There are no physical substances in the injections or the chemtrails that are capable of changing the biology of a human, and by that I mean, our DNA is not being altered by gene therapy. You can't change human DNA by simply injecting someone with heavy metals.

COVID Vials Contain Nanoscale Electronic Components (Rare Earth Metals) - Not Biology... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/COVID-Vials-Contain-Electronics---Not-Biology:9?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

No mRNA has ever been found in any so called vaccines vials - or in any chemtrail samples. Changes in biology are being done on the quantum level of existence - specifically, they are being done remotely by a massively over engineered A.I. weapons system the transhumanist's call the Sentient World Simulation.

The substances in the vials and chemtrail's are electronic in nature. They self assemble into read & write nanoscale EMF signal processors and antenna's. When assembled, these microprocessors connect the person to the A.I. Sentient World Simulation. That's it. That's all they are designed to do.

If any biological changes are being done in humans then they are being done 'non locally', probably within a 'zero point quantum field'. The only way to fully understanding the capabilities of these frequency wave weapons is by studying the realm of quantum physics. Transhumanist scientists use language and phrases associated with quantum physics in their private lectures and in the scientific articles they write for each other in industry specific magazines. This is the realm the transhumanist's are working with so that's where the answers are most likely to be found.

Targeted Individuals DNA used for Remote Neural Monitoring... https://odysee.com/@paychoNWO:0/targeted-individuals-dna-used-for-remote:a?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD


"Although these technologies can be used in experimental treatments to mitigate the effects of neuro degenerative diseases, they can also be used to directly interfere with neurons, the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, the involuntary activation of certain areas of the brain and their neuro-stimulation or modulation via electrical impulses - all as a result of the reception of electromagnetic signals and pulses from nano-communications networks. It is not necessary to warn about what it means that an external signal, not controlled by the inoculated person, becomes the principle signal that governs the segregation of neurotransmitters,, ie, carbon nanotubes housed in neuronal tissue could be remotely modulated to interfere with the natural functioning of the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine which is partly responsible for cognitive processes, socialization, the reward system, desire, pleasure, conditioned learning or inhibition."

"This means that our technocratic overlords can remotely interfere in the normal behavior patterns of people, their feelings and thoughts, and even force subliminal conditioned learning without the individual being aware of what is happening to them. In addition to the properties already mentioned, carbon nanotubes not only open the doors to the wireless interaction of the human brain, they can also receive electrical signals from other neurons and propagate them (back) to nanorouters, since they also have the same properties as GQD graphene nano-antennas and quantum dots. This means that the intelligence services (A.I.) can transmit, modulate and monitor the neuronal activity of individuals to suit their own ends." ~ https://www.orwell.city/2021/12/technological-parasitism.html

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The Sentient World Simulation is a highly advanced Quantum A.I. weapons system. The SWS has access to every aspect of your being. It is connected to your brain via a mesh electronics nanoscale Brain-to-Computer Interface... https://rumble.com/vqcaaf-nanotech-humans-bi-directional-dna-to-computer-interface.html

The SWS also has a 'search and register' module called Jade 2.0 and it already has a file on you, in case you become its enemy... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/COVID-War-Games---This-Is-Not-A-Drill:7

Jade Helm 2.0... https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2yog13

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This is very interesting and I have been attempting to understand it. I do have a question about the signals coming in from an external source. How are they going to prevent more than one signal being sent to the brain? It would seem that too many signals all converging on the brain at once might create a problem or cause an overload of the system.

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The same way the telecom companies stop more than one signal being transmitted to your phone. Every phone has a unique frequency identifier (SIM), likewise everyone has a unique electro-magnetic frequency called a WBAN. Your DNA is unique to you too - whistleblowers are reporting that they are connecting to the targets DNA - potentially via a zero point quantum field. They tune/match the signal frequency of the carrier wave they are targeting you with to your unique WBAN. Its called heterodyning.... https://groups.oist.jp/sites/default/files/imce/u155/Handout_8_Heterodyne.pdf

WBAN... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95Ar40AlmQs

Nanotech Humans - Bi Directional DNA to Computer Interface... https://rumble.com/vqcaaf-nanotech-humans-bi-directional-dna-to-computer-interface.html

DREADDs (Designer Receptors Activated Only by Designer Drugs) allow scientists to manipulate neurons without implanting anything in the brain... https://rumble.com/v3m8av1-october-1-2023.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nonvaxer420&ep=2

NIH SPARC Program Tools & Tech: Optogenetics And Magnetogenetics (SPARC)... https://rumble.com/v3ma1w7-nih-sparc-program-tools-and-tech-optogenetics-and-magnetogenetics-sparc.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nonvaxer420&ep=2

IEEE GLOBECOM'21-Internet of Bodies: Energy Efficient Capacitive Body Channel Access Schemes (2021)... https://rumble.com/v3m865a-ieee-globecom21-internet-of-bodies-energy-efficient-capacitive-body-channel.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nonvaxer420&ep=2

Bio-interfaced nanoengineering: human-machine interfaces... https://rumble.com/v3m818d-bio-interfaced-nanoengineering-human-machine-interfaces-hong-yeo-tedxvcu-20.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nonvaxer420&ep=2

Bio Nano Technology-New Frontiers in Molecular Engineering: Andreas Mershin at TEDxAthens. This is from 2013... https://rumble.com/v3m7ypd-october-1-2023.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nonvaxer420&ep=2

The Internet of Bio-Nano Things... https://rumble.com/v3m7x91-the-internet-of-bio-nanothings.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nonvaxer420&ep=2

The Biological Internet of Things (BIoT) (2023)... https://rumble.com/v3m7tiv-the-biological-internet-of-things-biot-2023.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nonvaxer420&ep=2

Divya Chander on Digital Health and Biometrics: Hacking Humans at IEEE ISDPSM (2022)... https://rumble.com/v3m7lvg-divya-chander-on-digital-health-and-biometrics-hacking-humans-at-ieee-isdps.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nonvaxer420&ep=2

They can also link one persons brain to another brain... https://www.youtube.com/shorts/695-4y6OGXg

They can create and implant false memories... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F8ynfgt1pc

CNN Admits 60Ghz(5G) is a Weapon in 1985... https://odysee.com/@paychoNWO:0/cnn-admits-60ghz-5g-is-a-weapon-in-1985:b?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

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You're killing me here with all of this information but I will push through! Lol

I don't pretend to understand all of this since I don't have that type of background, but I am sure that I can get something out of it.

Let me ask, if you don't mind. How do you know so much about this stuff? You must be a genius or something because this is not common knowledge.

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I didn't write any of the articles.

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I understand that you didn't write the articles but you obviously understand them.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27

Um hmm, you know thats right!

I was hoping she should get on Silk's show again, shes great.

I like to see shows where people get appropriately Disturbed when they discover what is happening to people now.

Thats way better than the ones where they just dismiss it or dont react or act like its only happening to those Other people out there somewhere.

Those always make me think "Do they Really understand the importance what she just said?"

Because for over 3 years now I have thought a technobioweapon that sheds from the people who Took it to the people who did Not and which imparts almost all of the same health effects via shedding as by direct injection, is the Most Important Thing on Earth for the unvaxxed.

Thats not even getting into the magnetism like phenomenon that disregards the previously known conventional laws of physics on our planet as we Used to know them but meh, that horse is dead so I will let it lie.

Although if you have discovered you have the magnetism like phenomenon though, I would strongly warn against going to the doctor and letting them give you any high energy scans like MRI or X-Ray or CT. It is quite possible that is Immediately Causing turbocancer to develop.

So its always good to see at least Some people agree on the massive danger to our species but I cant wait to watch this interview later after I'm off work.

Try the EDTA and Vitamin C folks, if you take it right it works better than anything else I have found, even with the cheapest pure Vitamin C crystals and the cheapest oral EDTA.

And as Always, thanks for all you do, Dr Ana.

Also here is some relevant news I was reading...

Bill to take away Big Pharma protections


One of the CDC censorship dashboards.... Notice in the screenshot, everything they want to censor here is shedding related.


ALSO.... Most people paid no attention but AFL got a 289 page FOIA request doc dump a year or two ago from the very beginning of the censorship campaign in 2020... back when GovTech were first setting up the communication channels and work groups and chatrooms, and the government gave them all Specific examples of accounts and claims they wanted censored.

Every Single ONE of those 'claims' Was and Is True. Made in a lab, fertility issues, shedding, the magnetism, and a few others but don't take my word for it, look it up. THEY ARE ALL TRUE.

I dont think even AFL knows what they have in that document, since no one else ever brings it up.

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Beegee, I just found Dr. Ana about a week ago and am trying to learn all I can about her protocol. I've read many of your comments and you have a ton of knowledge on much of these things. Would you happen to have a recommendation as far as a multi-mineral supplement goes? Dr. Ana mentioned a multi-mineral supplement after having taken the EDTA and Vit C. I appreciate it.

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I do not have a multi-vitamin recommendation, I dont take multivitamins or minerals ever.

I am on the carnivore diet though, so I I dont need them, I get more minerals in one meal than mixed diet eaters get IN multivitamins.

Carnivore digestion of meat is far far Far superior to mixed diet eaters, so we get a ton more minerals and protein than the label indicates, because those nutritional label numbers are averaged for mixed diet eaters, not carnivores.

Carnivores also get Vitamin C from beef and other meat, which no other diet can do, because eating things Other than meat produces glucose, which blocks the Vitamin C From Meat absorption pathway.

So I understand Why Dr Ana is recommending them but I dont have a personal recommendation.

Just make sure you are taking the multivitamin hours away from the EDTA... otherwise the EDTA will instantly bind with the minerals in the multivitamin and be wasted/not work.


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Man, I'm learning something everyday. That's why I love these forums. Again, I appreciate your response. I'm not on the Carnivore diet but I do eat meat and I don't know if you've heard of a company called Ancestral Supplements, but I'm on a couple of their beef supplements also. Bee Gee, thanks again. I had no idea about the glucose blocking the Vit C from Meat absorption pathway.

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Based on Ana's previous posts, I have also devised an antidote, possibly the only one:


What about all those "vaccines" coming in from poetically-versatile sources that have been around for over two years openly? (and most likely have been around a lot longer)


Since the end of May, 2023, even food can be laced with "vaccines":


Still, "vaccines" are only a tiny part of the globalist project that is nearing its end:


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I'll say it again, dr Ana is an incredible human being !!

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I hope Dr. Ana and Dr. Ardis will have an interview regarding venoms vs technology in the human body. This is something that needs to be addressed and explained, since obviously "they" are using multi layered weapons in their poisonous potion shots.

Dr. Bryan Ardis connects major dot’s and provides solutions for the many suffering from this demonic attack on humanity. Just finished reading this book and am sending all of my family and friends a copy, including my Chiropractor. Reading this book could very well save you from the pain and suffering that you are experiencing. We must all, arm ourselves with the knowledge and solutions to whatever “they” have planned next. This book, I believe is the #1 remedy to have in your medicine box.


Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity


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Dr. Ana would be wise (she IS) to skip Dr. Ardis' entirely.

Go to his site and try to find Ardis Lab's address, then look it up on google earth.

You'll find a PO Box in Plano Tx.

So, where's the lab? China?

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That's all you've got2discredit him??? Smh.

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Please advise on recommendations regarding any noteable benefit to using this protocol in the morning compared to using it in the evening (prior to bed) AND any difference between taking it with food compared to taking it on an empty stomach.

If I missed one of your Substack posts in which you addressed these questions, feel encouraged to reply with a link to that post and I will read it carefully...thanks for everything you are doing.

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EDTA binds with many many things, so for it to really be effective, you need to take it 2 or more hours away from anything else it will bind with. That includes food, many beverages (like coffee with dairy) and many other vitamins and supplements.

So you should Always take EDTA on an empty stomach, otherwise it doesnt work.


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Thanks for the link...will read up on it. Looks like a bedtime schedule may be easiest.

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Yes, that is the reason why MedFive recommends to take it at night before bed and then in the morning, to try to minimize the other things it can bind with.

EDTA Fasting is also Very effective and much easier than fasting Without taking EDTA... and then you Know it is working.

Me and my wife have done it bunch of times now, I cant recommend it enough but it only sounds hard until you do it. Then its Really really easy. Sometimes we just dont feel like going to the store or cooking so we EDTA fast instead, plus it makes you feel great.

We try to aim for 3 days minimum but multiple times we have felt so good we decided to fast for 4 or 5 days instead of 3.

Good luck to you in any case.

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Thanks for the encouragement & info. I'm generally only eating between around 2PM and 10PM, taking a big mix of vitamins & supplements around 10AM and going to bed around midnight, so as long as I remember to take the EDTA & Vit C when I get up around 8AM, it looks like it might work out well.

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Bee Gee, this may be a strange question but would you happen to know if EDTA can be taken with DMSO? I didn't know if DMSO could be used to take the EDTA into the body "deeper" (for the lack of a better word). Thank you.

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No problem, I do what I can... but no, I do not know.

I bought some DMSO a year or two ago but I see many potential issues with it and I think there is no need that offsets the potential risks to maybe make EDTA a little better. Also I have a No-Multiple-4-letter-Acronym-Chemical-Names-At-Once policy ; )

But just plain old vitamin C and plain old EDTA pills work fine, if people would just take them right.

I think all the trying and thinking and planning to get the best or most efficient form is wasted effort for most people when for less than $40, most people could be slowing the self-replication in their blood Right Now.

Buy the pills.

Take the Pills right.

That's what I think most people need to do, the sooner the better.

Then worry about improving it or finding better administration methods but no I have not taken or used DMSO.

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Good advice. Appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thank you.

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I do not know HOW Dr. Ana does all that she does...I can't even keep up with her Substacks!!

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WEF Insider: Planned 'Mass Casualty Event' Will Result in Globalist Coup of America

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Dr. Ana, do you now recommend this EDTA over your MED-5 company oral EDTA tablets? I’ve been recommending the MED-5 to many friends and this would be vital to know. Thanks!

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I have the same question. I bought 3 bottles so I’m now wondering why she changed her mind on the med five.

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Im not sure either, but regardless MedFive Works... I just think it is overpriced and its enteric coating makes it much harder to dose effectively since it takes 2+ hours to get into your system.

I bought a bunch over a year ago and I am on my last bottle or two now. I'm not sure why Dr Ana has stopped recommending them, although I can think of many many potential reasons.

Dont stress it too much though, MedFive Works fine, its just harder to dose effectively.


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I'm not 100% on this, so take it with a grain of salt ( not literally), but for a time, it was difficult to get enough Med5 product to meet demand. I'm not speaking for Dr Ana, but that's what I heard.

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She repeatedly said, in her last interviews, that ‘enteric’ qualifies, along with microsomal, liposomal and suppository. Creams and oral intake are not recommended.

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WEF Insider: Planned 'Mass Casualty Event' Will Result in Globalist Coup of America

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I bought Global healing EDTA on Amazon. It arrived without a box or insert. No instructions except 1ml 2x daily. I am not sure how to use this product. Please help.

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Dr. Ardis has a 4:17 minute video on how to take it. Also, has all the research available on the products he sells. This is a great resource to learn and educate before taking anything. I only support these great doctors, Ardis and Group - not Amazon.


Scroll down to see video, also use the code DIAMOND for discount, so you don't have to order from that Evil place.

Use OUTLOUD, promo code on Dr. Group site for discount. Outloud stands for the Outloud Radio, which is a great place for health news. I listen to "Looking for Healing" 5 days a week. Good stuff!

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I'd like to also thank you for the video and the time stamp. I love these forums, so many caring people sharing great things.

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That was super helpful, so gracious of you, so kind of you. Thank you, warmly.

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You are very welcome! Here is something I posted earlier that you should find very

helpful, like most of us struggling with health problems.

Dr. Bryan Ardis, connects all the dot’s and provides solutions for the many suffering from this demonic attack on humanity. Just finished reading this book and am sending all of my family and friends a copy, including my Chiropractor. Reading this book could very well save you from the pain and suffering that you are experiencing. We must all, arm ourselves with the knowledge and solutions to whatever “they” have planned next. This book, I believe is the #1 remedy to have in your medicine box.


Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity


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Do you happen to know if this product is suitable for lactating mothers?

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No, don't know, I would try calling or emailing either Dr. Ardis or Dr. Group. They are very good at responding.

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Go to the Global Healing website

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Wow, I am thrilled to see the protocal you recommend as it is exactly what I am currently working on. Methylene Blue, and EDTA -same brands. I also sleep on a PEMF mat and manage all pain (x7 oesteoarthritic areas, sciatica, nerve pain). I have had stabbing sharp pain throughout body, brain shrinkage (MRI) and extreme fatigue. Noticable reduction of stabbing pains, and noticable improvement in brain clarity and mood, and fatigue- will follow up with MRI for brain shrinkage. Also doing parasite cleanse (Diotomaceaous earth, zeolite, etc)

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Have you done a heavy metals test (from hair nearest the scalp)? I’m guessing my numbers were affected via all the X-rays, Chemtrails’s, etc.

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I have done some testing. I know I have aluminum. I do think we are constantly exposed and I think we need to do regular detox..

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Does this all stem from shots?

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I think not only from shots, but the symptoms mentioned are since having shots and covid. Prior to shots and covid I was clearning brush on my 50 acre farm x5 days per week, ended up in extreme fatique with above symptoms. I

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Sorry to hear that. I will pray for healing for you.

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Dr. Ana, please comment about the post made by "psychoNWO."

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always good to deversafy others are interested too not just us... Love the Biden you gota go tune...

I wanted to ask from that other one you showed the Methlyn Blue in. what was that exactly did it like harden up all around the nano bots or??? I mean the slides you did the other day and with just the Methlyn blue and it like grew into something how would the body pass that out and or go through the kidney and liver all hard like that??? I liked what it did I just not sure how the body would pass that without hurting it somehow? But I do want some and I may get the two you show from the links the EDTA and vitamin C I smoke so nicotine is already part of me so....

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Where can I o tain the Microsomal EDTA that is depicted here? Thanks

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Hi Dr. Ana, do you have a formulation for EDTA topical cream involving DMSO? I found a formulation for a cream using EDTA and Coconut oil, but it is too greasy and takes way too long to get absorbed.

If not, could you give me an idea about the ratio you would think about right, and anything else I should add?

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