The Schumann resonance is also being disturbed by ground current EMF can run through our homes as well, via dirty electricity - and why grounding / earthing is not always advisable.
Thanks for your question. Not really - as submarines us infrasonic which can penetrate the Earth. The only way to know is by measuring ground current. Why do you ask?
10 feet underground with just packed soil is enough to block moderately high gamma radiation from the surface, so I would bet it blocks all EMF too, until you get into the ultra high range like special multi-terahertz ground penetrating radar.
And thats just soil so if you had 2 or 4 feet of concrete around an underground structure like a shipping container with 6 or more feet of packed earth on top of it, I would bet you would not get Any EMF or infrasonic waves through.
Infrasound isnt really EMF though, its 20hz or under, like a really low subwoofer and even 6 inches of concrete will totally dampen almost all infrasound to imperceptibility.
Thanks Bee Gee for all your input! Yes anything that's a lower frequency would have a longer wavelength, thus being able to penetrate deeper - and why lower frequencies are often more of an issue than millimeter 5G for many.
All the more reason to get out of the cities. There is no mmWave 5g outside of cities or densely populated areas since its effective range is only a few hundred feet.
I think someone could avoid EMF in a bunker 6-10 feet underground though... I'll let you know when I get one.
I think our house is somewhat safer than the old one we had in the Pacific NW. That was cedar sided and a shake roof.
This one is built to survive hurricanes and it has.
Cinder block walls with 1/2"/-3/4" mortar on each side and steel over plywood roofing. Plenty of rebar in the walls and the downstairs has a 5" think concrete floor with a ton of 1/2" and 5/8" rebar in the floor. Built into the earth halfway.
The nearest cell tower is 4,500 ft. away so I'm hoping we're somewhat safer.
Now, off topic but I want to get this out there.
I'm noticing a drop off in the numbers of local reptilian species (no, not those! ).
Small tree frogs, larger frogs/toads and lizards appear to be dwindling. 3 kinds of doves around and their numbers are down somewhat but not bad, however their behavior is a bit different. It's hard to describe and it's anecdotal of course but keep an eye on your local wildlife; it's an indicator as to how much time we all may have left.
Maybe 15 yr ago I read a book by a fellow seeking elusive silence, and the dampening of his relentless tinnitus (by now epidemic), which he finally succeeded in experiencing only when down a deep mine shaft. I wrote to him, but he seemed oblivious to taking the e-pollution causality seriously.
Our own approx. 15 yr long chronic tinnitus is now alleviated only when the area grid goes down.Sometimes - all too rarely for us off-gridders - we know about an area black/brownout when our heads grow mercifully quiet. It is crummy tho' when area folks after a while turn on their noisy generators.
I believe among the most efficient provokers of this "hearing" comes from "smart" utility meters. Frey found long ago that sharpest spikes to MW transmissions were most provocative. It is unclear tho' whether it is the "dirty electric" spurious frequencies or the patterning within carrier waves that are at issue. One old Russian experiment (Tyazelov) found that exposing subject who had their heads dunked under water, had them hear the pulse rate. See A Firstenberg's most interesting chapter on microwave hearing/tinnitus (he does not equate the two) as well, with its focus on hearing capacities we have that are little recognized,, akin to fish for example. I suggested to him that this may be an accounting for prophetic voice hearing...!
I go on about this symptom as it should never be mistaken for mere irritant, but understood as index of greater harm - no pain in the brain, we get a sonic warning instead. And further, locating out of cties as Bee Gee I think wisely suggests, may not work in one's favour to get away from e-pollution of various sorts. Sometimes fewer incoming signals seem to be more effective at inducing harm.
Interesting comment, dyr. Sorry to hear how electro-sensitive you are. Such an affliction is all too real and beyond frustrating, from what I've read. But, is your comment intended for me? Because I don't remember mentioning having the screaming in my ears, which I do.
Mine, however, was done to me by stalkers who had drugged my drink in my home and did various terrible things to me one night when my husband was away. They placed ear phones on my head and blasted extremely loud music into my ears for a significant length of time. They bragged, online, about doing this to me, and other things, after I woke up the next day and was disoriented with one ear lobe slashed, soreness and then big bruising on one leg, the screaming in my ears, a lump inside my nose and right lower gum, and a red pimple on my cheek. The pimple grew larger and was on its way to infecting my eye and nasal passages, when I reluctantly went to the doctor for strong antibiotics. Turned out the bacterium was necrotic and I ended up losing an upper molar on that side. The "lumps" were RFIDs they sloppily tagged me with.
I only say all of this, because I don't remember mentioning having the aural nerve damage ringing/ screaming in my ears/ head wrt emf, since I know who did it and how it was done. Meanwhile, I have been living with radiation in my head from the RFIDs, because I can't find a doctor or technician who would consider dealing with them without thinking it's a fantasy, and that's a problem, because my husband believes there's no such thing as organized stalkers who do harm to targeted individuals. Funny, it's his that's the fantasy world.
I would love to move out to the country, but for needing a partner and others who know what's going on in the world, needing the creeps to leave me alone, needing my life savings returned which they stole, and, now, as you say, needing to ensure powerful incoming emf wouldn't undo all architectural precautions.
And so, the life in my head, is all I have, but I enjoy the challenge of designing a lifestyle including structures, organic animal husbandry and food production, resource production and storage, arts, etc. that is protected from microwaves and DEW weapons, from fire, flood, quake, sinkholes, ice, drought, pole flips, solar novae, hordes, and killer robots, and that all of the aforementioned not be stifling but positive and forward-looking for upcoming generations!
Anyway, the best to you in your off-grid situation. Please keep studying and sharing your good insights!
I was prompted by talk of the search for a low rad zone to repair to by someone. The author I recalled, I think Foy was the surname, unwittingly was searching for same in his tinnitus-free silence zone search. Tinnitus is the index as I say re greater harm. In my view the overwhelming number of cases of this are from e-exposures, as said esp.provoked by "smart" meters. I can't comment on your personal description of events, but I will say my vehicle in the 00s I was sure had to have had stuck on an rfid locator ,slapped under it likely this from various evidence over a few years, and after careful but provocative commenting on certain subjects online several times. . "Targeted" I hesitate to use the term, but watched, followed, tested on for surveillance etc, definitely, incl. live online harassment, staged strangenesses in the neighbourhood to allow police request of entry to our home, etc etc. This ended tho' around 15 yr ago, as far as I could tell. Anyway, rule not out that any latter-day tinnitus generation is exacerbated if not (as liekliest) caused by e-exposures of various types. And I would shy away from the term 'ehs' - what biological being is not "sensitive"to e-signal? It is the reactivity that counts and whether one pays attention and gets what's doing it.
I agree, all biologicals are electrical/ electronic sensitive and most often in harmful ways, when it comes to ambient and device generated artificial emf. In your case and in those of others, was referring to you as having the bad luck of experiencing uncomfortable symptoms, while others who do not realize they're adversely affected by emf don't protect themselves.
So, are you the lucky ones? At least, you realize what's going on and can take measures to avoid and abate what you can.
A pleasure to hear Sir JR speak, read before but never heard.
A few remarks prompted by what was heard:
re "original sin", being born sinners - I am loath to impugn a grand (if for some of us problematic) tradition (where obviously common Christianity-related teaching is intended), but the biblically told human origin story is interpretable in quite another way, which is not to say that the wrongdoing aspect is absent, but it needs big interpretive counterbalance, overweighing actually in another direction - it is suggested that instead of for example, 'punishment' being spoken of, 'consequences' be substituted; one way to read the seminal story is to take it to refer to e.g. cereal grass basis for agriculture, after which inception there was no turning back, thus when 'aDaM Ha-RiShON is told he will thenceforth eat by the "sweat of your brow" and thorn & burr will get in your way, whereas work was always to be involved, now "heat" suggestive of lesser sense of well-being in some ways will come from the different mode of work, yet, for instance, the bitters from burdock and thsitle are medicinal!...also compare what is done toward the end of the episode, where the couple's Creator clothes them better - 'consequence' vs 'punishment', statements of pregnant interpretable facts or "sin"?
soil: indeed at the root, and this is hammered home in references to how humans are earth-source creatures beginning to end, the very 1st words to them being about what they'll eat (and when it comes e.g. to concern for overabundance of atmospheric CO2, soil disruption and soil care must be at the core of concern, in opposition to some misplaced focus)
exposing lies: JR then speaks of "exposing truth", but that is a very different matter, lies can be plainly laid out (if ignored) but to lay out 'truth' philosophically can be fraught
limitlessness vs finitude: one essence of idolatry is to apply the latter to what is purportedly worshipful; one not uncommon Hebrew term for the Worshipful is 'aYn SOF, limitless (this also relates to the point about 'truth', an epistomological point - just how far can we know anyway, even as we can't desist from trying)
"consciousness" in all nature: see the (sadly only dissident) stream of Western philosphy, known as 'process thought', stemming from the work especially of AN Whitehead & panpsychism
uneasiness re electronica: a clear instance where somatic cause was recognized to impinge on psyche, something essential, as a primary instinct is to psychologize one's troubles, whereas everyone has challenges as if walking on a cliff's edge, along comes an unknown "wind" blowing them over the edge to injury, yet the psychologizing goes on unwaware of the physical external push
re physical sense of unease re wireless: when enagged in public advocacy on this suibject, one Canadian MP met with privately started to explain how she feels this same strange troubling sensation aobut her ear/head when putting a mob phone to her head, but in the end she could not wrestsle herself away from embedding in the general going along; ditto another MP from another opposition party also on the involved Parliamentary committee, who said publicly even he felt the phone's in-pocket effect on his leg...our pointw were made but the capture is so profound that nothing salutary could ensue legislatively
re nervous preoccupation with checking devices every short while - but it communicates as frequently with infrastructure, too
re push forward regardless of suffering etc - but it must be thought pushed ahead also partially BECAUSE of it!
re life of enticing conveniences - this must be also put in context of necessity of labour vs avoidance of labour, of worldly engagement as JR has it vs effectively escapist approach
The use of basalt rock dust for organic farming can increase crop yields 200% to 800% in weight per square metre of land with massively increased mineral and micromineral content, and gives massive resistance to parasitic nematodes, insect pests, molds/fungus, bacterial and viral infections so that chemicals are no longer required to deal with these, and it makes crops resistant to drought too, the resultant increased mineral content in animal feed resulting in vast increases in animal life quality and life expectancy in animals eating such produce in experiments using such minerals, that you do not get from NPK 'enriched' standard non-organic crops or even from regular organic food as the organic enrichment methods often use stuff that has been recycled somehow from the soil itself after the plants have already taken something out, so animal manure for example has a lot of the microminerals missing from it that fresh basalt rock dust or dust from other suitable igneous rock species still has, though you need a kilo or two per square metre every year or two on your arable soil.
Basalt rock dust is so good that it completely blows any purported need for their purposely toxic and disease-producing GM bioweapon fake food crops right out of the water, which cause massively decreased lifespans in farm animals, miscarriages, birth defects, lowered fertility, lowered birth weight and lower than normal size and weight in adulthood of livestock fed from birth or from mothers fed on GM crops, organ failure, cancer, autoimmune and other diseases, and of course GM crops do just the same to humans too, even if we eat eggs or milk from livestock fed on toxic GM fake food crops themselves.
I was watching Dark Journalist Apotheum UFO Nation and I didn't know what "apotheum" meant so I looked it up and found this painting and some explanation about what apotheum is.
Doesn't this painting look just like the nanotechnology that is being seen in the blood? It's uncanny.
The Schumann resonance is also being disturbed by ground current EMF can run through our homes as well, via dirty electricity - and why grounding / earthing is not always advisable.
Do you know whether there's a depth underground that's not likely to have artificial EMF?
Thanks for your question. Not really - as submarines us infrasonic which can penetrate the Earth. The only way to know is by measuring ground current. Why do you ask?
10 feet underground with just packed soil is enough to block moderately high gamma radiation from the surface, so I would bet it blocks all EMF too, until you get into the ultra high range like special multi-terahertz ground penetrating radar.
And thats just soil so if you had 2 or 4 feet of concrete around an underground structure like a shipping container with 6 or more feet of packed earth on top of it, I would bet you would not get Any EMF or infrasonic waves through.
Infrasound isnt really EMF though, its 20hz or under, like a really low subwoofer and even 6 inches of concrete will totally dampen almost all infrasound to imperceptibility.
Thanks Bee Gee for all your input! Yes anything that's a lower frequency would have a longer wavelength, thus being able to penetrate deeper - and why lower frequencies are often more of an issue than millimeter 5G for many.
Low electric fields can open up sodium channels in the body, and have been linked to leukemia:
All the more reason to get out of the cities. There is no mmWave 5g outside of cities or densely populated areas since its effective range is only a few hundred feet.
I think someone could avoid EMF in a bunker 6-10 feet underground though... I'll let you know when I get one.
That's probably part of the reason all of the parasitic psychopaths have underground bunkers....
Yes please do! Send pictures (;
I think our house is somewhat safer than the old one we had in the Pacific NW. That was cedar sided and a shake roof.
This one is built to survive hurricanes and it has.
Cinder block walls with 1/2"/-3/4" mortar on each side and steel over plywood roofing. Plenty of rebar in the walls and the downstairs has a 5" think concrete floor with a ton of 1/2" and 5/8" rebar in the floor. Built into the earth halfway.
The nearest cell tower is 4,500 ft. away so I'm hoping we're somewhat safer.
Now, off topic but I want to get this out there.
I'm noticing a drop off in the numbers of local reptilian species (no, not those! ).
Small tree frogs, larger frogs/toads and lizards appear to be dwindling. 3 kinds of doves around and their numbers are down somewhat but not bad, however their behavior is a bit different. It's hard to describe and it's anecdotal of course but keep an eye on your local wildlife; it's an indicator as to how much time we all may have left.
how does one stop the lower frequencies?
Maybe 15 yr ago I read a book by a fellow seeking elusive silence, and the dampening of his relentless tinnitus (by now epidemic), which he finally succeeded in experiencing only when down a deep mine shaft. I wrote to him, but he seemed oblivious to taking the e-pollution causality seriously.
Our own approx. 15 yr long chronic tinnitus is now alleviated only when the area grid goes down.Sometimes - all too rarely for us off-gridders - we know about an area black/brownout when our heads grow mercifully quiet. It is crummy tho' when area folks after a while turn on their noisy generators.
I believe among the most efficient provokers of this "hearing" comes from "smart" utility meters. Frey found long ago that sharpest spikes to MW transmissions were most provocative. It is unclear tho' whether it is the "dirty electric" spurious frequencies or the patterning within carrier waves that are at issue. One old Russian experiment (Tyazelov) found that exposing subject who had their heads dunked under water, had them hear the pulse rate. See A Firstenberg's most interesting chapter on microwave hearing/tinnitus (he does not equate the two) as well, with its focus on hearing capacities we have that are little recognized,, akin to fish for example. I suggested to him that this may be an accounting for prophetic voice hearing...!
I go on about this symptom as it should never be mistaken for mere irritant, but understood as index of greater harm - no pain in the brain, we get a sonic warning instead. And further, locating out of cties as Bee Gee I think wisely suggests, may not work in one's favour to get away from e-pollution of various sorts. Sometimes fewer incoming signals seem to be more effective at inducing harm.
Interesting comment, dyr. Sorry to hear how electro-sensitive you are. Such an affliction is all too real and beyond frustrating, from what I've read. But, is your comment intended for me? Because I don't remember mentioning having the screaming in my ears, which I do.
Mine, however, was done to me by stalkers who had drugged my drink in my home and did various terrible things to me one night when my husband was away. They placed ear phones on my head and blasted extremely loud music into my ears for a significant length of time. They bragged, online, about doing this to me, and other things, after I woke up the next day and was disoriented with one ear lobe slashed, soreness and then big bruising on one leg, the screaming in my ears, a lump inside my nose and right lower gum, and a red pimple on my cheek. The pimple grew larger and was on its way to infecting my eye and nasal passages, when I reluctantly went to the doctor for strong antibiotics. Turned out the bacterium was necrotic and I ended up losing an upper molar on that side. The "lumps" were RFIDs they sloppily tagged me with.
I only say all of this, because I don't remember mentioning having the aural nerve damage ringing/ screaming in my ears/ head wrt emf, since I know who did it and how it was done. Meanwhile, I have been living with radiation in my head from the RFIDs, because I can't find a doctor or technician who would consider dealing with them without thinking it's a fantasy, and that's a problem, because my husband believes there's no such thing as organized stalkers who do harm to targeted individuals. Funny, it's his that's the fantasy world.
I would love to move out to the country, but for needing a partner and others who know what's going on in the world, needing the creeps to leave me alone, needing my life savings returned which they stole, and, now, as you say, needing to ensure powerful incoming emf wouldn't undo all architectural precautions.
And so, the life in my head, is all I have, but I enjoy the challenge of designing a lifestyle including structures, organic animal husbandry and food production, resource production and storage, arts, etc. that is protected from microwaves and DEW weapons, from fire, flood, quake, sinkholes, ice, drought, pole flips, solar novae, hordes, and killer robots, and that all of the aforementioned not be stifling but positive and forward-looking for upcoming generations!
Anyway, the best to you in your off-grid situation. Please keep studying and sharing your good insights!
I was prompted by talk of the search for a low rad zone to repair to by someone. The author I recalled, I think Foy was the surname, unwittingly was searching for same in his tinnitus-free silence zone search. Tinnitus is the index as I say re greater harm. In my view the overwhelming number of cases of this are from e-exposures, as said esp.provoked by "smart" meters. I can't comment on your personal description of events, but I will say my vehicle in the 00s I was sure had to have had stuck on an rfid locator ,slapped under it likely this from various evidence over a few years, and after careful but provocative commenting on certain subjects online several times. . "Targeted" I hesitate to use the term, but watched, followed, tested on for surveillance etc, definitely, incl. live online harassment, staged strangenesses in the neighbourhood to allow police request of entry to our home, etc etc. This ended tho' around 15 yr ago, as far as I could tell. Anyway, rule not out that any latter-day tinnitus generation is exacerbated if not (as liekliest) caused by e-exposures of various types. And I would shy away from the term 'ehs' - what biological being is not "sensitive"to e-signal? It is the reactivity that counts and whether one pays attention and gets what's doing it.
I agree, all biologicals are electrical/ electronic sensitive and most often in harmful ways, when it comes to ambient and device generated artificial emf. In your case and in those of others, was referring to you as having the bad luck of experiencing uncomfortable symptoms, while others who do not realize they're adversely affected by emf don't protect themselves.
So, are you the lucky ones? At least, you realize what's going on and can take measures to avoid and abate what you can.
And this, too. It's even worse than you think. How about not letting Klaus Schwab decide who lives and dies in Western societies? Schwab proposes a law to die at 70, with few exceptions! [] [] []
What a fascinating journey. And one that had success, more than once. I will be listening! Thank you.
Julian’s success in such an endeavor is Important and Commendable !! T Y Dr. for finding him. . .
A pleasure to hear Sir JR speak, read before but never heard.
A few remarks prompted by what was heard:
re "original sin", being born sinners - I am loath to impugn a grand (if for some of us problematic) tradition (where obviously common Christianity-related teaching is intended), but the biblically told human origin story is interpretable in quite another way, which is not to say that the wrongdoing aspect is absent, but it needs big interpretive counterbalance, overweighing actually in another direction - it is suggested that instead of for example, 'punishment' being spoken of, 'consequences' be substituted; one way to read the seminal story is to take it to refer to e.g. cereal grass basis for agriculture, after which inception there was no turning back, thus when 'aDaM Ha-RiShON is told he will thenceforth eat by the "sweat of your brow" and thorn & burr will get in your way, whereas work was always to be involved, now "heat" suggestive of lesser sense of well-being in some ways will come from the different mode of work, yet, for instance, the bitters from burdock and thsitle are medicinal!...also compare what is done toward the end of the episode, where the couple's Creator clothes them better - 'consequence' vs 'punishment', statements of pregnant interpretable facts or "sin"?
soil: indeed at the root, and this is hammered home in references to how humans are earth-source creatures beginning to end, the very 1st words to them being about what they'll eat (and when it comes e.g. to concern for overabundance of atmospheric CO2, soil disruption and soil care must be at the core of concern, in opposition to some misplaced focus)
exposing lies: JR then speaks of "exposing truth", but that is a very different matter, lies can be plainly laid out (if ignored) but to lay out 'truth' philosophically can be fraught
limitlessness vs finitude: one essence of idolatry is to apply the latter to what is purportedly worshipful; one not uncommon Hebrew term for the Worshipful is 'aYn SOF, limitless (this also relates to the point about 'truth', an epistomological point - just how far can we know anyway, even as we can't desist from trying)
"consciousness" in all nature: see the (sadly only dissident) stream of Western philosphy, known as 'process thought', stemming from the work especially of AN Whitehead & panpsychism
uneasiness re electronica: a clear instance where somatic cause was recognized to impinge on psyche, something essential, as a primary instinct is to psychologize one's troubles, whereas everyone has challenges as if walking on a cliff's edge, along comes an unknown "wind" blowing them over the edge to injury, yet the psychologizing goes on unwaware of the physical external push
re physical sense of unease re wireless: when enagged in public advocacy on this suibject, one Canadian MP met with privately started to explain how she feels this same strange troubling sensation aobut her ear/head when putting a mob phone to her head, but in the end she could not wrestsle herself away from embedding in the general going along; ditto another MP from another opposition party also on the involved Parliamentary committee, who said publicly even he felt the phone's in-pocket effect on his leg...our pointw were made but the capture is so profound that nothing salutary could ensue legislatively
re nervous preoccupation with checking devices every short while - but it communicates as frequently with infrastructure, too
re push forward regardless of suffering etc - but it must be thought pushed ahead also partially BECAUSE of it!
re life of enticing conveniences - this must be also put in context of necessity of labour vs avoidance of labour, of worldly engagement as JR has it vs effectively escapist approach
Raw milk
Clean air (no chemtrails), clean anesthetics, clean (raw) dairy, clean blood (no jabs)
If the gov't doesn't want you to have it, you will want it for your health.
Always and Naturally drifted to the want and even Need for the govt. Proscribed !
We have [mind] for Reason so ask how ( i ) am . . .
The use of basalt rock dust for organic farming can increase crop yields 200% to 800% in weight per square metre of land with massively increased mineral and micromineral content, and gives massive resistance to parasitic nematodes, insect pests, molds/fungus, bacterial and viral infections so that chemicals are no longer required to deal with these, and it makes crops resistant to drought too, the resultant increased mineral content in animal feed resulting in vast increases in animal life quality and life expectancy in animals eating such produce in experiments using such minerals, that you do not get from NPK 'enriched' standard non-organic crops or even from regular organic food as the organic enrichment methods often use stuff that has been recycled somehow from the soil itself after the plants have already taken something out, so animal manure for example has a lot of the microminerals missing from it that fresh basalt rock dust or dust from other suitable igneous rock species still has, though you need a kilo or two per square metre every year or two on your arable soil.
Basalt rock dust is so good that it completely blows any purported need for their purposely toxic and disease-producing GM bioweapon fake food crops right out of the water, which cause massively decreased lifespans in farm animals, miscarriages, birth defects, lowered fertility, lowered birth weight and lower than normal size and weight in adulthood of livestock fed from birth or from mothers fed on GM crops, organ failure, cancer, autoimmune and other diseases, and of course GM crops do just the same to humans too, even if we eat eggs or milk from livestock fed on toxic GM fake food crops themselves.
I do NOT understand. Blue light is the enemy, hence I keep a 'nighttime' red tint to my phone and laptop screens.
I was watching Dark Journalist Apotheum UFO Nation and I didn't know what "apotheum" meant so I looked it up and found this painting and some explanation about what apotheum is.
Doesn't this painting look just like the nanotechnology that is being seen in the blood? It's uncanny.