To my eyes, you are a humble dedicated peace loving duty driven person, Dr. Ana, and much more. In your recent presentations, your discourse has changed: you have now reached conclusive evidence about your findings and you are obviously pleased to make it known to the world. You've succeeded in finding the A Bomb against the invisible «nano assassins». Congratulations for your steadfastness and astute judgement. To me you are a revolutionary heroine!

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Have you confirmed that oral EDTA is just as effective as the IV EDTA? Have you looked at the blood from someone who has done oral EDTA to see if it is clearing the blood of the nano structures? Also, what about the fibrin clots, microscopic clots that most people exposed to Covid are walking around with that are creating many health issues? Does EDTA help break down the fibrin or is that another therapy that needs to be addressed in order to clear the fibrin clots in the blood? Ivy collation is very expensive. Approximately $200 per treatment if not more how often should one receive treatment in order to clear the blood appropriately?

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All good questions, I would like to know the answers to as well.

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I've posted this here before, but don't mind doing so again. Here's an excerpt from another reply's linked article:


"I have been taking 225 mg liposomal Calcium EDTA from Global Healing per day and 4 g of liposomal Vitamin C from Mercola. Obviously, that was not enough. I am now increasing it to 490 mg EDTA and 10 g of Vitamin C per day and will recheck in a few weeks. That’s the oral protocol by Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD. In addition, I’m taking 2 Plaquex Oral of 900 mg each per day."

It has long been established in naturopathic medicine that when EDTA (in this case, Calcium EDTA) is ingested (swallowed) and introduced to the digestive system, only 5-10% will make it into the bloodstream, which is the goal and why IV chelation of EDTA is so effective, since an IV treatment goes straight into the bloodstream. It has also long been established in naturopathic medicine that sublingual use of EDTA (literally "under the tongue") delivers about 60% of the dose into the bloodstream. Granted, even if you hold the dose in your mouth for 30 minutes, not all of it will be absorbed, as is evidenced by the remaining taste. Most naturopaths use 1 gram, or 1,000 milligrams, in IV EDTA therapy, along with vitamin C. To achieve a similar result and efficacy using the much cheaper and less invasive, less time consuming, more private route of sublingual therapy, here's what I do:

On empty stomach or with a light snack to prevent digestive distress, take at least 1,000 mg vitamin C, orally (DO NOT USE VITAMIN C AS A SUBLINGUAL, IT WILL DESTROY TOOTH ENAMEL!!), wait at least 15 minutes.

Calcium EDTA, ½ teaspoon (2 grams, or 2,000 milligrams), sublingual (dump in mouth, hold under tongue, do not swallow. Hold for at least 30 minutes.

60% of 2 grams is 1.2 grams, or 1,200 milligrams. In theory, that's how much will make it into the bloodstream. But, since even after 30 minutes not all the EDTA is absorbed by the mouth, that must be taken into consideration and subtracted from the total. By my guesstimation, you're getting about 1 gram, or 1,000 mg, into the bloodstream, along with the vitamin C you took at least 15 minutes prior. Therefore, you're getting a very similar amount into the bloodstream as compared to IV therapy.

In response to the quote from the article, the recommendation of 490 mg liposomal EDTA is not nearly enough, even if 100% were absorbed and entered the bloodstream. And anyone who takes 10 g of vitamin C, liposomal or other, is going to have such bad diarrhea that they risk dehydration, which can cause kidney damage and nutritional deficiencies, and possible digestive damage.

Please note that sublingual EDTA will pull metals out of dental implants, which is especially dangerous in the presence of silver mercury amalgam fillings. EDTA doesn't bond well enough to prevent the mercury from being absorbed by the mouth tissue, and it can cause mercury poisoning. If you have a silver mercury amalgam filling, I highly recommend getting it removed. Plan ahead by going on a serious heavy metal detox to mitigate toxicity, because even the most careful removal procedure is going to introduce some mercury into the tissue.

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Calcium EDTA, ½ teaspoon (2 grams, or 2,000 milligrams) how much is that with Global Healing? 2 Plaquex Oral of 900 mg each per day." what brand? Where can I find it thanks

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Global healing? I don't use their products. This is the most economical way to buy calcium EDTA


That's from the manufacturer, not a reseller. It's pure powder with no fillers. ½ teaspoon is 2 grams. 500 serving of 2 grams each, that's over one year's supply for $40.

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I am now increasing it to 490 mg EDTA and 10 g of Vitamin C per day and will recheck in a few weeks. That’s the oral protocol by Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD. In addition, I’m taking 2 Plaquex Oral of 900 mg each per day." I have Global Healing EDTA how much 490mg in the dropper? Where can I find 2 plaques oral 900 mg what brand? Why do you hold it on your mouth? I've never Anna stated that thanks.

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I don't use Plaquex or any of the brands Ana recommends. It's nothing personal against her, but I've been a holistic healer for many years and I buy in bulk, make my own formulations and encapsulations, and try to give my clients the most affordable options.

Be careful taking that much vitamin C. If you get loose stools or diarrhea, or stomach irritation, lower your dosage until that goes away because it can cause harm. I can't imagine how much per year it would cost to take 10 grams of liposomal vitamin C each day, but it sounds very, very expensive. I use plain ascorbic acid. Very cheap, and effective. If I was dealing with an aggressive form of cancer I would recommend liposomal vitamin C for a period of time, but most of my clients would not be able to afford that amount for very long.

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We 1000% believe you and your prolific excellent lab work!!! Thank You!!! We might have missed it but can you detail how the infested public, who rabidly desire to de-infest our temples of the Holy Ghost, can obtain Calcium Disodium EDTA and Ascorbic Acid in the correct form and quantities that could exorcise this demonic shit from our bodies... and how frequently the miracle elixir would be taken in the future to keep the shit out permanently...

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Thank you so much for all that you do and have done for us. You have helped us all so much.

Can we give this to our pets as well?

I have also been doing diatomaceous earth for parasites as I have felt parasites could be apart of this process. Eating lots of greens.

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I would talk with your vet, there IS EDTA for pets but it is usually IV or eye drops and if your pet has any kidney issues, EDTA could be dangerous for them.

They do use it for lead chelation in pets though... Maybe tell your vet your pet ate some lead paint chips.

Also it is very hard to equate amounts between human weight and animal weight, so its possible an amount that is fine for people would be too much for a pet so I would not try it at home without vet supervision personally.

Also I myself do not take any more clays or 'earths' like DE, because the chemical analysis of DE shows it is mostly made of silica and alumina, similar to Zeolite.

I dont think it is Proven that they are harmful or help build the nanotech Yet but I definitely think it is possible that they Can, as Dr Ana has shown in some of their patents and research papers.

From wikipedia: The typical chemical composition of oven-dried diatomaceous earth is 80–90% silica, with 2–4% alumina (attributed mostly to clay minerals), and 0.5–2% iron oxide.[2]

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Calcium bentonite clay is very different in composition. I use it daily, mostly to deal with my Lyme's disease and other tick borne infections.

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Does it kill them or just attenuate the symptoms?

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It binds heavy metals so they can more effectively pass through the liver and kidneys without being reabsorbed. Similar to activated charcoal, the particles are charged, and bond by "adsorbing," spelled with a "d" not a "b", as distinct from " absorbing." But no binding agent is 100% effective, and some particles will inevitably be reabsorbed as it passes through the liver and kidneys. Therefore, to avoid a herxheimer reaction, start with maybe ¼ teaspoon in water, on empty stomach, before bed. Double the amount each week until you reach 1 teaspoon per day. Make sure to replace lost minerals in diet or supplement form. For every 6 weeks on, take 2 weeks off to remineralize.

I mix 1 teaspoon calcium bentonite clay in 12 oz distilled water, stir and let sit for at least 5 minutes, then add ½ teaspoon activated charcoal (coconut based), and 1 tablespoon psyllium husk powder, shake to mix, and chug immediately. This covers many bases, and keeps the clay from sticking to the colon and other areas. I have used this protocol for nearly a decade. If Lyme symptoms flare up or if I'm exposed to mold, I take up to 1 tablespoon of calcium bentonite clay and up to 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal, the psyllium husk remains at 1 tablespoon.

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Replace lost minerals with type of mineral supplement thanks? When do you take the minerals.

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This book is an excellent source of information on a wide range of health topics, including minerals. $6.37 and free shipping. I highly recommend it, and often use it as a starting point when researching a topic I'm not familiar with.


Get a copy and take notes:)

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List of essential minerals and minimum amounts to prevent deficiency, plus toxic levels. Note that RDA (recommended daily allowance) is not the optimal amount, just enough to prevent severe deficiency.


Some minerals, such as magnesium, can be taken in amounts far exceeding the RDA.

You'll need to research this to have a better understanding, I can't give you all that information. Also know that not all forms of minerals are equally bioavailable, and have different therapeutic uses. For example, the cheapest form of magnesium is magnesium oxide. It is poorly absorbed, but cheap to produce, and I don't recommend that form. Magnesium citrate can cause diarrhea if taken in excess, but is more bioavailable and has several therapeutic uses, aside from being a gentle laxative. It's cheaper than other forms and very useful, but other forms are better for certain situations. Zinc oxide is also cheap but not very bioavailable. Chelated forms of most minerals are available, and they're usually a great choice.

You'll need to educate yourself. Take notes.

You can find multimineral supplements but they're usually expensive. Find a high quality food based multivitamin, and do a thorough check of all minerals and and their amounts. Buy additional supplements to make up for any lack. Getting minerals from food is always the best choice. Look into the root vegetables, or just check which foods have the highest mineral contents, and eat a wide variety of whole foods, especially root vegetables.

You need to understand how your body works, so get out your notebook and research:)

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This is so ground breaking for individuals who are conscious. the masses will not be part of this sadly.

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Soooo true. There are so many people who don’t know that they’re targeted. Including my family.

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Should we mix the edta and C before taking??

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10 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

No, you can just take them separately without mixing them (but at the same time).

Vitamin C will not bind with EDTA and unless you have highly alkaline water, you will not be able to get the EDTA to dissolve into solution anyway.

It is Extremely hydrophobic and the EDTA powder will simply sit on top of any acidic water or orange juice and not mix into the water for Anything.

That is assuming you have the powder, I am not sure about pH of the liposomal but no, you dont need to mix EDTA and Vitamin C before you take it.

Just be sure to take it at least 2 hours away from anything else it will bind with (like most other vitamins or food or coffee with dairy) or you will most likely waste the EDTA.


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So... 4 hours with no food whatsoever- 2 before and 2 after. Oh the things we'll do for... life lol!

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Yes you can do that, thats how I started.

Thats one of the problems with MedFive EDTA though, it takes 2 hours to dissolve which makes effective dosing more difficult. I also take Arizona Naturals EDTA though and it gets into your system nearly immediately, which can be easier for daily usage.

Now my wife and I do an EDTA fast about once or twice a month, where we only take EDTA (Arizona and MedFive) and Vitamin C and other things that help but do not bind with EDTA like ALA, NAC, glutathione, bromelain, and Vitamins D and E. Also a ton of water and fresh orange juice and fresh pineapple juice.

Honestly until I started doing the EDTA fast, I didnt know how easy it was, much Much easier than fasting Without EDTA. We usually plan on 3 full days but we feel so good, we sometimes keep going for 4 or 5 days.

Then we usually dont take any supplements or EDTA or vitamins for a day or two after chelating, in order to process everything out because some of those things can potentially circulate in your system for a day or two.

Everyones health situation is unique but I am just telling people what I do (and have done) and suffered no ill effects yet.

We may do another EDTA fast this weekend in fact, it is working great and we Feel awesome.

No microscopic evidence yet but IMO I don't think EDTA is dangerous at all, I strongly recommend it for most people. And I have taken 7 grams of EDTA a day for 5 days straight at least twice, maybe more... I don't really keep track anymore.

Good luck to you in any case.

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Bee Bee Anna stated we need to take a mineral when taking EDTA is that true? What mineral would you recommend thanks?

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Thanks for sharing your findings I've already taken oral calcium EDTA and oral vitamin c although I'm not vaxxed myself but who knows, wishing you success!

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Did it also eliminate the Bluetooth wireless network?

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Yes it does. It completely annihilates any heavy metal based construct and chelates it into blobs which are then excreted in feces or urine. Bear in mind however that re-contamination can happen immediately, and start reconstruction as soon as the self-sacrificial edta is consumed in this process.

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Can these be taken together orally without any serious issues, because my EDTA bottle says to definitely NOT take it the same time as anything, including food and supplements? I thought recently about taking them together, without ANYTHING else, but then I thought I better listen to the bottle (no, not a genie talking to me, my genius is too much for that---lol). Anyway, if it would be safe to only take, in my case organic, non-GMO Ester-C, with EDTA at the same, I would definitely give it a try.

If you weren't aware already, most ascorbic acid Vitamin-C is GMO from GMO corn from China!---one of the main reasons that I, ONLY, take Ester-C. So, especially if you're injecting GMO ascorbic acid into people's veins, I would think you would want to stop using it, and figure out a way to cost-effectively dissolve Ester-C and sterilize it so it could be safely injected into those same veins; or, make sure you are getting IV Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) that is non-GMO and otherwise organic, if you haven't already.

In closing I hope you will answer that one question, and thank you "bottomously" for all that you do.

Thank you, Ana.


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Curious what was the result when you just used EDTA rather than EDTA plus vitamin C.

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Amazing news. Stay safe the evil ones will not like this discovery.,

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This works!, light bulbs no longer light up when I put one in my mouth, thanks doc!

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What is EDTA, and where can I get it?

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I got mine from Amazon. I’ve never seen EDTA in Walmart. You could get it probably from a GNC store.

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My local GNC does not carry EDTA so I got it off Amazon

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