Is hard on your stomach, especially when you are fasting, you have to keep drinking a lot more unchlorinated Zerowater water in between each dose as the day goes on.
Or you start getting the dry heaving feeling if you let your stomach get totally empty but I never threw up.
Also chlorine dioxide reacts with many things in your system, kind of like EDTA. And just like EDTA, its not the end of the world, it just wont work as well.
But things like iron or calcium in foods (or things in many other vitamins and supplements) react with chlorine dioxide as well...
so for every molecule of chlorine dioxide in your blood that is reacting with food or vitamins you took, thats one molecule of chlorine dioxide that is Not killing a cancer cell or other biologic.
However EDTA (and most other 4-letter chemicals) is broken up by chlorine dioxide, so I would never take them any less than 24 hours apart. Again, its not going to kill you, it just wont work as well or maybe at all.
Im not giving you medical advice of course, just telling you what I would do in your situation... and what I have done myself.
Thank you so much, Bee Gee. I get my water from the reverse osmosis machine at the health food store. I think it seems like good water but I will consider the Zerowater pitcher. I have a well with a water softener on it so would that make a difference? I can tell you that I would be happy to not have to lug the 1 gallon jugs to and from the store anymore which I do about twice a week. I would do either the 3 or 5 gallon jugs but I can't lift them so I have to use the 1 gallon ones.
I have heard so many people recommend the chlorine dioxide and I have even gotten the "pre-mixed" 3000 ppm from Gaia's Choice which says to add 1-2ml to 1 gallon of water. I have always been a little nervous about mixing my own ever since seeing Mike Adams do it on his show. When he did it, it was kind of "smoking" and everything. So, do you think it would be ok to use this pre-mixed sol'n first since I already have it, and then go from there?
I don't have an issue drinking it, I just don't like the thought of mixing it.
I am willing to try anything. After what the allopathic doctors have put me through, I think that I can handle the CDS. Since I got away from all of what they subscribe to, I have not had to take any antibiotics or any other medicine and I have not once gotten sick. Never got "covid." Not even a cold. For awhile there, it was one thing right after another. UTI's, colitis, C-Diff. You name it. Now, I take no medicine except the EDTA, Ivermectin, and Fenbendazole, and methylene blue. No pharmaceuticals.
I have not been back to a doctor since going to my PC doctor to ask for a "medical exemption" back when it looked like they were going to mandate the C-19 shot. Oh, and I had to go back and see him to ask him to give me a referral to a vascular surgeon to have my port taken out since I knew that I was not going to be using it again.
It has taken me quite a while to get back to a state of health where I don't feel like crap every day and can now pretty much do whatever I want.
After Covid came along is when I really "woke up" to that whole system of disease care and many other things.
BTW, I think I may have gotten the lymphoma from glyphosate. I did use Round Up to clear out a lot of weeds where we moved, and we were also surrounded by agricultural fields. There is no telling what those farmers were spraying on their crops. And, we had a well for water. The pesticides and herbicides had to have gotten into the ground water, and I am sure that I was breathing it in. I was a lot more naive back then than I am now.
Could you write about whether it’s still harmful to hug our friends who have been vaxed and boosted if even non vax blood has spike proteins, graphene oxide and hydrogels etc? Thank you! Love your work and commend your bravery. I pray for your safety every time I read one of your posts.
After four years, my husband still sheds on me after he's been in a large crowd, taken a trip by plane, or with a group of his jabbed up friends. I have symptoms that set in within a day or two, such as stabbing pains in my eyes and temples, bad headaches from vascular bleeding in my brain, shortness of breath, leg veins suddenly turning purple, racing heart, and low energy.
It took me a year and a half to make the correlation. Our young adult cat that sleeps close to him has been affected in the head and goes dotty.
Personally, I would steer clear. I think the tech can shed and spread forever. At least, in my husband, exposure to other vaccinated zombies appears to gin up a body's production of more toxicity. I think of him now as not only my husband but as a lethally polluting manufacturing plant.
I keep my distance for a few days after he's been in public or with his buddies. He tells me he's not going to change his lifestyle for a "fever swamp" fiction. Lol.
Hugging others whether family or friends is an act of love and will strengthen both your immune system and the person you are hugging.
The ONE EXCEPTION is if they have just taken another shot in the last 2 or three days.
No one of course and I do mean NO ONE educated should be taking any CoVid or FLU shot as there is mountains of evidence of severe harm. The vacvcines are both dangerous and NOT effective.
I an trying to make you realize that we have evidence of shedding, a much bigger issue that humanity is facing is that nano technology is very advanced and it can enter your body so many methods.
Your best defense for superior health is first to stop worrying and become proactive.
The second step is to investigate the many EXCELLENT detox methods and immune system boosters.
There are too many detox methods to write about in detail here but EVERY SMART petson, vaccinated or not needs to be proactive and DETOX.
Moreover, you will be feeling better and healthier.
A few.
1. Learn to take ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. This is a fantastic and CHEAP method.
2. Detox in a hot bath with Epsom salts, Sodium Bicarbonate, 20 Mule team BORAX, and Aztec Bentonite Clay.
These four in large quantities can be bought at Walmart for CHEAP with exception of clay.
3. As per Ana Maria, high dose vitamin C and ETDA.
4..Methylene Blue
5. Dr. Peter McCullough and Wellness company supplements.
In summary you would be far better off worrying about your food and water or 5 G and WIFI and the danger it causes including free radicals.
Worrying is harmful. Hug all you want (as explained).
I think that is a personal risk assessment you will have to judge for yourself.
At least some of the vaxxed are still shedding whatever it is, although we dont really know how many Are (or for how long), and some people seem to have different levels of sensitivity to whatever they are shedding.
But we dont even know if they are all shedding the same things, like I imagine each of the vaxx brands are shedding something slightly different.
Although no one has really done any real research I have seen on Exactly what they are shedding, for some reason.
But we also now know that EDTA and ascorbic acid will permanently disable the nanotech in the jabs And the blood, on the slide at least.
Perhaps line up all your hugs or visits with the vaxxed on the same day, then do an EDTA fast for a few days.
Thats kind of what we do, an EDTA fast every 2 or 3 weeks now, after we go to the store and have to be exposed to the vaxxed/infected.
But Dr Ana has shown EDTA/ascorbic works many many times, and No One Else has provided anywhere near the evidence she has of how well Their supposed solution works.
So I'm not really sure why anyone would Not take the best proven solution anyone has found yet, but to each their own.
But Yes they are still shedding and Yes more of it spreads by touch than through the air... beyond that is up to you, because no one Really Knows much more yet.
Hopefully RFK can bring some more truth to light about what exactly they are shedding.
Mechanically (shedding of bioweapon components not necessarily in the environemnt)) -- not for too long! But spiritually, while preying and believing The Almighty promised to help us, definitely hug them.
I had tumors on my cervix and they were not resolving. We watched them progress and then I was told I needed surgery. After scheduling surgery I discovered I was pregnant. I was told if we removed the tumors id likely lose the pregnancy.
I researched and found published work on indole 3 carbinol for reproductive cancers.its the active ingredient in cruciferous veg.
I was scheduled for surgery 6 weeks after my beautiful Madeleine was born. GOD is good. There were no tumors.
I had horrible night sweats when I had the cancer. If I get night sweats again I take i3c before bed for 3 nights and it's resolved in a few days.
I dry all my citrus peels and munch on little bits of them in the afternoon. Full of bioflavanoids, limones, and compounds I think keep me cold free.
Dandelions are naturally high in
quercetin. I make pancakes in the spring with the flower-. Dry the leaves for winter to have a source of quercetin.
I haven't dug the roots for roasting, but if someone dared stop my coffee supply I just might.
Malva for sore throat Ground ivy for arthritis. All outside to find. Mustard powder as chest compress is what my grandmother used for respiratory infections.We may have to learn what nature can do so we can share the knowledge, including sources of vitamin c. Pine needle tea is something my mom makes.
Some info seems to have been truncated here: “For example, honeydew honey contains approximately 0.10mg/kg of Chrysin, while forest honeys boast a higher concentration of around [??????]. Chrysin has gained considerable attention…”
Truly a fantastic post with many effective treatments - that deserves to be kept in our top drawer for regetence, as during life, we all find friends and families develop cancer.
In this terrible era of turbo cancers, time to react is greatly lessened so as the boy scouts say - be prepared.
I personally might add Methylene Blue, into this mix as it too is highly effective.
Thank you so much, Dr. Ana.
I was diagnosed in 2013 with follicular lymphoma and have been treated 3 times with the allopathic poison and the lymphoma always comes back eventually.
I am currently taking the Ivermectin and Fenbendazole and many other supplements, and although it seems to be helping, it is still coming back slowly.
I really appreciate any suggestions because I absolutely refuse to go back to an "oncologist" any more and be poisoned again. I think that I can eventually get this to go away if I can just come up with the right antidote, so this information here gives me more arrows in my quiver. Eventually, if it gets worse, I will most likely be coming to see you there in WA. You are about the only doctor I trust at this point.
What kind of water are you drinking? I would get a Zerowater pitcher, its like $30 for a cheap one and it gets The Most things out of water. Plus they give you a free tester so you Know when its time to change the filter. I think drinking pure water makes a Huge impact in detoxing or healing.
And have you tried chlorine dioxide? I know if I had cancer or even thought I might have cancer, I would use the 2-part activator bottles of chlorine dioxide, the kind with hydrochloric acid activator rather than the citric acid (because its easier on your stomach when you start drinking a lot).
Then I would mix it up and put it into water and Drink It. Its actually the best chlorine on earth for humans, we use it for water sterilization and cleaning spray, but it oxidizes when it contact viruses or bacteria in the body so it increases your blood oxygen while its killing biologics.
Including many cancers, which is why they put Jim Humble in prison for it. And they have test strips so you can figure out the exact ppms of ClO2 per amount of water you are mixing it in, and then its easy, just use the same number of drops each time.
Thats how I know chlorine dioxide doesnt cure the shedding, I drank one cup of 250 ppms chlorine dioxide water every half hour for 8 then 9 then 10 and 10 hours a day. Or maybe it was two 9-hour days and one 10 hour.
In any case, a Lot by many peoples standards, but if you read Jim Humbles book, many people took Much more than that years ago and they were fine. Just like EDTA, in several of the old studies, people took 27 Grams per Day for over a Year and they were fine too.
Im not saying to do that, Im just telling you what I took and I was fine too. And that is the first thing I would do if I had cancer.
I mean it Is hard on your stomach, especially when you are fasting, you have to keep drinking a lot more unchlorinated Zerowater water in between each dose as the day goes on.
Or you start getting the dry heaving feeling if you let your stomach get totally empty but I never threw up.
Also chlorine dioxide reacts with many things in your system, kind of like EDTA. And just like EDTA, its not the end of the world, it just wont work as well.
But things like iron or calcium in foods (or things in many other vitamins and supplements) react with chlorine dioxide as well...
so for every molecule of chlorine dioxide in your blood that is reacting with food or vitamins you took, thats one molecule of chlorine dioxide that is Not killing a cancer cell or other biologic.
However EDTA (and most other 4-letter chemicals) is broken up by chlorine dioxide, so I would never take them any less than 24 hours apart. Again, its not going to kill you, it just wont work as well or maybe at all.
Im not giving you medical advice of course, just telling you what I would do in your situation... and what I have done myself.
Good luck to you in any case.
Thank you so much, Bee Gee. I get my water from the reverse osmosis machine at the health food store. I think it seems like good water but I will consider the Zerowater pitcher. I have a well with a water softener on it so would that make a difference? I can tell you that I would be happy to not have to lug the 1 gallon jugs to and from the store anymore which I do about twice a week. I would do either the 3 or 5 gallon jugs but I can't lift them so I have to use the 1 gallon ones.
I have heard so many people recommend the chlorine dioxide and I have even gotten the "pre-mixed" 3000 ppm from Gaia's Choice which says to add 1-2ml to 1 gallon of water. I have always been a little nervous about mixing my own ever since seeing Mike Adams do it on his show. When he did it, it was kind of "smoking" and everything. So, do you think it would be ok to use this pre-mixed sol'n first since I already have it, and then go from there?
I don't have an issue drinking it, I just don't like the thought of mixing it.
I am willing to try anything. After what the allopathic doctors have put me through, I think that I can handle the CDS. Since I got away from all of what they subscribe to, I have not had to take any antibiotics or any other medicine and I have not once gotten sick. Never got "covid." Not even a cold. For awhile there, it was one thing right after another. UTI's, colitis, C-Diff. You name it. Now, I take no medicine except the EDTA, Ivermectin, and Fenbendazole, and methylene blue. No pharmaceuticals.
I have not been back to a doctor since going to my PC doctor to ask for a "medical exemption" back when it looked like they were going to mandate the C-19 shot. Oh, and I had to go back and see him to ask him to give me a referral to a vascular surgeon to have my port taken out since I knew that I was not going to be using it again.
It has taken me quite a while to get back to a state of health where I don't feel like crap every day and can now pretty much do whatever I want.
After Covid came along is when I really "woke up" to that whole system of disease care and many other things.
BTW, I think I may have gotten the lymphoma from glyphosate. I did use Round Up to clear out a lot of weeds where we moved, and we were also surrounded by agricultural fields. There is no telling what those farmers were spraying on their crops. And, we had a well for water. The pesticides and herbicides had to have gotten into the ground water, and I am sure that I was breathing it in. I was a lot more naive back then than I am now.
Best cancer drug on the market with little to no side effects: infrared light, especially from the Sun.
Could you write about whether it’s still harmful to hug our friends who have been vaxed and boosted if even non vax blood has spike proteins, graphene oxide and hydrogels etc? Thank you! Love your work and commend your bravery. I pray for your safety every time I read one of your posts.
After four years, my husband still sheds on me after he's been in a large crowd, taken a trip by plane, or with a group of his jabbed up friends. I have symptoms that set in within a day or two, such as stabbing pains in my eyes and temples, bad headaches from vascular bleeding in my brain, shortness of breath, leg veins suddenly turning purple, racing heart, and low energy.
It took me a year and a half to make the correlation. Our young adult cat that sleeps close to him has been affected in the head and goes dotty.
Personally, I would steer clear. I think the tech can shed and spread forever. At least, in my husband, exposure to other vaccinated zombies appears to gin up a body's production of more toxicity. I think of him now as not only my husband but as a lethally polluting manufacturing plant.
I keep my distance for a few days after he's been in public or with his buddies. He tells me he's not going to change his lifestyle for a "fever swamp" fiction. Lol.
Btw, he had his two shots in the spring of 2021.
Some of my coping strategies used for a few days after he's been exposed to groups of jabbed people:
Sleep in another bed and room, if possible. Otherwise, I sleep turned away from his exhalations with maybe an upright pillow between.
I hold my breath when he passes by closely or when we hug!
Rolling down the car windows at least half-way seems to help when driving together.
We use separate toilets and bath sinks.
Nothing too drastic, such as moving out, but he still doesn't believe in shedding and grumbles about precautions.
All the best!
Good link at bottom.
Hello Cari,
Hugging others whether family or friends is an act of love and will strengthen both your immune system and the person you are hugging.
The ONE EXCEPTION is if they have just taken another shot in the last 2 or three days.
No one of course and I do mean NO ONE educated should be taking any CoVid or FLU shot as there is mountains of evidence of severe harm. The vacvcines are both dangerous and NOT effective.
I an trying to make you realize that we have evidence of shedding, a much bigger issue that humanity is facing is that nano technology is very advanced and it can enter your body so many methods.
Your best defense for superior health is first to stop worrying and become proactive.
The second step is to investigate the many EXCELLENT detox methods and immune system boosters.
There are too many detox methods to write about in detail here but EVERY SMART petson, vaccinated or not needs to be proactive and DETOX.
Moreover, you will be feeling better and healthier.
A few.
1. Learn to take ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. This is a fantastic and CHEAP method.
2. Detox in a hot bath with Epsom salts, Sodium Bicarbonate, 20 Mule team BORAX, and Aztec Bentonite Clay.
These four in large quantities can be bought at Walmart for CHEAP with exception of clay.
3. As per Ana Maria, high dose vitamin C and ETDA.
4..Methylene Blue
5. Dr. Peter McCullough and Wellness company supplements.
In summary you would be far better off worrying about your food and water or 5 G and WIFI and the danger it causes including free radicals.
Worrying is harmful. Hug all you want (as explained).
I hope this helps.
Best in Health .
A good link to help or send others.
I think that is a personal risk assessment you will have to judge for yourself.
At least some of the vaxxed are still shedding whatever it is, although we dont really know how many Are (or for how long), and some people seem to have different levels of sensitivity to whatever they are shedding.
But we dont even know if they are all shedding the same things, like I imagine each of the vaxx brands are shedding something slightly different.
Although no one has really done any real research I have seen on Exactly what they are shedding, for some reason.
But we also now know that EDTA and ascorbic acid will permanently disable the nanotech in the jabs And the blood, on the slide at least.
Perhaps line up all your hugs or visits with the vaxxed on the same day, then do an EDTA fast for a few days.
Thats kind of what we do, an EDTA fast every 2 or 3 weeks now, after we go to the store and have to be exposed to the vaxxed/infected.
But Dr Ana has shown EDTA/ascorbic works many many times, and No One Else has provided anywhere near the evidence she has of how well Their supposed solution works.
So I'm not really sure why anyone would Not take the best proven solution anyone has found yet, but to each their own.
But Yes they are still shedding and Yes more of it spreads by touch than through the air... beyond that is up to you, because no one Really Knows much more yet.
Hopefully RFK can bring some more truth to light about what exactly they are shedding.
Good luck to you in any case.
Mechanically (shedding of bioweapon components not necessarily in the environemnt)) -- not for too long! But spiritually, while preying and believing The Almighty promised to help us, definitely hug them.
I had tumors on my cervix and they were not resolving. We watched them progress and then I was told I needed surgery. After scheduling surgery I discovered I was pregnant. I was told if we removed the tumors id likely lose the pregnancy.
I researched and found published work on indole 3 carbinol for reproductive cancers.its the active ingredient in cruciferous veg.
I was scheduled for surgery 6 weeks after my beautiful Madeleine was born. GOD is good. There were no tumors.
I had horrible night sweats when I had the cancer. If I get night sweats again I take i3c before bed for 3 nights and it's resolved in a few days.
I dry all my citrus peels and munch on little bits of them in the afternoon. Full of bioflavanoids, limones, and compounds I think keep me cold free.
Dandelions are naturally high in
quercetin. I make pancakes in the spring with the flower-. Dry the leaves for winter to have a source of quercetin.
I haven't dug the roots for roasting, but if someone dared stop my coffee supply I just might.
Malva for sore throat Ground ivy for arthritis. All outside to find. Mustard powder as chest compress is what my grandmother used for respiratory infections.We may have to learn what nature can do so we can share the knowledge, including sources of vitamin c. Pine needle tea is something my mom makes.
My sister in law is a herbalist and she swears by
Superb resource, thank you.
Some info seems to have been truncated here: “For example, honeydew honey contains approximately 0.10mg/kg of Chrysin, while forest honeys boast a higher concentration of around [??????]. Chrysin has gained considerable attention…”
Here is the direct link to the whole study.
Thymoquinone - Black Cumin Seed Oil (nigella sativa)
What everyone should have in their medicine cabinet
Two very good presentations, everything you need to know by Dr. Bryan Ardis:
Apigenin also helps with Lupus flares.
Truly a fantastic post with many effective treatments - that deserves to be kept in our top drawer for regetence, as during life, we all find friends and families develop cancer.
In this terrible era of turbo cancers, time to react is greatly lessened so as the boy scouts say - be prepared.
I personally might add Methylene Blue, into this mix as it too is highly effective.
Best in health.
Whew, a lot to take in! Thank you for taking the time to share this important info.
Don’t forget the methylation support which is found in OLA LOA. https://www.olaloa.com/index.php/why-ola-loa/ola-loa-and-methylation
Thank you for writing this! You are an amazing person!
Excellent stack… may I urge you to research IP6 this is inositol hexaphosphate which is Vitamin B6.
Rice bran is in the diet of most Japanese and for some peculiar reason removes iron and calcium from ovarian and prostate tumours…and improves PCOS.
That's really useful, thanks so much.
Fantastic resource
Very comprahensive. Thank you. What about apricot seeds?