Keep swinging, Ana. I love you so much (but I'm not stalking you!), for all your hard work for humanity. This stuff is too ugly for the normies to digest, and I admit I can hardly stand to look at it myself, but I never took a bioweapon shot and never wore a mask and never allowed anyone to test me, except once for temperature with that damned thing they point at your third eye. Lord knows what that might have done to me. I also take supplements you recommend like Med5 everyday, and a LOT of other things. I can well understand why those who took the shots and the dangerous devious "tests" with nanotech-contaminated swabs will never look at any of this. I can barely sleep myself just knowing from your work how much of this crap has shed on us all, and how the bastards of Pfizer announced beforehand that there would be shedding. Hell is too good for the assholes that have unleashed this hell on the world.

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Good afternoon, they use a laser to put a seal on their forehead or on their hand, this is described in the Bible of John the Theologian.

Unfortunately, this is not the only way they can put three sixes in the store, anywhere, everything is captured by cameras. sotona wants to destroy everyone so that we all go to the fire hyena with him. All the documents we received contain satanic symbols, so our head is not working. We must pray to God to have mercy on us for our sins and, most importantly, for the sins of abortion. The sea of blood of innocent children has flooded the whole earth, and satanists are rejoicing.

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All true what you say except for demonizing masks. Because you fell for Fauci's "masks don't work" narrative. Sure, they were used as a demonic control mechanism but they are also used in viral wards to protect medical staff. My partner and I wanted no part of whatever the fuck was/is going around, whatever the delivery system, so we have always wore p100's around humans in enclosed spaces, hence why we have clean blood.

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Hi, Kamii Neko;

Can you elaborate, what is it -p100's-? Thanks

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Sep 18·edited Sep 20

It's a medical grade respirator, as used in hospital virus wards.

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N-95 masks from 3-M are good for particle sizes that are larger than some of these micro plastics. Early on the Chinese Masks had fibers on them that were attracted to body temperature heat. These masks and PCR swabs both had these nano fibers present. The geo engineering scheme also probably emits some of these micro plastics as well. Hence, this is probably why we are seeing all these summer time respiratory problems in the last four years. I use a neddie pod with good filtered water, hydrogen peroxide, a pinch of baking soda & a couple drops of food grade iodine to rise out my nasal cavity. Stream Saunas & Sinus Solution from Nature’s Sunshine with Golden Seal works excellent for me! Also, the New Ionic air purifiers seem to have promise. If I am around the jabbed, I wear it around my neck. Much better than a mask.

I have been a pesticide applicator for my greenhouse work for 35 years. I really feel sorry for the folks that still go around with the mask on. They don’t realize the amount of CO-2 that they are breathing back in, plus all the bacteria from the contaminated masks. My late father was a trauma surgeon. He wore the mask only to keep spittle out of the wound of his patient.

It will be interesting to see where this new study goes. I am wondering out loud why we are all allowing us to be treated like lab rats. It will be interested to see if anyone like Dr. Ana Milhaleca would recommend using methylene blue in a neddie pod wash to help remove these microplastics! Good luck my friend. I wish you well.

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Hi, Kamii Neko; Thanks for the reply.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Viruses are small and are able to enter the masks most people wear.

The surgical masks surgeons use as a protective SPLASH mask are to prevent YOUR fluids from getting into their mouth.

They are really a splash guard - and don’t prevent virus entry.

PS: Your eyes are a portal of entry for viruses (if they exist) - do you FULLY cover your eyes?

Wearing a mask is not protective for flu etc - it’s a psychological comfort and that’s about it unless of course a snotty sneeze is done in your face.

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Another narrative. I own and use 3M P100 with valve. These were independently lab tested prior to 2020 against H5N1 with a 99% efficiency. Physics is involved with how small particles are attracted to the fibres and most viral load is attached to mucus/droplets.

In four years I have not had one cold, sniffle, runny nose, cough etc or any diseases, and have been in enclosed places with many coughing, sneezing spreaders. Fauchi was the first to say don't use them..

Masks (including 'surgical') don't work, sure, as doesnt having facial hair, but respirators do. Do they stop every single particle? No that's unlikely, its called virus load though and that's what matters.

Ive been blood tested both lab and live - I'm clear of all spike and nano and was the only one they had tested clean... So yeah, they do work.

Both my vaxxed and unvaxxed friends are all coming down with diseases now and lowered immune systems. It really doesn't matter though what anyone believes now, as the horse has well and truly bolted.

FYI we also avoided all meds, processed food, town water supplies and injected meat in regards to nano.

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Why do you think you have clean blood?

P100's do not stop you from getting the shedding, because it goes through your skin like a gas.

Thats why they wear the inflatable suits in BSL4 labs with scuba air hoses.

I recommend you get a darkfield live blood analysis or buy your own darkfield microscope before you incorrectly assume you have 'clean blood'.

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See above comment - I am tested.

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And haven't all masks been shown to have the nano crap already in them?

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Mushrooms could be a solution - as they help detox plastics. Grassfed butter is also amazing at detoxing plastic. https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/babybrains

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Roman- what do you think about this article regarding EDTA & cancer cells? Does EDTA make it easier for nano particles to enter cells?!


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Seeking Truth, last fall my wife and I got intravenous EDTA & Placquex treatments. While doing these treatments we met a women who had severe lead exposure and had been of EDTA all during the so-called pandemic. She & her husband were unvaccinated. The husband got COVID, she didn’t. She got a test for antibodies for COVID, it was negative. Her husband developed clotting in his legs and collapsed in a Walmart parking lot and later died. This lady during all this exposure from her husband never got COVID and is healthy as can be. This case study, in my own mind, clarified all the writings of Karen Kingston, Dr. Ana Milhaleca & Professor Anita Baxas.

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Amen to that, Brother.

It has been 3 years now, the science is pretty solid, its just getting past the fear of the unknown and scary sounding articles.

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I had read that study before, it is talking about how EDTA makes some cells walls more permeable, but permeability is a two way street... it may make it easier for nanoparticles to get into your cells but it also makes it easier for them to Leave your cells as well.

Here is the actual study they reference but I am not concerned and will continue taking EDTA as I have done for probably 18 months now.

There may be other solutions that work but no one seems to be able to show similar results on Their darkfield microscope as Dr Ana does over and over and over again...

so I say if it aint broke, dont fix it.


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Big surprise when theyre spraying them & then- geeze we have to BREATHE!

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Plastics in the olfactory is not surprising when you consider how much clothing it made with those plastic materials. Think about what’s in the lint trap to your dryer. When you clean it the finer particles become airborne and people breath that in. I always hold my breath when I pull the screen out and clean it. Then move away from the area to breath and let it settle before stepping back to the dryer

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I don’t touch the lint either. Biotoxin mold illness cirs . Micro Balance products help a lot ( I’m not affiliated, just appreciate their cleaning products )

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This is much, much bigger than anyone realizes going forward. Composites is the future we were told, a still great innovation however no one ever conceived what the future held, now we are seeing first hand and it is a tsunami...

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Of course we can't stop breathing and this deadly crap is raining down on us thicker than ever now. So your EDTA + high doses of Vitamin C daily protocol seems to be our only shield against their NAZI final solution plan. Thank you Dr. Ana.

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J-J, there are also the tree essential oils, cinnamon, grapefruit and lemon, 2 drops each, to be put together in a veggie capsule, with a meal, according with Dr Ana’s and Dr Hildegard Staninger’s advices. They work wonders in detoxing plastics.

We need a few companies to produce this in a jelly capsule, like they do with oregano oil!?

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Will that work in my leaky gut? I take pure resin cholystramine for biotoxins a couple times a day.

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Dear Rosalind, I don’t know what it will do to your leaky gut, you might want to be cautious and observant, when starting the oils. If on medications, asking a Naturopathic practitioner how to get around with this whole protocol won’t be a bad idea.

There might be some gastrointestinal discomforts, for the first days of use or even longer..The detox with the essential oils is real and strong.

I’ve introduced them one by one, on a week’s span, just one drop. In two weeks I’ve managed to get the daily dose recommended by Dr Ana without great hassle. I am in good health but slightly reacting at any ‘first changes’…

Expect to maybe have more than a normal stool daily.

The three oils should be food grade, there are good options on line.

You might want to learn how to make them at home, it takes some waiting time, until they are ready to use though.

Bee Gee uses the three oils in his soaps, instead of internally, please read his substack for that one and more on chelation and detox.

I don’t take other supplements with that meal, just the oils.

Be well,

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You never slow down, Dr. Mihalcea, and I am so grateful you do not. This was horrifying to read. Thank you for all your research.

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I could not agree more. I think our USA is slated for destruction by God himself if we don't repent of the millions of children sacrificed at satan's altar in the name of "abortion." Any country that abides child sacrifice deserves to be destroyed, does it not? I repent. I do. I'm sorry, Lord, so sorry I have not done something more to stop child sacrifice here. Please show us the way to help us stop this murder of innocents.

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Folks, below is a response e-mail from a friend of mine who is an expert regarding the brain.

“Very interesting. THE OLFACTORY BULB LEADS DIRECTLY INTO THE ENTORHINAL CORTEX and this is the direct pathway to the hippocampus (memory) and the prefrontal cortex (cognitive control, planning and other higher functions). Looking at the histological slides it looks like microglial activation, which occurs first in Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. As these are nanobots, they could also lead to emotional control as well as injected memories. Activation of the microglia would increase immunoexcitoxicity leading to Parkinson’s and/or Alzheimer’s. “

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Yes, that is what causes the 'brain fog' pre-neurological damage most people have now, including many 'unvaxxed'.

Thats why I take so many chelators that cross the blood brain barrier.

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Mercola says (or reports) that we eat a credit card a week in plastic, from food in baggies, from the store, etc. And do not make tea in it's plastic tea bag;, it's a source of microplastic.

BTW, BeeGee, how does my comments from a week or so ago end up in your substack along with others? And they seem random...?

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I dunno, but sometimes I see old comments and reply even if its old. Maybe thats why.

I dont really have a substack or at least I havent done anything with it so I think it just shows my comments or replies or likes or something since I dont have any real content.

I should probably put some stuff on there, like my EDTA fasting protocol and some of my research on why I take what I take, since people cant see old comments unless they pay to subscribe to Dr Anas substack but maybe one day.

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makes sense. Your fasting protocol would be a good idea.

I've been trying without any luck to get Dr. Ana's stack through an RSS feed. The instructions seem easy but it's not working. I use Brave browser.

Scroll down a bit to "Beware of Substack".

On the other hand does it really matter if google and nsa have all our messages stored? It's easy to say screw it but I'd still like to try the RSS.


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I dont use Brave on the desktop, I still just use Firefox but here is an article about it.


The RSS url to enter for Dr Anas substack would be:


Yeah I dont especially trust substack or anyone else either, but thats why I dont pay to subscribe to anyones page.

Just because you are paranoid doesnt mean they Arent out to get you... I just dont worry too much about it anymore, I think they know who I am by now, whoever 'they' are ; )

Good luck with the RSS feed though.

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I have problems with shedding. I wonder if the weight loss drug shot sheds too.

Recently having stomach cramps & a friend on the medicine is staying with us.

I know that sounds “ crazy “ , but

Question everything.

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Rosalind McGill, Mike Adam’s says ozempic is synthetic helamonster venom peptides. These shots will destroy your vagus nerve that travels from your brain to your stomach. If you are currently taking this drug, please stop and pick up Dr. Brian Ardis or Dr. Ed Group’s Foreign Protein Cleanse product from GlobalHealingCenter.com

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I couldn't find the Foreign Protein Cleanse on the site but I found a lot of very expensive supplements that will thin your bank account a LOT. $649. for a "complete body cleanse program" with 84 pgs. of instruction and tell your story on facebook and instagram, and then order again.

Thanks, I'll pass.

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Foreign Protein Cleanse is $42.

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Rosalind, I too suffer greatly from the shedding. And as Dr Ana has written about, they are putting the same toxic crap in regular vaccines and injectable medicines without disclosing it to the public. Bastards! And I can completely confirm they are putting it in not only insulin, but Botox injections as well. And that shedding from the Botox persons did me THEE worst! I’m still suffering from the after effects here 4 to 5 months later.?it was so back out there, the contamination in public really picked up in February, that it has forced me to become a recluse 😞 My skin just couldn’t not take another dose of shedding/transmitting/contamination again. It’s been 5 months since the last exposure, and it will take anot 5 to six months of recovery for my skin provided I don’t get shed on again.

This shit has truly ruined my life!

In my opinion, I feel there is a nano bacteria involved in the shedding. Such as the bacteria’s in Morgellons and Lyme.

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How can you confirm it’s on Botox?

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Formic acid degrades or dissolves some polyamides, so that is something thats on my research back burner, fwiw.

Makes sense though, you almost never see ants in spiderwebs.

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Bee venom and stinging nettle :)

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Stinging nettle loses the formic acid when it is dried or baked for processing into supplements.

Formic acid is a known approved preservative, E236 on the preservative list so its obviously not lethal in small doses but I haven’t had time to research further.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 18

You can get a lot of highly bioavailable vitamin C by just juicing a few oranges with a twist juicer and then filtering the juice through a coffee filter strainer into a glass of drinking water.

Then pour more water over the pulp and rinse it until it turns white rather than orange.

Vitamin C and citrate and some of the other components are water soluble so they will washout into your water. There are multiple isomers and flavonoids and acids of C in fresh juice that you do not get in ascorbic acid or most Vitamin C supplements.

I drink 15 or 20 pounds of oranges during our EDTA fasts but you can do it anytime to enhance your C intake.




It will Not replace Vitamin C supplements entirely as in Dr Anas recommended protocol, you cannot drink enough orange juice to get 10,000mg equivalent of C (as ascorbic acid) daily, but it can do things pills cannot so I take both.

A Lot of Both. You can drink it while taking EDTA too, EDTA and orange juice water will not mix.

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I don’t understand. You drink the water you strain the pulp in?

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Yes, I juice the oranges with a basic twist juicer… just peel the stem end off and then it only takes like 10 seconds to juice it. Then I filter the juice into a glass of Zerowater using a coffee filter to remove almost all the pulp and fiber.

Then I pour more water through the coffee filter until the pulp turns white, in order to get all of the vitamin c and citrate out of the pulp. Then I just discard the pulp because I go through a lot of oranges and pineapple and do not want all that fiber in my diet.

IME EDTA will not bind with the slight mineral content in orange juice in water though, so you can take them together or while you are doing an EDTA fast.

EDTA is extremely hydrophobic to acidic or neutral water (or orange juice) so the EDTA powder just sits on the surface of acidic solutions and will not dissolve into it for Anything unless you raise the pH above 8.

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Don't filter. The paper coffee filters put tons of particulate matter in the liquid. Perhaps a very fine mesh strainer, but no paper.

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Yes, I agree, I use a gold fine filter out of an old coffee maker.

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Yes I had already read that but I replied more about it above.

I have been taking EDTA for about 18 months now and my wife has been taking it for about 12 or 14 months and we feel great, but everyone has to do their own research and make their own decisions.

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So, in combination with the known effects of the recent and current injections offered by the medical industry, sex pheromones, a special type of olfactory signal, which play a role in sociosexual behaviors used to attract the opposite sex will be muted by the Microplastics. Human beings will be a thing of the past, without some form of intervention and how likely will that be?

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I have always questioned if damage to the olfactory bulb (possibly from a PCR swab being rammed up into the brain) is what was causing the "loss of taste and smell" associated with "Covid." It would make sense that if the olfactory bulb, which is associated with the sense of smell is damaged, then a person would also not be able to taste. Just ask anyone who has ever had a stuffed up nose from a cold if they can taste their food.

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Yeah, those “swabs” were nothing but plastic brushes

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And why people allowed them to be shoved up their noses (when they weren't even sick!), I will never know!

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