Quick question… if there is nana tech in dental anesthetic does that also mean it is in laughing gas? My son needs a cavity dealt w and wondered if the gas is safer….

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A good question methinks. Gas can't be worse than getting booted up with nano chips the hard way.

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Like ww1 mustard gas

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I would choose gas, if I ever went to the dentist that is.

ANYTHING (nearly) is safer than getting a substance injected into the body.

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a lot of people who I otherwise agree with on the dangers of the "vaccine" seem to have a very difficult time coming around to this... they think it's crazy talk

don't understand why, nanotech and 'nanobots' are NOT science fiction...

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Frankly, when we started first seeing internet pics of microchips in the Beastvaxx in 2021, I thought it was all too far fetched myself. But when the story persisted, I finally got my kiddie microscope off the shelf and found WORMS in my blood. Now I study the bass turds constantly to learn and adapt. But I was not willing to believe too much until I proved it myself.

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OMG. I've been taking ivermectin 2x a month since 2020. It is said to kill parasites in the body. I take the horse paste according to weight mixed in applesauce. Each notch is 50 lbs. I take 2 notches. I weigh 124.

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Cognitive Dissonance.

If those things they dont want to admit are true are really True, then what else that forms the foundations of their perceptions is false, fake or untrue?

Thats why so many people cannot admit the shedding is real, it would rock the foundations of what they thought they knew...

acknowledgement is a slow process but I think most unvaxxed humans can still get there, it just takes a minute to sink in.

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As the saying goes, it is easier to fool someone that to convince him that he has been fooled.

Brain wiring is a mass of associations, formed by experiential learning. I guess that in some people, thos associations simply have not been made, so there's no connection between the relevant 'dots.

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OH shedding is real however, my recently, learned and verified, Terrain Theory, point of view, which discounts the archaic "Germ Theory", the shedding is true due to that our very mitochondria do shed; but the shedding is, what is called, an exosome or exosomes(what the germ theory deems a Virus) a name for mitochondria poop which is toxic thus one's sick sx(symptoms) due to our human biological process of detoxing yes the effects of the toxins can be severe enough or match in a group enough to spread sickness.

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23 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

The vaxxed are shedding something to the unvaxxed, which causes the unvaxxed to get at least some of the health effects that the vaxxed have... like the self-replication of the blood polymerization.

You do not need body fluid transmission or even physical touch for at least some part of what they are shedding. Right now this very minute there are unvaxxed women of all ages that will spontaneously get their period right now Today if they just breathe the air in places where there are vaxxed... so basically Everywhere with walls.

When I talk about shedding, Thats what I'm talking about, whatever theory you think that falls under.

Whatever it is they are shedding, its a Fact.

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Today if they just breathe the air in places where there are unvaxxed...

Guess you mean vaxxed.

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You shed; Regardless; depending on the level toxicity of the environment and your exposure to it; evn setting aside Covid ; it is just part of the physiology of the cell and the mitochondrial functions . Yeah , Mitochondrial Funk ...Covid is just a name for the toxins (radiation from 5g and higher; you know it gets turned up and that the towers are not just for 5g and extreme pollution, mostly engineered as planned.

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So I take it you missed the whole bioweapon thing?

Hmm... well good luck to you in any case.

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Yes it is,if you inhale the vaxxed exhale that's a fact.I experienced heart palpitations and shortness of breath.Analyzing it, it felt like fear to me so I knew the mind can cure anything and got some med 5,I'm still alive.this is not only anti human it,s anti soul,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Anti-Soul_Agenda

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I am thinking of using a very low ppms chlorine dioxide in a nebulizer when I have to go out to the store and the like... it may not work to stop the shedding but then again, it Might. Who Knows?

But if we knew more about exactly What they were shedding, we might be able to find ways to counteract it... like the chlorine dioxide nebulizer.

Or perhaps UVC light would destroy it in the air, like breathing through a UV light filter.

Or a basic water filter that you pull air through... Or some combination of all the above.

We dont know if the physics work for water filtration of whatever they are shedding but I would imagine so, it works with radionuclides, which are also very very small with some on the atomic level.

Then assuming you have most of your skin covered and perhaps goggles or sealed sunglasses, perhaps you would not get the shedding even if you have to sit in among the infected for hours.

3 Years later and Still so much we do not know. I would recommend trying to add Arizona EDTA to your MedFive/vitamin C regimen and then fasting for a few days while taking them. I take 6600mg of EDTA a day when we fast, with no issues but then I am in good health with no kidney issues.

It is a dramatic difference when you fast and take EDTA though compared to just taking it around meals and the like... although thats how I started taking EDTA too, nothing wrong with starting slow.

But then almost immediately I found out I was taking it Wrong, plus I wanted to make EDTA work Better....

so I Did, plus its actually super easy compared to Non-EDTA fasts.

Good luck to you in any case, John Vargo.

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I can tell you I had a visitor to the house for a few weeks and this person was fully Beastvaxxed. They had the "Eyes of Horus" phenomenon really bad, and played games on the cell phone constantly. When I examined the bedroom they stayed in, the bed was aglow with bots under UV light. The shedding comes right from the skin. The Mask of Horus is bots in the skin. After a few days, the bed didn't glow anymore. I was able to get this person to stop play the phone games for one day, and the Mask of Horus was significantly reduced, but came right back with continued games.

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Mitochondrial poop is water, carbon dioxide and possibly superoxides. Nothing too bad there, superoxides should be quickly dealt with by SODS.


However, if you are talking about a cell that has taken in any of the modmRNA abominations, then it may well package part of them out in exosomes.

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Because the experimental vaccines and graphene oxide flu shots target the hypothalamus and cause brain damage so they cannot understand new info.

The jabs cause brain damage and induce all kinds of neurological damage and illnesses.

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Dr M, soap seems to break down the bots or prevent them from forming. Have you tried natural detergents, which can also be used as food?

Here are some, courtesy of ChatGPT:

1. Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis)

Detergent use: Soapwort contains saponins, which produce a gentle lather when agitated with water, making it an effective natural soap. It's historically been used to clean delicate fabrics and as a personal cleanser.

Food use: Though it's not commonly eaten, soapwort root is sometimes used in small amounts in traditional foods like Turkish delight to create a light, frothy texture.

2. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)

Detergent use: Quinoa seeds have a natural coating of saponins, which can be used as a detergent for cleaning. However, these saponins are typically removed by rinsing before the seeds are consumed, as they can taste bitter.

Food use: Quinoa is a highly nutritious food, rich in protein, fiber, and essential amino acids, and it is a staple in many diets around the world.

3. Yucca (Yucca spp.)

Detergent use: The roots of yucca contain saponins and have been used by indigenous peoples for making soap, particularly for cleaning hair and textiles.

Food use: Certain species of yucca produce edible flowers, fruits, and stems. The young flowers can be cooked, and the starchy root is also edible when prepared properly.

4. Soapberry (Sapindus spp.)

Detergent use: Soapberries (or soap nuts) are rich in saponins and can be used as a natural laundry detergent, creating a lather when mixed with water.

Food use: Some species of soapberry produce fruit that is edible, though it’s important to note that the fruits of some varieties may be toxic if consumed raw or in large quantities. Always research the specific species before consumption.

5. Acacia (Acacia spp.)

Detergent use: The bark and pods of some acacia species contain saponins and have been traditionally used as soap.

Food use: Certain acacia species, like Acacia senegal, produce gum Arabic, which is used in food as a stabilizer and emulsifier. Some species also produce edible seeds or pods.

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I use yucca extract for joint pain and as an anti-protazoan.. it is supposed to wash ones joints relieving one fro inflammatory compounds

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For any inflammatory condition, maybe, consider grounding. It is extremely powerful, especially if electropads are stuck directly on the offending area.


Caution - do not use house/mains earth to ground; rather, natural ground from a small steel rod in the ground.

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I’ve had to get rid of my grounding mat and bed sheet. I live in a flat so have no easy access to outside ground.

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My grounding sheet came with a socket ground tester,I have it plugged into a wall circuit.Eventually I will change it maybe but I question that it absolutely has to be grounded outside

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I first used the yucca herb extract in my early twenties after I had a skateboard injury or after broken bones and ensuing recovery. and recently due familiarity and intense joint pain fater lifting large weight on degenerative joints /scoliosis. and made remarkable recovery at age 69 even while being delued with air that is like 60 percent particulate matter fires and possible poisons being dumped on us by air. I put it in my coffee now

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It helps me too with hip pain.

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SV40 plasmids are bad enough

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I got 2 polio shots in 1958 when I was ten. I believe it caused the lipomas I have on my arms, legs, hip and inner wrist. I must have about 15.

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What is that Roman?

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So after the scientific enquiry must come an answer to the question, “ What are they meant to do or what are they actually doing to and with the human being in whose body they are growing?” “Who is the technology company that has devised these and inserted them into the product, with what aim in mind?” Finally, can we destroy them permanently or will they keep replicating and assembling regardless of treatment with EDTA and Methylene Blue?

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Turning humans into cyborgs to control them. DOD it came from. I hope Methylene Blue works cuz I just ordered some. I read ivermectin destroys the spike protein and Natto thins the blood and dissolves clots . I am afraid to take EDTA as it depletes . minerals and I take magnesium so my heart does not flip. I did read to take it hours apart. Need Vit C with EDTA.

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I read we must do the treatment EVERY DAY since we are constantly exposed

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Yes, it all comes right back. Took me weeks for my initial detox. You "evacuate" plastic... for weeks. And it doesn't smell because it's all hydrogel coated. That's how you know: Your shit don't stink... literally.

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We are evolving answers to these questions on this website. The primary purpose of the self assembling technology appears to be mind control. It builds a parallel structure in your brain. The theory is it can put thoughts in your head, make you hear voices, make you feel pain or fear for "wrongthink". You become connected with the "Singularity" like any other node on the network. "Who made it"? is an interesting question. I think the consensus is that it is alien technology that was bought, stolen, or backward engineered, as man did not have this capability. Can we kill it? Grounding looks promising. How about smash all the machines?

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And THIS is why vaxxed people can't think or believe that the shots are harmful because it affects their brain where they can't have critical thinking.

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Hard to prove, no doubt, but YES! Makes you feel bad for "wrongthink", etc.

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YES!!! Alien technology!!! Given to us? Or perhaps we were told we MUST eliminate most of the population in this "benign" way or THEY will do it overtly and cause extreme chaos. I think we were given an ULTIMATUM to reduce population or else. Book: The Last Harvest says aliens want planet earth and by the year 2050 - 99% of humans will be gone!

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Pretty weird stuff, no?

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So these structures have been proven to cross the blood brain barrier?

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And who is flicking the switch to “on”, dictating terms, issuing orders, could it be the ones promoting “Transhumanism”? Under the cover of “ Transgender” human rights? If that’s the case, Jennifer Bilek can tell us who is likely to be behind this. And all the reasons why. Jennifer has the “ receipts”.

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I'm not technical enough to answer that one, but I would suppose so. The bots get into blood cells and create what I call "zombie" bots. I don't think they have any problem passing right through cells.

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Hmmmm… I’m wondering therefore if these structures are assembling themselves in the brain, would they, sooner or later, turn up in Brain MRI’s? Or indeed, MRI scans with dye? Since they are so obviously, not of the human body, wouldn’t they stand out? What would a radiographer see? What would a Vascular and Endovascular Consultant observe in blood that has clotted and formed what are being called “ Embalmers Clots” since lately, many of these have been pulled from the arteries of stroke victims, heart attack patients? I imagine that many here have been on the Protocol for some time, but what about those who know nothing about this and so, are unaware that they need to treat it in order to extinguish it. Have we had reported, people newly hearing voices? Is there an increase of individuals with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder? The ramifications are extensive I imagine? What can we observe, in terms of behaviour, that is new in society? Any thoughts?

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See on an MRI? This stuff is plastic and see-thru. Much of it has the consistency of gelatin. Will an MRI see that? I think the doctors are trying to be as ignorant to this as they can be. I think this will implode the entire medical industrial complex if it reaches critical mass. Voices? Everything is theoretical and new. We fly the airplane as we build it. What can we observe in the society? Don't you think people have been rather batshit crazy the last few years? You see it a million different ways.

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Doctors were warned by the CDC that if they said or admitted that the shots were harmful that they would lose their medical license.

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From Wikipedia:

It has also been explored for its uses in vaccines and immunotherapy, including as a dual-use adjuvant and carrier of biomedical materials.[88][89] In September 2020, researchers at the Shanghai National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology in China filed a patent for use of graphene oxide in a recombinant vaccine under development against SARS-CoV-2.[90]



Several typical mechanisms underlying graphene (oxide) nanomaterial's toxicity have been revealed, for instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. In these mechanisms, toll-like receptors (TLR), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) dependent-pathways are involved in the signalling pathway network, and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways. Many experiments have shown that graphene (oxide) nanomaterials have toxic side effects in many biological applications, but more in-depth study of toxicity mechanisms is needed.[91] According to the USA FDA, graphene, graphene oxide, and reduced graphene oxide elicit toxic effects both in vitro and in vivo.[92] Graphene-family nanomaterials (GFN) are not approved by the USA FDA for human consumption.

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I love all the euphemistic weasel words they use to describe nanobots building/connecting plastic telephony in your head.

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Thank you Ana!!

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Is it true that this technology is in drinking water, dental aesthetic and alcohol? and probably other products?

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I hate to sound like I'm crazy with rabies or something, but I find it EVERYWHERE I LOOK. That is to say, I test for it and it is everywhere. Smart dust and filaments are everywhere, floating on the air, collecting in the corners of your house. I haven't tested the water, but I can tell you it's in the animals in the wild. Dr. Ana says you should expect any new injectable medicine to contain it. And don't get me started about the food, you might never eat again. I'm having trouble keeping my weight up because of fear of eating. Oh, the stories...

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I believe you. I am afraid to eat, but I still do, because everything is poisoned now and we can't escape it. I am glad I am 75 and not a child in this era

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Please excuse the unrelated topic:

FYI: Grounding Mats/Sheets Defective

I purchased 5 grounding devices: 2 mats, two bed sheets, one pillowcase. ALL WERE DEFECTIVE AND PROVIDED NO GROUND!

Anyone purchasing a grounding device, please check with and ohm meter or a continuity checker of some sort.

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To properly test for a ground connection, an Insulation Resistance Tester should be used (I'm using the UNI-T UT501A LCD which cost 75 euro). This can put hundreds of volts through, for a precise reading. Ohm meters cannot do this.

I've been buying grounding items for decades without any problems - I use


Though, doubt they are in the US.

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Thanks for that.

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What is "conscious evolution"

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Good question,. How about, remaining enlightened, or truly conscious, of how we are evolving; .. or on the flip, dark side, it could be a trans humanists way of saying we are going to manipulate how we ( collectively) evolve and a fancy term to capture the minds of the easily manipulated Can you dig it? I am consciously evolving; just as planned, I have taken the vaccines and am part of the collective whole. Yikes !

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You will be absorbed, resistance is futile.

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I'm no expert but just one minute of googling revealed to me that these microscopes do not have the resolving power to see "nanobots."

I found this on google: "Using a wavelength of 0.546 µm (green light) and a NA of 0.65, we obtain for the smallest, resolvable distance d, also called resolving power of a microscope, a value of 0.512 µm"

So the resolving power of such microscopes is half a micron. That is 500 nanometers. They are called "nanobots" because they are presumed to be small, far less than 500 nanometers, no? So right from the start there is something questionable in this presentation, I think.

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Sorry, that's wrong. These bots range from 5 micron size to 5 nanometers according to the doctors. You see lots of bots in the 100 to 500 nanometers. You can't tell the color of their eyes, but you see them moving and building things that can be seen with the naked eye. I watch it all day long. better than a lava lamp. Here's my microscope:


edit: That's funny, you're using Google, and it tells you you can't see it, it won't work. The Medical Industrial Complex totally shuns and pans live blood analysis too. Do you see a pattern here?

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Thanks. I followed the link. I see that the microscope has up to 1600x magnification. How does that convert to resolving power? You say that these bots are as small as 5 nanometers. That is 100 times smaller than the 0.512 microns (resolving power) I found in the google search. Please tell me what I have wrong. I want to understand if I am wrong.

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just got weird thought- if u go grounding in/ around cemetary will u 'pick' up the vibes frequencies of deceased ppl? this biologist said they want synthetic beings controlled by frequencies- meaning the dead and undead alike?

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Download the Bluetooth Discover app for free. You will pick up vaxxed people on it! It will give a number and say "unknown" when it finds a human. It will pick up tvs and such and will say. It only says unknown for a human. You can go to a cemetery and it will pick up the dead too!! You press start. You can clear it too . I have sat in my car and picked up vaxxed people walking by. It even picked up a "Speaker" in the car next to me. If you are not vaxxed it won't pick you up . It stays blank .

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Far out.

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I would have called you crazy last year, but now it's a compelling theory and should be investigated.

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This sv40side, lipid nano particle side, graphinoside, and genocide

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and venomoside

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Oh ya, spike proteinocide, mRNAocide

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Shoot I forgot self replicating mRNAocide!

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I believe in the Laws of Thermodynamics....sadly, we are running down, not evolving....if anything devolution is happening

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Do we know what breaks down the polymers? You know the gummy worms in the blood?

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You've come to the right place. Dr. Ana says Calcium EDTA, Megadose Vitamin C, Methylene blue, ground your body to the earth.

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I take those it’s not working

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What do you mean "not working", what does that mean? How do you know? What are you taking specifically and how much?

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I can now touch my leg and feel the gummy worm moving

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I take those it’s not working

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Nattokinase, Ivermectin, NAC

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Some incredible images this researcher presents in her interview. Some are Dr. Ana’s. It makes me want to get my own microscope, but I don’t know where to begin to search for one! Any ideas?

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You need a darkfield microscope to see the bots. An ordinary brighfield won't do it. Here's the microscope I wanna buy. It's identical to the one I'm using. Then to REALLY see things, you need a camera... 4K and HDMI port.


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Thx much for the recommendation!

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Amazon, about $80.

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Really? Would this be a dark field microscope like Dr. Ana uses?

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This is a must read, must examine, must think about, must do something, and do something about immediately post. Please read. https://open.substack.com/pub/heininger/p/tipping-point-how-middle-eastern?r=16lm0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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