No jabs here but I'm not sure how much longer I can hold off going to the dentist as I'm having some issues that need attention. I do not want the graphene and metal filled numbing shots but can't have the dental work without them. I lost a kidney to cancer 25 years ago and I do not want to set off more cancer by going to the dentist. I'm looking for a biological dentist in hopes he can help and not use those numbing shots. Knowing the shedding is damaging is frightening enough.

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When I was a child, I had so many cavities, and I hated the shots. So I quit them and toughed it out. I got my fillings with no anesthesia. Now a days there is nitric oxide.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

That is what I ask my dentist to give me... AKA Laughing gas. They now know when I come in, they automatically ask me if I want the nitrous oxide or not because I have made it perfectly clear that I don't want anything coming from a needle. And they are perfectly fine with giving me the nitrous oxide instead.

Or like you, I do without. It isn't that bad. Most of the time when the dentists give an anesthetic I don't even think it is necessary. For goodness sake, the procedure is going to be over with long before the anesthetic takes to wear off.

Pick your poison. A little temporary discomfort or millions of nanorobots injected in your mouth. I prefer no poison at all, thank you very much!

Now, if I needed a tooth pulled or something like that, I would definitely not go without some anesthesia but in that case, I would make other arrangements.

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Judy, if you go to a biological dentist they ‘may’ know what’s going on. Ask to have what’s in the needle, or preferably vial, to be put in a centrifuge to be spun out, and only draw out the top 2/3 or less to use in a new syringe.

Someone posted about this technique on Telegram. I ‘think’ there was also a magnet involved But I can’t completely recall. Nor do I think or know if a magnet can be used inside the tube 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Oh wow. I didn't realize this. I read the info on the website of Lundstrom Family Dental in Fargo ND regarding the tainted numbing ingredients. They are several states away from is but my husband told me to call and inquire if they have a safe method to numb and he's willing to take off work a few days and drive there.

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search on qunitacolumna channel on rumble.

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That technique Does Not work. I have written about it on my Substack. I tried it. Nanos still active. A shame that keeps being spread as a solution. There are No clean anesthetics; we’ve looked at 30+.

You simply must detox afterwards 😔

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Thank you, Therisa, you are right, they ‘may’ know but they simply don’t care. The business must go on the smooth path they’ve previously set up… It’s a lame world and people need to learn to do many things by themselves, like if we were at war, because we are.

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Judy....find a dentist that will use Nitric Oxide...."laughing gas".

I had intense dental surgery years ago, and all he used was the Nitric Oxide. There are Holistic dentists out there. Mostly in large cities.

Hope this helps! What state are you located in?

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Thank you. I read that most will not use nitric oxide if your a senior. Hubby and I are senior... over 60. But will check with a couple of supposedly biological dentists about 90 minutes from us. Worth the trip of we can avoid the poison. Again, thanks!

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Due to preexisting allergies, I must go to a special integrative dentist & he's been able to use painless lasers instead of drills, plus has the skill to avoid all painkillers in most instances. It has been totally pain-free!! Fortunately, I rarely get cavities & take all due precautions- hydro-floss, floss, & brush 2x a day, etc. Good luck!-:)

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Thank you. I have many allergies including various drugs. Illinois. I'll check in southern Illinois as we don't want to go near Chicago for obvious reasons. Indianapolis is about 90 miles one way but we're willing to travel!

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Used nitric oxide on my 66 yr old husband.

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same here, I think I'm going to buy my own natural anesthesics and force the dentist to use it or change dentists.

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That's a good idea. I think we need to start getting back to dictating our own treatment. For instance, I recently went to the dentist for a cleaning and she wanted me to have a panoramic x-ray and I told her that I didn't want one because of the radiation. She then started the usual song and dance saying that they have proven that the "exposure" is minimal. And I just said to her..."minimal" is not better than no radiation. What could she say?

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the worse is today there are wonderful scanner giving full color of high accuracy of the body, organs and bones included with only a special light.

like s-rays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-lV3dKPSuU

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I think the xrays cause cavities because they “shock” the roots with radiation and then the roots can’t as easily bring the minerals up to re-mineralize the enamel of the teeth. I didn’t have cavities for 15 years (no xrays) then I got some xrays figured I’d chance it… 2 years later… 2 cavities! xrays are a major cash grab total joke!

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Interesting. The only thing I would be concerned about is the level of other "frequencies." Dr. Ana has repeatedly warned of exposure to any type of EMF (electromagnetic frequency) due to its effect on the amplification of the nanotechnology already in the blood. I.e., the EMF causes the nanotechnology to "grow." Now, maybe this type is completely safe, like ultra sound typically is, but I would want to make sure of that beforehand.

And doctors and dentists today just don't know about this propensity. That is why I think it is up to US, as patients, to know for ourselves so that we are not just trusting our well-being to these so-called experts.

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my previous dentist died brutally from a cancer years ago, I remember him to go out of the surgery room when he was taking x-rays to his patients. was it his fear or really x-rays or both or else? only GOD knows...

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Yeah, my lines are (1) There is no proven safe dose of radiation, and (2) Are you telling me that the background radiation caused by sunlight is the same as focused radiation on a tooth?

I’ve been threatened repeatedly that my stance of “no routine X-rays” puts the dentist or hygienist out of compliance with the ADA and that they could lose their respective licenses. I keep looking for local biological dentists…

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Don't be surprised if the biological dentist wants panoramic x-rays too. The one I went to did.

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Well that is THEIR self-imposed prison, not ours! I want to keep my teeth, and something tells me that radiation WEAKENS the teeth, roots and gums! They don't tell you that part, do they?

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b17 apricot kernels supposed to cure cancer look it up on Rumble www.rumble.com also “world without cancer”

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This is one of G. Edward Griffin's best books! He has a great newsletter too.

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I have told my dentist to have the painkillers at the ready. He threatens that if I start sweating or anything, he will start jabbing at my gums. I mastered self-hypnosis age 14. So far I get through it without intolerable pain. No painkiller to wear off afterward...

That is a reward in itself.

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From La Quinta Columna, called Magnet Thermal Technigue: Perhaps your dentist could/would do this to deal with the graphene:

They're putting Graphene Oxide in the Novocaine shots, also in Tetanus as well.

This short video shows what some dentists are doing to negate this.


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Yep! They can inject themselves pump full of crap all day for all I care of those mass murderers. One so called ER doc, tried giving the tetanus shot to my son when taken in for a fall. Used to be the go-to shot that was given when getting pinched by rusty nails and that type of metal entering one’s body- as far as I heard in childhood. I told that individual creep that both he and I are aware of its ingredients, also found in the rest of the poisonous arsenal they’ve been pushing- and that I insist on our rights to refuse any portion of their “healthcare” services or products. It’s revolting to witness the levels of manipulation we are so often subjected to. That they were easily manipulated does not remove their complicity in the crimes they committed. As a medical professional should investigate all possible causes, outcomes, and more before prescribing anything including “medicines,” it was their duty under ethical code- to do so. Furthermore, it is their duty to uphold this code and make their findings publicly available. To me, at least…this makes the difference when deciding who gets to examine me for anything or administer ANYTHING into my body. They’ve certainly made a disaster out of the world we have so rich in resources that no such things should exist. But we still have the knowledge to preserve those amazing resources we know to be truly natural.

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Make sure to use a good mega dose of vitamin C by bowel tolerance before any extraction. The biological dentist will also suggest this.

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Judy if you're dealing with any kind of dental infections get some ashwagandha in liquid form from your local natural nutrition store. It will kill any infections and pain as well. It works over night! It's all natural and amazing!! Get alcohol free. The alcohol burns in your mouth. Just swish it around in your mouth twice a day and you'll be infection and pain free in 24 hours!!👍 You don't need a dentist poisoning you.

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It is possible to receive invasive medical procedures without anaesthesia, but it is not pleasant obviously. One consciously "relaxes" against the powerful nerve firings, despite them. In the head they stop at the exact centreline like 'liquid-lightning-activated' tree roots that rise up to meet on either side of the centreline of the forehead. That is the only way i can describe the experience of tooth drillings through nerve roots.

Lower in the body it is different. For example an umbilicus hernia repair undertaken through deep muscle tissue, without anaesthesia, is possible, with suffering. You feel as if a lion is literally eating you alive and you have very large drops of icy sweat covering the whole of the face. The mouth is open wide. The eyes are open wide. It is not possible to make any sound. The body seems to enter into a form of paralysis. So, this is obviously a shocking and terrible experience.. but ..it is possible to undergo, if there is no option otherwise. I have done both of these things, the first one by choice, the second one by misadventure. I would never wish to experience the unpain-relieved 40 minute minor abdominal surgery repair into deep muscle tissue again. This can potentially happen when unsupervised trainee surgeons are working without an anaesthetic technician being available, or on-site, in the theatre.

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After dental work get edta and vit c IV chelation.

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I'm changing the subject for now as this might just be important. We're read enough about EDTA and fasting and supplements galore. I've tried a bunch of them and was about to fast for 2-3 days and eat a lot of EDTA and ALA+ Vit. C but after reading this I've decided to forgo the fast.

He write fast and does not edit so grammar police take note and if it bothers you, deal with it.


"Some of You are wondering what am I talking about ---some of you may have found a site claiming edta is going to break down nano

—Edta will work in removing heavy metals like nano particles and nano materials and nano assemblies ---buttttttt ---and this is where I am not sloppy --like the supposed expert in dark microscopy is--- you still have to disengage the operating system to disengage the program causing these bonds to form-"

Read the whole thing.


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Read it... meh. I think he is full of shit.

And I think anyone trying to tell you the things that help do not help is Literally Your Enemy.

They Are Trying to Kill You by tricking you into not taking things that Work.

I keep making this point but I guess people think I'm joking. I'm not. I'm serious as a fucking heart attack. To each their own but good luck to you regardless, my brother.

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Well, we're just trading information here and whether right or wrong it's about all we can do.

So if you get kidney stones, gallstones calcification or bone deformations or problems be sure and let us know.

BTW, he just said nicotine does nothing to stop the nano assembly. In fact it makes it worse: "the tech will adapt and make new connections with the new added material. It will morph the nicotine.

So he's backing up what you've said about nicotine, right?


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Are those problems typical with edta chelation???

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Kim, it's hard to tell truth from BS, anymore, but BeeGee has been very successful with his use of it. Look for his posts on it.

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Who said there was graphene in the dental anaesthetic?

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for what it's worth, I believe that the shedding issue is really affecting many of us unjabbed. I recently got Dx of lymphoma. Never took the jabs. No one in my family did. Used to eating relatively clean, non-gmo, whole foods. Mostly cooked at home. Very little alcohol. No meds other than occasional albuterol. I hope I'm wrong but there may be an uptick of cancers for the unjabbed as well due to shedding.

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It is. Shedding is a fact, it has been proven and it has been occurring for over 3 years now.

Which is why everyone has it now.

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Instead of “shedding” to unvaccinated, how about postulating that these nano particles are in the food we eat, water supply, geo engineering and other myriad ways to ingest it? Test rain water, tap water, bottled water, pork etc

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Shedding is a fact, it has been proven in multiple ways, just not proven yet to You.

And it is a hundred times worse than those sources.

I think it has a body burden effect where it needs to build up and perhaps the human body can fight it off for a while but eventually everyone got it.

Here are some resources that can help you understand what has happened and where we are now (I originally wrote this comment somewhere else)


The shedding is so small its like a gas and it can be breathed in but it is not the same as exchanging bodily fluids, which passes much Much more of whatever it is.

It is in semen and womens ovaries too, which is why so many new articles have come out talking about 'microplastics' in humans.

Here are some research papers talking about it but you are never going to find a mainstream source like ABC or CNN telling you whats really going on.


A newer one where they look at a bunch of semen samples and incubate some samples for Years:



Helene Banouns research paper, shes a french biologist who brings up bodily fluid transfection.



Here Pfizers Clinical Trial Protocol that got released after they lost the lawsuit... iirc Pages 67-70 talk about the shedding by inhalation or bodily fluid transfer.



Here are other documents about vaccine shedding more generally:



Here is where mycyclestory has documented thousands of unvaxxed women who immediately get their period by breathing in the air around the vaxxed, which happens right now to this day. Many women are having extreme menstrual issues caused by the vaxxed shedding, but they often dont know what it is because most doctors are liars.



Heres an old ass study that was actually done in 2021 but they just released in 2023... where they find the synthetic spike proteins from the vaxxed in the noses of their unvaccinated children. You actually have to read the whole thing though to see that, like so many studies now they truth-blur it and try to say it doesnt say what it really says.



Heres an old Dr McCullough substack where he talks about it 'maybe being possible', with links to other documents you can look up if you want.



Heres another 'new' release about something old that was actually found several years ago, about the cellular adhesive they used in the biotracking chips they sold to pfizer.


It has been going on for over 3 years now, its a Fact, its just not easy to Find.

End Quote.


Also as others have noted, the science everyone quotes on EDTA stomach acid destruction is Flawed and not accurate.

And I think if you just took the normal cheap EDTA pills and the cheapest source of Vitamin C you can find in Large Amounts and took it Right, you would see a marked improvement and you would Know it is working.

I have also taken other varieties of EDTA... meh. Is it better Enough to make up for the minute amount of EDTA in them? No.

MedFive is okay but it IS delayed release and takes roughly 2 hours to get into your system, which makes it hard for people to take effectively... and if you take EDTA Wrong you have totally screwed it up and got ZERO BENEFIT FROM THAT EDTA.

Which is why I advocate fasting. Yes, other things can help, I talk about them too (in Extensive Detail), they just dont help as much as much as EDTA and C. Can other things help? Sure, figure them out for yourself but dont expect other people to do it for you.

I already Know the best ways to take the Most C and bromelain and EDTA and ALA and Chlorine Dioxide and other things, so Im not trying to reinvent the wheel. The old wheel already works Fine if you would just listen to the people who already Know that.

And Im not pulling shit out of my ass that I read on somebodies substack, if I talk about something, I Took it.

And then I took a LOT of It... because we are at War and I am not fucking around in the slightest about Living. I am Planning On It. You Should Too, but planning isnt enough. Do It.

Unvaxxed people Are Dying in increased numbers, Every Day... they just arent telling you about it and all this distraction just gets you closer to their goal. Because Yes.... You have the shedding Too. Right NOW. So I say stop thinking and talking about thinking and Start Doing.

Or if you want to help with something New, try to find Proteases that dissolve the cellular adhesive out of their leaked biological transistor report in the odysee video above.

Trysin is looking the best to me so far but porcine or organic trypsin will bind with EDTA... That is a Huge problem and many people taking EDTA never even know it. EDTA binds with Many things and if you take it wrong, you just Wasted It.


I dont go online very often on the weekend, and probably wont again until tomorrow, so I wont see any replies or question you ask me until then.

Good luck to everyone regardless... which was a whole lot of words to say shedding is real, you have it and EDTA works if you take it right.

Stop listening to idiots or liars telling you it doesn't. Fuck Them.

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This is a limited outlook. The show runners planned for many vectors, as knew millions would refuse the jab as shown throughout history with human resistance..

Its just divisive to blame all dosing on shedding, when water, air and food and all other pharma are easy options to gain nearly 100%.

Either way, those of us who 'ran from the men with spears' ended up being chased over the proverbial cliff one way or another.

Also - side note - you can not trust ANYTHING you read online from any source, unless you were there in the room, or conducting the tests personally.

Psy ops and false flags have been going on forever and far easier now in the 'information age', and plenty of 'freedom influencers' have shown their true colors over time.

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I’ve been gone for a few months from this Substack & missed the EDTA + Vit C Conversation. If you have the link to where it lays out the protocol, would you be so kind as to share it. I and my closest are not jabbed. Yet one is experiencing many strange symptoms recently with little electrical activity below his skins surface. They aren’t spasms. Nor cramps. He described it as if it were like the carbonated Perrier water. I watched w my own eyes. Sporadic little lines jumping on his legs under the skin / mostly on the left calf. But sometimes both legs & his body. His girlfriend’s entire family is jabbed & most every friend of theirs. So he was exposed from day 1.

I would very much appreciate the EDTA - Vit C protocol. I’ll go to all the links you provided in the morning. Thank you.

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Dr. Ana, How do you know the unvaccinated blood is infected through shedding or possibly some other way, like chem trails, contaminated water/ food/ environment?

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Good question, this is area that needs to be more clearly clarified, and not assumed.

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By drawing a sample of the unvaccinated blood and examining it under the microscope.

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It would be good to know the extent of this shedding that she is examining?!!.. Does this involve shedding from other family members?.. I know families where one spouse took shots for work, but the other did not, & their kids did not. Yet, they are all in constant, very close physical contact at their home!!.. It seems this would really pass it on?!.. Fortunately, I've seen that both parents are seemingly doing well now, detoxed, & were able to forego boosters. But, before that first year & a half, they all seemed to be passing around covid to each other (3X?). The vacc'd parent had the worst cases of all!-But, it was almost nothing for the very young kids?- just sniffles for 24 hours?- wow!-

Others face a lot of exposure in workplaces, dense urban populations, elevators, or from their very active social lives (which can be a big plus for Health, too!)!?.. There are such different degrees of Shedding, often based on who you are residing & eating with, ventilation, etc.?!.. And Kids do not have a choice in the matter?...

We need more Specifics Here, Please!!- :)

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Some vaxxed shed something for some period of time. The unvaxxed get it somehow. Thats shedding in a nutshell.

We dont know for sure if they all shed, for how long or if it ever stops.

We also dont know exactly what it is they are shedding, some type of nanoparticles for sure, although that would be good to know... then we could try to find ways to counteract it.

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It is interesting to observe that dedicated 2021 CV-19 'vaccine clinic' doctors are now pressing their remaining few 'non-vaxxed' patients in their computer systems to receive 'blood tests'. They seem driven to extract this blood to look at it for some reason. So insistent are they that they say that they will draw it themselves on the spot to 'save the time' of referring the job to a blood lab technician.

Why do you think they are so driven?

This is happening in Manukau NZ. In this country the Pfizer mRNA vaccine is still being officially promoted by a morally, ethically corrupt Ministry of Health, whilst health system whistleblowers aka 'mis-information agents' such as Liz Gunn and Barry Young are forced into continuous hiding whilst awaiting their conviction sentences from the equally morally, ethically corrupt NZ Ministry of Justice.

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maybe to check that the few remaining unjabbed have been succesfully contaminated by vaccine shedding?

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Or to ‘reverse-inject’ the poisons! No thanks.

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What is reverse injection?

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So how do we clean it out? Products, quantities and time. Is there a list of Doctors across USA who are prepared to treat us? Thank you for your incredible work! You are a pioneer along w a select other few getting to the bottom of the poisons so we can effectively get our health back. Please, if you see this also address this in conjunction with thyroid disfunction particularly hypothyroidism w hashimotos.

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Oh no! Me too, or I did have but my healthy sister died 7 weeks after first symptom. Took 2 shots. My brother is doing better but taking immunity something chemo and still alive after about 5 months. He was in the Monsanto trial and had a bunch of shots. Both pancreatic cancer. I’m so sorry for your family. I’m the sole family member with no jabs.

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So what data exists for downstream Pancreas issues? Two family members now with Pancreatic cancer

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I'm sorry to hear that for your family and pray for them to be saved.

the evil of these bio weapons is they exploit the weakness of each body from the fact that it contains mRNA message that just suppress the lymphocyte T, the major white cells dedicated to protect and clean the blood and organs from external bodies, bacteria, virus, dead cells...

today the estimation of different adverse effect caused by the lack of lymphocyte T is counted by hundred of thousands. when some researchers say that injected people get in fact the AIDS, that's true, as AIDS is an immunity deficiency. I'm afraid that the AIDS episode created by fauci and his team in 80s was a fist shot of the future we are living now. and they targeted the homo community at this time.

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That last part you expressed about attacking the specific homosexual population, is quite true. I sadly witnessed many losses. That we then learned of it being in transfused blood samples, killing children amongst its victims- said a whole lot about it not being the dis-ease they claimed it to be. Just a whole bunch more of the mms at large! Same tactics, different vocabulary. Very possibly the preliminary experiment to this one we’re living in now.

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Augusto please check out these sources using off label drugs to fight cancer: "Surviving Cancer, Covid-19 and Disease, the Repurposed Drug Revolution" by Justice R. Hope MD. Also see this you can download for free. See pages 61 and 62 that lists drugs that also fight cancer. https://covid19criticalcare.com/reviews-and-monographs/cancer-care/. Also go to Kevin Jennings Instagram or Rumble Channel with the same name. May God Bless you and Guide you. 🙏🙏🙏


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look into extended fasting and ketogenic diet. cancer requires carbs to grow whereas the rest of the body can survive on fat, so keto may help. extended fasting triggers apoptosis which is when damaged and diseased cells in your body die and get broken down and excreted. with extended fasting it is important to take it slowly do a couple of short fasts first and always make sure to have enough electrolytes which you can get by sprinkling himalayan salt into your water.

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I would like to ask the Doctor a question. Would it be too far fetched to think that the shedding onto the unvaccinated could be coming from our Pets? I do know that Fauci had done some really disgusting experiments on dogs in the past. Another reason for the question I have noticed in the most recent years. That vaccinations have increased on animals. And at 1 time cats were known to be dying of a kind of AIDS. I foster animals and the organizations I have worked with vaccinated at early ages and frequently. A lot of their programs are free. Meaning government grants. Any information would be helpful. Thank you

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Yes, I think you are right. Animals can get sars-cov2 so it stands to reason they could get whatever the vaxxed/infected are shedding as well.

And Dr Ana has also shown that the nanotech is in the blood of various like cows and squirrels and deer so I myself assume it is in all red-blooded animals.

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Wow. I wish she would have a discussion on this soon. Thank you for your response😊

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Is there a possibility that rather than shedding, the development is due to exposure of polluted air (chemical spraying) and water (waste water management) initiating change through WCR (wireless communication radiation) exposure? It seems that our body's immune system would not allow shedding to incorporate into the blood so dramatically. There might be a more direct avenue into the body through the lungs or digestive system. Yet, the body's defenses there are very strong. What goal is being sought by the electronic formulations that seem so random in shape and structure?

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Hi Ana, did the slide have a cover? Was this test conducted in a laboratory clean room? What measures were used to ensure no contamination? Did you have a control such as a slide with an identical volume of water placed on it and the slide treated in the same way and in the same place at the same time?

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I can only imagine what the ambient air in her clinic looks like with her conveyer belt of sick people from around the world. But honestly, are there any good controls anymore? I once stated 2 years ago that the rainwater probably has the same nano contamination, then she finally tested rainwater little less than a year ago and exclaimed the nanotech is everywhere!

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Not forget to mention than each bio weapon is unique, meaning the rate of each poison,bots,metals etc.. are unique, part of a serie but with unique ID, controlled by A.I. from the manufacturing chain....

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The Worms take over the world to rise. Pestilence is worms... Now imagine BG sitting at the computer with a game controller. Manuvering the parisites he controls to tale over the host even the seat of God and that's ehy Satan fell he is a worm. The Essene Gospel of Peace ✔️ it out.

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You are wrong. God reigns supreme! Satan is the second most powerful being in existence....read your Bible. Only those who obey God and keep His commandments and His statutes are protected. Over and over, this is made clear.

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You probably are suffering from Pride. You don't know the world belongs to satan right now. Jesus said these demons come out with Fasting and Prayer. Go read the text join a parasite cleanse group. And get back to me. They can help you God Bless you brother.

As You are the judge and the accuser. The tree of knowledge of Good and Evil was a tree with spoiled fruit. Desire as you desire to be right and take over my post.

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it recalls me a japanase cartoons where an old guy was threatening the whole country with on ly a joystick, a screen and fake medias.

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I also need dental work, but I have been afraid to go because of the shots. I just started using Uncle Harry's brushing powder, remineralization oil and Miracle mouth wash in a kit. I can already see a slight difference in my teeth after 3 days. It's actually building new enamel. I hope it works to clear my cavities, because I'm not getting any shots.

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My husband and I did not get injected with the Covid 19 shots. We both find that certain people will make us sick if we are around them, we get flu symptoms. Sneezing, runny stuffy noses, tiredness and nose bleeds. We take oil of oregano, Vit C, quercetin and zinc and recently added olive leaf. We have a close friend that visits us every year and since the Covid shots came out we get sick from him😢

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Yes, I'm proof positive that shedding is real! I foolishly stayed a few days with a friend who'd had shots, boosters ---- one week later I developed a rash on face and head. Went to the ER where I was prescribed medication --- well, it drove the breakout underground! The breakout is slight but the burning, pain and discomfort has been unbearable for over a year now!! No, I have not been vaxxed!

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That sounds like shingles

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Very much like it, yet not.......no one seemed to be able to diagnose it. A friend of mine in another state has the same thing. Neither of us seem to be able to get rid of it.

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Yes, shedding is real and has been for over 3 years now. I would try EDTA and Vitamin C but the most important hing most people miss about EDTA is it binds with many many things so you have to take it hours away from anything else like food or dairy or other vitamins.

If you Really want it to work well you can also fast while you take it, its actually really easy, much easier than fasting without taking EDTA.

Other things you can take at the same time without binding with the EDTA (and wasting it) include ALA, NAC, bromelain, glutathione and Vitamins D and E.


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