These days big pharma dismisses microwave radiation (even though there's plenty of proof) but good ahead and calls microwave radiation "covid" even with no proof of the "virus". And these are our "experts". So they're either complete idiots or theyre in on the hoax. Most if not all disease in developed countries began with emf. Diabetes, flu, heart disease, cancers and all the inflammations are directly due to Electromagnetic fields, electric fields or radio frequency fields. The way they affect people is through the blood. Emf acts directly on the blood. It affects the mitochondria and the nervous system. With blood it let's the zeta potential, leading to poor circulation, high blood pressure...etc. "doctors" will give medication for blood pressure causing more damage and more visits from their customers. And with the nervous system, it overloads the nerves due to the high amounts of electricity (photons). The nerves get sensitive causing EHS and pain throughout the body, inflammation. The worst emitters seem to be the "smart" watches since they're close to the palms and radiating the entire time they're worn. The palms and bottom of the feet absorb more radiation. Wet, sweaty or hand sanitized hands will have around 100kilo ohms of conductivity and anywhere else the electrical resistance is well over 3mega ohms.

Government knows radiation affects and that's why 5g amd covid began nearly around the same time. They planned the plandemic. IT DEFINITELY WAS NOT NATURAL OR COINCIDENCE. They're reaction will be to start a committee to look into radiation as a problem and nothing will happen. That's how they always get away. Pretend to care then forget about it. WE NEED TO BURN DOWN ALL 5G TOWERS. Our government is looking to eliminate us. I've always wanted to see the towers burn on 4th of july.. forget the fireworks. WE DONT NEED THIS SHIT!! I WAS HAPPY WITHOUT WIRELESS ANYTHING BACK IN THE 90s. And I prefer my health over wireless tech anyday.

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Excellent comment. Right on target. I've been attempting to educate people for over 35 years. EMF is a planet wide death wish. We're murdering the entire planet, so we can spy on one another and order pizza really fast...

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Spam again. Do not click on the link

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All turn! Putin took down all the 5 G Towers, it’s our turn now to do the same !!!

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not true at all, Where do you get that info , RUSSIA is aligned with all WEF /WHO/UN AGENDAS including putting in place CCP SOCIAL CREDIT CONTROL SYSTEMand destroying Ukraine so BLACKROCK/VANGUARD AND CO. can seize all resources and rebuild smart controlled country

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No you are wrong

Not sure where you are getting your news,hopefully not main stream media, but it sounds like you are. Russia did Not want this war at all, & did try for negotiations for 9 years. There are some that do want this war( US being one of them) and also want Russia too. There is a tremendous amount of corruption & cover ups going on. Way to much to explain on here. It’s all very sad, so many people dying & parentless children left, guess what happens to the children...and where do you think all that money is going that has been sent......

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Get real , no Im not wrong and of course IM not getting anything from MSM. Your wrong , They may have appeared to do negotiations , and maybe some did not want this , BUT in reality they were manipulated by by NATO , their OWN corrupt Oligarchs , and those from UKRAINE. They bypassed many opportunities to avoid this , did nothing early to stop bombing in Donbass , used this time to prepare for much wider scale war , planned by CIA/LONDON CITY BANKERS/ BLACK NOBILITY FAMILIES who control Russia as well ALWAYS HAVE. They could have removed ZEL when installed by CIA , they could have removed those BIO LABS early on. They could have mitigated all that corruption the Biden family were doing in Ukraine , but there are Russians profiting from all this as well. Dont you know Kazakhstan is where the City of London global/NWO financial center is being relocated to. The PEOPLE of that nation revolted against the looting of their banks and corruption ,AND RUSSIAN troops came in and crushed it. Russian OLIGARCHS financed ASTRAZENECA DEATH SHOTS, putting in many WEF young leaders, adopting CCP social credit system, and total digital control, preparing area for 10 million Chinese to immigrate, and UN invasion of others , just like here in America and Europe . Perhaps the most revealing is as Russians destroy and take areas , BLACKROCK/VANGUARD buying it up , to rebuild new SMART COUNTRY and seize the resources, and amplify the global engineered food famine. In all they are just doing their NWO part. How many times have you been there as I have , do you have family there as I do , are you in daily contact with truth tellers there as I am?

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You are right. Chabad Lubavitchers front for the Israeli government plans for NWO one world government and the WEF is a front for this as well, their heavy presence in political circles like in the White House and around Putin shows this.

The Chabad Lubavitchers have appeared dancing wildly together in their hundreds having mass celebrations in a vast meeting hall waving Russian and Ukrainian flags at the same time at the outbreak of physical war between Ukraine and Russia, and have also stated in mass addresses that they control all political and all economic affairs (just as they do in the US) in both Russia and Ukraine.

This being the case, the conclusion is obvious, Putin and Zelensky are working together under their direction for Israel, simply mass-suiciding the white Gentile Christians under them falling for the silly lies about 'patriotism' that the late Chabad Lubavitcher Head Rabbi Menachem Schneerson himself instructed must be arranged to lead Slavic white peoples to kill each other off so the Jews can take their land.

The Chabad Lubavitchers literally regard Schneerson as god himself and eagerly await his reincarnation soon (their self-worshipping version of god being themselves anyway, but they regard Schneerson as a leading presence among themselves).

Putin wears a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread on his wrist very often at public meetings where he is filmed, he is a Chabad Lubavitcher devotee, as is Zelensky, both are WEF alumni, Klaus Schwab has openly stated on video that Putin is a WEF alumnus, Putin's job is to play the straight guy in all this, but he is just as Jewish as Jewish Zelensky is, and both are totally devoted to Rabbi Menachem Schneerson whose idea it was for a Bigger Israel for millions of Israeli Jews to move into in Ukraine being created by a war being created in Ukraine to kill enough local Slavs off so as to be able to take their land, and many Jews moved into Ukraine before when Stalin stated he killed 10 million Christian Gentiles then.

The Chabad Lubavitchers control the White House and NATO and the UN too, and this is why Western leaders are apparently going insane (they are already mad and they really know exactly what they are doing but are cold-blooded psychopaths exactly following ruthless criminal terrorist SPECTRE-type plans pushing relentlesly towards nuclear war being initiated between Russia and Western Europe, and this along with bioweapons and other measures is intended to kill off most of the 580 million whites in Europe or so that the Chabad Lubavitchers say they intend to arrange to have killed, AKA 'Amalek, The Second Rome' who the rabbis say must all be killed.

I have videos of rabbis saying that all white people in Europe must be killed in videos on my Substack site, and they say all white people must be killed everywhere else in the world too wherever they have now moved, like the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand etc., and of course, they say that ultimately all Gentiles in the world must be killed leaving 'No Survivors' as Rabbi Mizrachi himself says in one video on my site, which is what all this is building up to, with the events in Gaza also heavily linked to what is happening in Ukraine.

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To each his own

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100% in target! Thank you for the comment. Exactly, from the beginning, tried to awake people around me that THAT EMF was, is, the main reason. I was one from the firsts hit, in Germany. But THEY didn't caught me. 2 nights at the hospital and everything got resolved. The doctor when he saw me recovering and exiting the place was really BAFFELD, no joke.

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The reason the doctors were "baffled" is they're payable morons. Here's another research paper that will be blithely ignored. >>>

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radio frequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G >>> J Clin Transl Res. 2021 Oct 26; 7(5): 666–681. >>> Published online 2021 Sep 29. >>>


I downloaded this article in March of 2022. Numerous commentators (operatives) on European sites chased me away. As if ignoring the truth will extinguish the facts...

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I think ,the most idiotic people I ever met are the Doctors I came in contact with .

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Thank you for your post. Much appreciated.

My experience at the start of the plandemic: I was 60 years old. High level athlete all my youth and still to this day (Not as high though). No one who doesn't know me could deduce that I am the age of my arteries. One night, I felt a strange feeling, as if I was going to vomit. I got up and headed towards the kitchen. suddenly I find myself on the ground´´ unable to breathe´´ for 15, 20 seconds. Then nothing. Never happened to me what so ever. Feeling not too good though. I call an ambulance. At the hospital after 2 or 3 hours of waiting, I was diagnosed with intestinal perforation ´´ never happend to me´´ From that moment I only slept along with a Baxter. 2 nights. The third day I feel in good shape again. the doctor looks at me as if this were impossible. My take, like in Wuhan and Italia they opened the floodgates of 5 or 6 or 7 G or who knows....and closed it immediately. Those who were physically deprived took the blow badly. This means that we have a sword of damacles above us. The day THEY decide to reopen it in a constant way Doomed we are.

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Yes. The massive launch of 5G satellites by operatives such as Elon Musk is a major clue. These satellites are utilizing water towers and the electrical grid as a ground plane. Earth's atmosphere has been loaded with aluminum oxides, barium nitrates, strontium, silver iodide, and massive amounts of polypropylene fibers and nano-plastic materials. This atmospheric loading is acting similar to an old fashioned radio tube, only the glow ain't very pretty. Thank you for your comment.

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Yes completely true , how are you doing?

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I am really doing well, mentally and physically, thanks for asking but still considered as a fool person from my near cohorte.

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Yes, the sky has been a highly artificial Simpson cartoon bright purple most nights in the UK for the last few years, particularly in the spring, autumn and winter months, it being a little less apparent in the brighter summer skies, I thought maybe it was some kind of Aurora Borealis type effect that might be natural at first a a few years ago, then it became more or less constant, and I knew it just had to be related to 5G and what they are spraying in the air from jets.

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Good comments, David.

We were safer when the tobacco companies ruled things and even when the oil companies took over after them!

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The CIA has probably controlled the presidency for decades with this. It’s been out since 1952 - millimeter wave with freya effect

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At approximately 55:50 into the interview Mr. Johansson asks why governments and other controlling interests don't review available information. Many such persons already know the evidence, and also know that if they disclose, it will damage their careers. This ain't rocket science folks, it's political science.

Note the effects of millimeter waves on tissue oxygen metabolism. >>> "Biological Effect of Millimeter Radiowaves" (Published in 1977) >>> https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Zalyubovskaya-1977.pdf

136 Studies Showing Health Effects from WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation >>> http://wifiinschools.com/uploads/3/4/3/4/34340185/wifi_and_device_studies-final-1.docx

THE WORK OF ALLAN H. FREY • Cellular Phone Task Force >>> https://cellphonetaskforce.org/the-work-of-allan-h-frey/

Andrew Marino >>> Am Ind Hyg Assoc J. 1995 Feb;56(2):189-92. >>> PMID: 7856519 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] >>> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7856519/

And another 10,000+ articles and studies over the last 40 years. Articles like this: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/warning-by-acupuncturists/

The public NEEDS to understand that many public "officials" are no longer able to reach logical conclusions as their minds are EMF damaged. The most salient investigations of EMF/biological effects were completed over 40 years ago.

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Thank you for all the information.

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You are entirely welcome. I wish there were more I could do. I spent many years attempting to pass on credible information, but found the majority of civilians were non-receptive and/or apathetic. The perpetrators will continue to rot their own brains. They're even more pathetic than the apathetic. Best regards...

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Amazing hidden information. Thank you to Dr Johansson and Dr. Michalcea for your tireless dedication to helping others and bringing awareness to this crazy world🙏

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Dr Ana is to be commended in trying to broach in greater depth the matter of e-pollution, which is closely allied to the covi-perpetration, in various ways. Two of the most diligent suppressions of dissident research findings over the decades have been regarding e-effects and vaccine "success"/effects.

A few comments, not in order from as heard in the interview.

Myself I suffered from vdt exposures in the early 80s. This was the earliest direct indication to me that "safe" exposures were not. Only some 30 years later when I began some in depth research and advocacy work, did I get a handle on the depth and gravity of it all. I think Olle J's research early on showed immune function activation, unfelt, in skin on strong healthy subjects who were test exposed to VDTs.

Re Sweden during height of covi-madness: That it had lesser draconian mandated reactions i believe was due to its being a WEF darling on several accounts. 1st i think to declare off-petro-reliance by a relatively early date; teenage world-scold Thunberg trotted out from there; early adoption of body-embedded chips; major telecom role of Ericsson; rule-oriented society; etc.

Re surveillance and control: "suddenly all of us are criminals" - in March 2020 I put it, "war on us all". I had been recommending the then recently published S Zuboff's Surveillance Capitalism. Perhaps I can dig out a quote to post here re e.g. behavioural effects.

There was comparison made with 30 years ago re natural background radiation, but he should have gone back much further from his own work, eg re suspected FM radio inception and relation to skin cancer in Sweden in the '50s. He was involved with a paper re 1997 being a "curious year" where in Sweden rural health or medical access indicators began to be greater than usual urban, and suggested was the higher output of then new mob/kill phone devices in rural areas due to distance from infrastructures.

One very important subject touched on briefly was re temperature increase imagined as compared to microwave exposure increase over natural background. The zillion-fold increase. Now regnant "safety" regimes do rely on detectable temperature increase in a grossly measured subject's body. The so-called "thermal effect" paradigm, which has repeatedly been shown to be sorely inadequate for all kinds of reasons. But what is little considered is that at the micro level incident radiation stupendously increases temperature, unmeasurably, such that bio-micro structures cannot cope. Thus in a way a thermal theory if majorly re-focussed can contribute to getting at the root of much harm caused by manmade e-pollution.

This in a way can tie in to smart utility meters briefly discussed. These have been found to have very rapid spikes in microwave transmissions (part from "dirty" electric spurious frequencies put out in AC-DC switching mode), which kind of thing has been shown eg to be most effective in inducing now widespread tinnitus. This is something i know well from my own experience confronting the dangers of such equipment in our early adopter area - for one thing, I could tell time by the meters then affixed to our dwelling (we're quit of them since off grid some 9 years ago, healthier for it for sure) as they e.g. fired off a time sync signal at 15 minute intervals. The utility had no idea. So at two utilities I provoked dosimetry which bore out my claims, and much else damning. We were offered an alternate meter that emitted but once day, but it only replaced one tinnitus for another when near the meter, I expect due to that switching mode.

I would advise or at times confront fellow advocates re e--smog dangers about reliance on the devices they were advocating against. It has to be offered that in a time of war, or warlike, resort to tools of various types to prosecute the cause can be useful. But leading/influencing by example is the most important way, and it is heartening to hear our host act as model in such a manner, as does Olle J. We always shunned such emitters, instinctively at first, surely in part from my own experience as mentioned going way back, but buttressed by the enormous research etc seen over the last 15 years or so, and going back decades prior.

I also have had dealings with biology researchers who use e-emitters in study of and get no reply at suggestions of causing skewing of research and harm to creatures. Pollinator advocacy groups also turn away from the suggestion of decline related to e-insult, despite plenty of studies on e-harm to insects, .

The duplicity regretted by the interviewee in higher-ups, "upstairs", apparently knowing well about bio-harm research they keep quiet about, this goes all the way back. See eg from t

the late Paul Brodeur's masterwork, The Zapping of America already from 1977, Steneck's history The Microwave Debate and A Marino's Electric Wilderness from early 80s, and much more.

Re "cumulative effect": The ICIRP re "ionizing" radiation (put in quotes because this difference is wrongly put forth as salient in the division of the spectrum re e-harm) does I think use a "life dose" measure in recommending protection from exposures. I believe the same should be used re "non-ionizing". While the pathways to harm may vary considerably among sufferers and from emitters, once the cumulative dose, as it were, reaches a level that one's deepest vital function senses the onslaught ("ojas" per ayurveda?) , that is when one can tip into what is wrongfully called 'electrohypersensitivity'. The sensitivity is ever-present, the question regards reactivity and awareness.

IARC was mentioned re cancer classifications of e-sources, but these were "consensually" very mild, so as to be easily ignored. One useful archive of able journalism on general topic over many years has been L Slesin's microwavenews.com .

Finally i should like to say that I strongly believe - and actually bodily feel - that the injection harms relate to electromagnetic pollution now within injectees (not just eg as affixed to one's home as in smart meters), enabled especially through exposure to ambient e-smog, and transmitted to uninjected. It is unclear still to me after a few years of self-experimentation to what degree my own toxic breathed-in load is at issue, resonant, and what degree my own body's native reactivity to such insult from without. Various mitigation method have been useful, but no full elimination of this effect from "carriers", incl. uninjected exposed a lot to primary ones

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Here is one extract from the Zuboff I mentioned, with some notes from an e-mail discussion 5 years ago, perhaps complementary to other material Dr Ana has posted on sadly already longstanding research:


from p 466-8

>> ....

>> They crave the hive [...] but the hive they encounter is not the

>> unadulterated product of their natures and their culture of mutuality.

>> It is a zone of asymmetrical power, constructed by surveillance

>> capital as it operates in secrecy beyond confirmation or

>> accountability. It is an artificial creation designed in the service

>> of surveillance capital's greater good. When young people enter this

>> hive, they keep company with a surveillance priesthood: the world's

>> most sophisticated data scientists, programmers, machine learning

>> experts, and technology designers, whose single-minded mission to

>> tighten the glove is mandated by economic imperatives of surveillance

>> capital and its "laws of motion."


>> ["glove": "design practices that ratchet up the potency in order to

>> transform inclination into unquenchable need"; "hand": "the

>> psychological attributes that draw them to social media in the first

>> place"]


>> Innocent hangouts and conversations are embedded in a behavioral

>> engineering project of planetary scope and ambition that is

>> institutionalized in Big Other's architectures of ubiquitous

>> monitoring, analysis, and control. In their encounter with the

>> self-other balance, teenagers step onto a playing field already

>> tilted by surveillance capital to tip them into the social mirror and

>> keep them fixed on its reflections. Everything depends upon feeding

>> the algorithms that can effectively and precisely bite on him and bite

>> on her and not let go. All those outlays of genius and money are

>> devoted to this one goal of keeping users, especially young users,

>> plastered to the social mirror like bugs on the windshield.


>> The research studies and first-person accounts that we have reviewed

>> reveal the coercive underbelly of the instrumentarian's much revered

>> "confluence", in which harmonies are achieved at the expense of the

>> psychological integrity of the participants. This is the world of

>> [MIT's} Pentland's "social learning", his theory of "tuning" little

>> more than the [crude behaviourist's] systematic manipulation of the

>> rewards and punishments of inclusion and exclusion. It succeeds

>> through the natural human inclination to avoid psychological pain.

>> Just as ordinary consumers can become compulsive gamblers at the hands

>> of the gaming industry's behavioral technologies, psychologically

>> ordinary young people are drawn into an unprecedented vortex of social

>> information that automatically triggers social comparison on an

>> equally unprecedented scale. This mental and emotional milieu appears

>> to produce a virus of insecurity and anxiety that drives a young

>> person deeper into this closed loop of escalating compulsion as he or

>> she chases relief in the longed-for signals of valorization.


>> This cycle unnaturally exacerbates and intensifies the natural

>> orientation toward the group. And although we all share in this

>> disposition to varying degrees, it is most pronounced in the stages of

>> life that we call adolescence and emerging adulthood. Ethologists call

>> this orientation "homing to the herd," an adaptation of certain

>> species, such as passenger pigeons and herring, that home to the crowd

>> rather than to a particular territory. In the confrontation with human

>> predators, however, this instinct has proven fatal.


>> [re example of passenger pigeons hunted to extinction, from biologist

>> B Heinrich:] A few birds would be captured first and attached to a

>> perch with their eyes sewn shut. As these birds fluttered in panic,

>> the flock would descend to "attend to them ". This made it easy for

>> harvesters to "catch and slaughter " thousands at once. [...] "The

>> pigeon had no home boundaries over which to spread itself and

>> continued to orient only to itself, so it could be everywhere, even to

>> the end...To the pigeons, the only 'home' they knew was in the crowd,

>> and now they had become victims of it...the lack of territorial

>> boundaries of human predators had tipped the scales to make their

>> adaptation their doom"".


>> Facebook, social media in general - these are environments engineered

>> to induce and exaggerate this homing to the human herd, particularly

>> among the young. [...] As we fixate on the crowd, the technologically

>> equipped commercial harvesters circle quietly and cast their nets.

>> This artificial intensification of homing to the herd can only

>> complicate, delay, or impede the hard psychological bargain of the

>> self-other balance. When we multiply this effect by hundreds of

>> millions and distribute it across the globe, what might it portend for

>> the prospects of human and social development?"

>> .....


>> Is it already too late as one commentator bcc-ed here believes,

>> leading to pinnacle extraction and domination by direct monetary

>> capture, ie not only through drawing in ad & other commercial revenue

>> &c but for having had stupendous contact with intelligence agencies

>> and stupendous backing from financial giants both utterly

>> unaccountable and leading to actual capture of and acquiescence in

>> all-cashless transactions with thus virtually complete control?


>> What I would add in any case is that social study must in this context

>> be conjoined with control for somatic cause through emf exposures.

>> Gambling (a behaviourist's fun lab situation for its simplicity of

>> controls & responses), for example, in front of an old-style slot

>> machine will differ in addictability from in front of the "tractor

>> beam" of a computer screen; and further, depressive symptoms are

>> definitely connected with bodily effect of artificial emf exposures,

>> esp. re low frequency elements embedded, not to mention habituation to

>> feelings of exposure, not knowing what it feels like to not be zapped.


>> And how does this relate to capture by the same dominating groups not

>> held to account of moves to "de-carbonize" with emphasis on

>> electronica? In one corner demise by one means, in the other by

>> another.


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I ask for guidance from the Creator and was guided to buy a device to wear years ago. It appears to work as I have no health problems. My daughter bought something to protect the whole house, but I did not really believe what the sellers claimed. I believe one has to totally trust in our Creator for protection...and live accordingly; eating simple and natural foods; living a healthy lifestyle with fresh air and sunshine daily. I believe we have to contribute and not take anything for granted. .We must remove most of the Electronic Devices in our own homes. The only electronic device i use is my laptop. I don't watch TV and do as little cooking of my food as possible; no microwave, which nukes food and destroys it.

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We have lived ultra healthy, never had microwave, severe limit on devices and still had our lives made hell when massive cell tower put up near us. Even animals died - it hit every living thing. The house devices will work depending on what they are BUT, the continual upgrades to towers, solar farms and wind turbines can quickly surpass the remediation. I know from extensive experience with it.

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Mona Nilsson, who I interviewed, is to my knowledge the only scientist based in Sweden, and the world for that matter, who is studying 5G health effects.


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Dr. Pall, Washington State University, retired professor of biological sciences has studied 5G effects for many years and is a very qualified individual in this field.

Dr Martin Pall actually answers emails.

Also Deborah Tavares in California. Very qualified also.

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Absolutely Michael! Yes Dr. Pall is a good guy. He was recently interviewed on the Medical Truth Podcast:


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Yes very true and his prediction of massive brain damage is very obvious to me , particularly with those constantly on cell phone weapons. I have lived off grid entire adult life , never owned TV, CELL PHONE, live in protected structure , grow all own food and make all my own medicines , which is why I still have a brain working at great capacity and can clearly SEE what is happening to most.

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Antibiotic resistance is easily overcome. Just take Oregano Oil with whatever standard antibiotic. The Oregano oil strips the biofilm and the old antibiotic works just fine.

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I had to skip listen to this ( I am aware of the general picture of 5G concerns), seeking the part where he addresses solutions that do work. I could not find it, so if anyone can show the time period to home in on this would be lovely. I guessed it might be near the end, but could not locate it.

"He also discusses how he tested many EMF protection devices marketed globally and found that they do not work"

We all need to learn what works!

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stop using it-2hours a day maximum

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I don't have it at all thankfully!

I want to help others understand how to avoid all this stuff!

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It takes a combo of things. The constant upgrades to towers etc quickly exceeds protection or remediation levels. What worked well 3 years ago is much less effective on its own after 3 tower upgrades.

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Nice talk ~ unsavory topic ..

Martin Pall is mentioned in the comments, + add M.D Goldstein circa 2015/7


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I discovered Olle Johansson's work about 14 years ago, and highly regard his expertise. His presentations are generally down to Earth, and he well describes the issues of electro-sensitivity and their effects.

5G has nothing to do with communications, period. It is biological and spiritual warfare, and it's aimed right at you as I write this post. 5G DIRECTLY interferes with spiritual and holistic sensitivity.

Having more nightmares lately? Are you sometimes struggling for air? Feeling a bit spaced - like you can't focus? Welcome to the execution...

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Yep keep telling them bro

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appreciate the info on dangers however even if u live in the country they can still send emf signals to u and 98% of people need technology to work live and feed themself and unfortunately no one can live without it today-if it wasnt for technology i would have never found this article either...i can we can mitigate emf exposure-but miso hlelps and clorella and baking soda baths to

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You might appreciate this podcast on the Regulation deception:


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I have not watched the video. Yet, I am interested in the topic of EMF. I know that there are health risks to EMF exposure. Is vertigo something that could be linked to EMF?

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Both vertigo and reactions to EMF’s occur in the area of the brain so separating them out can be tricky.. You could research health interventions that could help handle your vertigo. At the same time you could learn what's going on in your environment when it comes to EMFs so you can reduce your exposure. This is something everyone should do.

It is not impossible that you could uncover an EMF source(s) near you that brings on the vertigo. I've had both "excess EMFs and vertigo" and they were not in the same ballpark. For some help with the EMF issue search YouTube for "EMF home inspection near me."

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Yes. Vertigo is just one effect of EMF exposure, and I've known several persons who have actually fallen down - unable to regain balance until removed from the exposure site. The medical profession is completely clueless, because they're mental functions have been reduced to rote memorization of unrelated data. They need a HUGE wake up call... They are mentally inpaired.

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Yes I have seen this as well and seen people walk by the 5 g boxes and collapse as well , now streetlights , car headlights, and more as well , I have watched people having conversation , pull out their cell phone weapon to take a call , and completely STALL OUT for a minute or so unable to really function, or just finish a call , with it held right to their ear [idiots] and then try to continue a conversation with me and cant even do it or remember what was being talked about moments before . ALL these folks using it all the time are GUARANTEED , MS , DEMENTIA , or some brain damage "disease" CHILDREN should never use these , stop destroying your children.

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"The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg is a masterpiece tracing the electro-smog development of the world we are living in. Read physicist Mae-Wan Ho's book on "The Rainbow and the Worm" to learn about the electric energy in the bodies of all of us and every living thing. (The rainbow image refers to the spectrum of Light and 'wavelengths before it was absconded by lgbtetc. I refuse to even capitalize that.)

It is just getting worse and worse; raise your own frequency to counter it. "The armor of God" helps....put it on every morning and every night!!!!

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That was an important book , BUT this man is controlled opposition now , and denies CHEMTRAIL SPRAY PROGRAMS, and call those of us EXPOSING these geoengineering aspects of the transhumanist/post human agendas, mentally ill, even important author/researchers on the topic.

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Firstenberg!? Thanks, I'll look into that.

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Yes unfortunately you know lots of pressure and threats "turning many" I know this personally from his own comments to me and other very knowledgeable people working on revealing the truth.

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Thank you for discussing this much over looked topic! If you need another expert to talk to you might try Arthur Firstenberg, he has been vocal on this for 40 years. I spoke with him on the phone after I left my phone number in an email I sent via the cell phone taskforce website. It was very eye opening. Not in a good way either. There is also the mental health aspect of what this is doing to our children's developing brains. It is most likely a factor in all of the a-fib crap that all of these people are getting ablations for. It is another factor in the diabetes puzzle. Chapter 12 in the book the Invisible Rainbow dives into this. It has had an impact on my health, causing me to have irregular heart stuff, but once I mitigated it, I have had no issues. Now with the smart meters, I'm back to more ringing in my head, I can hear the meters transmitting and pinging info. I can barely use my cell phone, my hands start to hurt and burn as a result. I'm sure it is also driving the increase in thyroid issues as well. You could probable blog for a solid month on this topic alone there is so much to it. https://www.electronicsilentspring.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Shallow-Minds-1.pdf

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Yes. As with many others, Arthur Firstenberg has been on it for decades. Here's a short video that the civilian public and their representatives have ignored for over 6 years. >>>

Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan's 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018 >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK0AliMe-KA

My take is that human *decision making skills* have catastrophically declined as a DIRECT result of electromagnetic affect on frontal lobe executive functions. I am not alone in this assessment... Thank you for your comment.

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How did you mitigate your irregular heart beat? After years of very infrequent light palpitations (which no doctor was concerned about), I am now having very noticeable irregular heart beats (various times, throughout the day) and often have a high heart rate, the latter which wakes me up often. I have been to a doctor about it, and a cardiologist. The cardiologist did a few tests - said I had premature ventricular contractions - but wasn't too concerned about this. Apart from that, apparently my heart is fine. I am now waiting on a wearable heart monitor which I will have to wear for a month (I plan to find out more about this device - I hope it isn't a smart device!). I have been wondering about possible causes - 5g being one of them - because we have a few small cell 5G towers around us. My husband and son are unfortunately not concerned at all about 5g or other wireless frequencies.

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Be sure to check out all ingredients in the foods we eat, especially processed foods but even fresh fruits and vegetables. Not just poisonous jabs out there. Please google every ingredient that you don’t know for sure what it is……. 90% of the ingredients listed in everything we take has some form of poisonous ingredient added to it… and humanity doesn’t seem to care…..it’s not just processed sugars added to processed foods that are killing and injuring us. I googled an ingredient in table salt 🧂 about a year ago…..didn’t raise a flag with me but I said what the heck…. don’t be so lazy and search it….. so I did…..I googled “yellow prussiate soda”…..it told me what it was and why it was added ….to help with the salt clumping (sticking together) ….i than looked at the harms and it told me that it was CYANIDE….. but it seems to be in such a small portion that it shouldn’t cause any issues. HMMMMMM SHOULDN’T cause a health problem???? How many other products have a little CYANIDE added to it as well…..as well as other poisonous chemicals added to products. I remember , when I was a preteen or in my early teen years ,about a toy company 🧸 that was stopped producing a certain toy they made for infants ,when an infant was playing with a toy in the crib and a small part came off it….the infant suffocated over night and the parents knew nothing about the infants death until going into the room the next morning. THE POWERS THAT BE STOPPED THE PRODUCTION AND THE SELLING OF THAT PRODUCT while investigating the issue. THEY TALKED ABOUT IT AND WE TALKED ABOUT IT. The death wasn’t hidden as well as the blame , people were not silenced nor where they shamed for talking about it and choosing NOT to have that product in their lives. Covid 19 is a new evil…..😈 TIME WE THE PEOPLE STOOD UP for OUR CHILDREN/GRANDCHILDREN and said enough is enough…..bring back the 60’s please….were ONE CHILD dying as “ ONE CHILD TOO MANY. AND THE MASSES STOOD UP AND VOICED THEIR OPINIONS. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ARE HAPPENING, AND HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS…..WAY PAST TIME TO HOLD THE ONES ACCOUNTABLE. PERSONALLY.

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