Do Not Blindly Follow These Super Rich Monsters

All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

Stop paying for Scientific Fruad. Stop Trusting Government's.


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 Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 bioweapon and the antidote Calcium EDTA plus Vitamin C.


Whatever you believe - detoxifying metals that are known to be sprayed on humans via geoengineering with Calcium EDTA and taking Vitamin C and multi minerals is an inexpensive good idea for your health prevention in these treacherous times




Couple the above with vitamin C. The idea is to get rid of the various things that shed and are in the Covid-19 shots.


3 Common Mistakes When Taking EDTA

Calcium Disodium EDTA isn’t like most other supplements, and knowing how to take EDTA correctly allows you to chelate minerals from the desired areas, and not from the food you just ate.  EDTA is a proven safe and effective dietary supplement that can chelate minerals and metals from the body, and by avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll know you are maximizing its effectiveness:

Mistake 1: Taking EDTA with meals or other medicine

EDTA and heavy metals are attracted to each other, the heavier the metal, the stronger the attraction.  But EDTA also chelates indiscriminately, which means it’ll grab onto the first minerals it encounters.  For this reason, you want to make sure you are taking EDTA about 1.5 - 2 hours apart from meals and other medicines/supplements.  This allows your body time to digest and absorb the EDTA into your bloodstream with its full ability to chelate still intact.

Mistake 2: Taking EDTA every day without a break

While you won’t be in any danger from the EDTA itself, not giving your body a break sometimes can lead to depleted mineral levels in your body.  Taking a ‘one-a-day’ multi mineral supplement will help maintain those levels, but it is still a good idea to cycle on and off this product.

Recommendations vary regarding cycle duration, however a good rule of thumb for EDTA cycling is a 3:1 ratio (i.e. 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off).  This will allow your body time to replenish its natural mineral levels, and help avoid deficiencies.

Mistake 3: Taking One Capsule 2-3 times a day

This is unnecessary and adds to the difficulty of taking EDTA properly.  There is no harm in taking all of your daily dosage at one time (on an empty stomach).  Many people we talk with take EDTA early in the morning or right before they go to bed in order to keep their schedule with meals and other medicines.


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The DNA narrative is another deception. Just like COVID... https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2021/12/15/dna-discovery-extraction-and-structure-a-critical-review/

When transhumanist's talk about DNA storage etc... they are referring to data transfers between humans and the A.I. cloud (data collection and transfer). A quantum level atom is an oscillating field. It cannot store 50GB's of data. However, a self assembled graphene oxide microprocessor can transfer huge amounts of bio-digital data from a human body to a military level cloud server via 6G - though what they're doing goes far beyond that.

Terahertz Frequencies and the Coronavirus Blockchain Identity Agenda... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Terahertz-Frequencies-and-the-Coronavirus-Nanotechnology-Blockchain-Identity-Agenda:5?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

DNA is just a made up term. The transhumanist's want you to think they are targeting the physical body, so they invented a physical body part (DNA) for people to focus on. However, ultimately, there is no physical body, there are only oscillating fields.

"Suppose that we take a very special microscope, an imaginary one that can magnify so greatly that single atoms are easily observable. Let us take a look at some exposed live tissue. We are now using a low magnification; we see an irregular network of little blood vessels, pieces of connective tissue, and some muscle tissue and bone. All over this we see some blood, and the overall impression is quite an irregular and gooey mess. Let us focus now on some muscle tissue and start enlarging. The gooey muscle suddenly turns into highly organized muscle fibers, all nicely aligned. A little more magnification will show long fibers made of coiled long molecules, placed in regular arrays. With a bit more magnification we find that the gooey little piece of muscle tissue has turned into a highly ordered, practically crystalline material. As we turn the magnification still higher, we see little atoms vibrating in groups about their location in the long coiled molecules. Whole sections of the molecules are undulating regularly; everything is in a constant, very rapid, but very orderly motion. This vibratory motion occurs many million times a second.

If we now apply a magnet to this piece of muscle, we notice right away a very slight change in the undulation of molecular segments. If we apply an electric field, the results will be similar. We are changing the wavy motion of the molecular segments. That effect is possibly due to the fact that we have just slightly changed the orbits of the outer electrons in the atoms making up these long molecules. Let us now magnify a piece of bone. Very soon an orderliness will emerge: highly ordered bone crystals embedded like jewels in webs of long molecular strings. Everything is vibrating. Suppose we now apply an electric field to the bone. As soon as we do that, the crystal changes its length. It shrinks or stretches instantly in response to the field. Some more magnification will give us an even better look at this crystal: we see the atoms weaving back and forth like a field of ripe wheat blown by the wind. They move in unison and in beautiful rhythm. Acoustical energy is flowing through the crystal.

Next we focus on the atoms. At first, they appear as little shadowy balls vibrating about fixed points in the molecule. As we magnify, we see less and less. The electron shell has somehow dissolved, and we are looking at a vacuum. As we further magnify, we see something tiny moving about. We focus on what we suspect is the nucleus of the atom, located in this vast space within the atom. If we take the diameter of the nucleus of a hydrogen atom to be 1 mm., then the diameter of the electron orbit will be about 10 meters, a ratio of 1 to 10,000, and the intervening space is vacuum. As we zero in and further magnify the vibrating nucleus, it seems to be dissolving. We are looking at some shadowy pulsation; some more magnification, and the nucleus is almost gone. We are sensing the pulsation of some energy; it seems to be a rapidly pulsating field. But where did the bone go? We thought that we were looking at a solid piece of matter! Well, it seems that the real reality—the micro-reality, that which underlies all our solid, good, common-sense reality—is made up, as we have just witnessed, of a vast empty space filled with oscillating fields! Many different kinds of fields, all interacting with each other. The tiniest disturbance in one field carries over into the others. It’s an interlocked web of fields, each pulsating at their own rate but in harmony with the others, their pulsations spreading out farther and farther throughout the cosmos. Whenever a focus of disturbance tends to drive these fields out of their harmonious rhythm, the irregularity will spread and disturb the neighboring fields. As soon as the source of disturbance is removed, orderly rhythm will return to the system. Conversely, when a strong harmonizing rhythm is applied to this matrix of interlocking fields, its harmonic influence may entrain parts of the system that may have been vibrating off key. It will put more orderliness into the system. We may look at a disease as such out-of-tune behavior of one or another of our organs of the body. When a strong harmonizing rhythm is applied to it, the interference pattern of waves, which is the organ, may start beating in tune again. This may be the principle of psychic healing.

So by taking an imaginary trip into a highly magnified image of our “solid” reality, we found a new underlying reality. Our solid reality dissolved into a rapidly pulsating matrix of fields of energy, an interference pattern of waves filling the vast vacuum of our bodies and continuing beyond them in a more diluted fashion. We have also seen that the application of any kind of energy to this matrix of fields is somehow going to affect the behavior of our by now rather abstract “matter” or tissue. Whether that energy is electric, magnetic, gravitational, or acoustic, it will always interact and affect us somehow, whether it is applied from a distance or directly to our skin."

From the book titled; 'Stalking the Wild Pendulum' by Itzhak Bentov.

These are frequency weapons. They are targeting your WBAN, not DNA... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95Ar40AlmQs

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Since human consciousness is comprised of quantum entangled neurons interacting within an electro-magnetic holographic field, bio-data can also be transported at the speed of light via quantum entanglement (this is what transhumanist's have been focused on since 1945).

There is no time delay in the teleportation of information between electrons in a holographic universe. Every fragment of a hologram contains whole views of the entire holographic image -­- even a tiny fragment still contains the whole picture.

Likewise, our Creation hologram contains the whole view of the entire holographic image -­- and every human is a tiny fragment of that whole. Within the whole, every human projects their own interference pattern which interacts with other interference patterns,, ie, other humans, but ultimately we all emanate from the same source. See holographic duality and the AdS-CFT correspondence for more information.

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Changes are indeed being made to your biology but not in the way described by establishment science.

Your consciousness has been replicated (in the form of a holographic avatar) inside a military level quantum computer the transhumanist's call the Sentient World Simulation (SWS). Changes made to your avatar inside the SWS affect how you think and feel in the real world. This is why the terms REPLICON, self replicating etc.. are being used. They are telling you they have found a way of replicating the SELF.

They want you to believe that DNA can be altered by putting mRNA in a vaccine - but what is actually happening is, your individual quantum field is being altered (modulated) via quantum level frequency weapons. Changes are being made non locally to the avatar inside the SWS. According to transhumanist scientist Dr Craig Venter these changes are being effected at the speed of light. This is only possible via quantum entanglement.

Two separate but interactive systems. Controlled by A.I.

The EMF reliant graphene oxide Brain-to-Computer interface will be used to facilitate the incoming bio-digital financial system and blockchain ledger based social credit regime (via 6G bio-data transfer).

The SWS is being built to control the new species of ultra compliant human they are trying to create (via quantum entanglement).

This is not a drill. Commentary starts @ 7m01s... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/COVID-War-Games---This-Is-Not-A-Drill:7?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

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Holographic Universe - Interpreting Reality... https://youtu.be/YgtHFx4ndto?si=nUWa9YvgLjbeusPc

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Substantially correct - but as per the previous post's discussion, leaving the work of Puharich et al out of the discussion is like Cosell doing the play by play of the RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE sans mention of Foreman!

All mention of holograms - neurons - consciousness without reference to the Puharich-John-Grinberg research nexus is rendered futile for interpretative purposes, since both "weaponisation" & antidote proceed from the military application of that work(of which very few public traces remain visible.)

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Are you talking about Andrija Puharich? The Geller supposed extra-terrestrial contact and CIA space kids psyop? The word in the late 1990's was the man was driven mad via some sort of technological intervention. Apparently he built the scientific apparatus that the CIA used to disable his mind. Ooops.

Too many fake theories have been associated with that guy. Obfuscation by design - from high (terrestrial) places. I think I'll give it a miss.

With that said, I don't think its a coincidence that at that time the town of Ossining in the lower Hudson Valley region was the source of the worlds richest magnetite concentrations.

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Indeed I'm talking about Puharich - who at the time of his most important work was the very least "mad" among us. (I linked reference to a couple of these earlier studies in Anna's post of 9/30. Waaay ahead of his time.

Never paid the slightest attention to Geller - a mossad implant used to muddy the whole terrain which AP was the pioneer researcher of; his work done prior, via the Dutch medium Hurkos was a whole level above the Geller bs.

Anyone investigating this theme needs be aware of the fact that pretty much all real researchers(&research)will be quite deliberately "degraded" - their work stolen, misused, or taken in inappropriate directions. AP was no exception. He got into shrooms in a big way later on... and like Grinberg much later, would pay the price for it.

Would you term W Reich - the most important experimental scientist of the C20th "mad" because 'they' eventually drove him halfway insane by imprisoning him and confiscating his work? The case of AP ain't much different. His legacy must be factored into any history of this topic.

As Castaneda would find out - too late - there are no "alternate realities" ... just well laid traps where dark forces lay patiently in wait for the bold and careless - of whom there were too many in that day. One is free of course, to dismiss the work of AP and Roy John. To do so however, it to lose any insight into the genesis of 'neuro-invasive' tech, and the progression of it's applications to military ops of the kind from which the KOVID KAPER itself sprung from.

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He may have been way ahead of his time in creative inventiveness, but certainly not in wisdom. I know that Puharich's psi-technologies were stolen from him by Russian Jews - and that possibly Puharich furthered EMF based mind war strategies and the mass monitoring and control of humans more than any single man to date.

He painted a target on his own back when he tried to bid against the CIA for access to kids with minimally programmed alters and IQ's over 130. Some of those kids survived the ritual abuse and techno-psi-torture but it was apparently so horrendous that people wouldn't believe what they were saying. There was a lot of info on the internet about this kind of psycho-mind experimentation during the 1990's. That was back in the day when the internet wasn't a captured operation. Interestingly, none of that info I read back them mentioned mushrooms or LSD. It was all about infant victims and trauma programmed alters.

If even half of what has been said of him is true then with a bit of luck Puharich is rotting in the darkest corner of hell - but as I already mentioned, and as you yourself have elucidated above - its difficult to know what to believe. Again, that's why I'll be giving him a miss.

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I'm unable to summons any degree of moral judgment on an individual cog in the vast culture war which was waged upon the west post WW2 - it gives no pleasure to either commend or condemn such players.

My interest, as a forensic historian, is simply to chart the progressive interactions of such parties - whether they be 'dupes,' co-conspirators, manipulated patsies, ogres or otherwise seems besides the point.

In similar vein, I'm unable summons much enthusiasm for the suggestion of AP bearing responsibility...." more than any single man to date"... because "mind war strategies" are a progressive compendium of multiple men's work - entirely as I have been at some pains to point out - here and also 9/30.

The nexus of researchers who's names are attached to various elements of that progression is an essential element of establishing the who/why/how/when required of anyone proposing to accurately account for how the west has been destroyed "by enemies from within."

As Mark Lombardi famously showed, charting the "interlocks" between players in a conspiracy gives the careful researcher access to an understanding much beyond what reliance upon the media sources themselves can provide.

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Love your stuff, it's great!

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Lionberger references several items (like the "Vietnam Study") which indicate that he has read the report of Danial Nagase ...and is therefore 'up to speed' with the 'replicon' issue - but his prompts in this direction repeatedly fall "on deaf ears" with both women.

It's clear that any mention of Dr Nagase is verboten for them - why? Why did Sasha Latypova excoriate him for daring to predict dire consequences for Japan's replicon vaxx?


Among the myriad of competing voices in this supposed 'resistance' community, only Nagase has managed to avoid becoming some kind of 'limited hangout' puppet of the dark forces running this theatre macabre(to date... but his absence since late September is ominious!).

Sadly, it now appears conclusive that the entire substack community posing as 'resistors' to the vaxx extermination project have one by one been inveigled into compliance with the "agenda" they are still pretending to oppose.

If Nagase is gone too... then ye's are truly 'lambs without shepherd.' Be warned.

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Oct 5·edited 3 hrs ago

The Vietnam Study: most of these technologies were developed in the USSR by Jewish scientist's between 1953 and 1973 (the tech was tested on institutionalized mental patients). In 1973 the project went underground (Black Ops). MK-Ultra testing was conducted in many countries, including Vietnam. This report is from 1972. General commentary starts @ 26m18s. For more specifics about the Vietnam Study, the commentary starts @ 40m34s... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Defense-Intelligence-Agency-Report-on-Mind-Control:3?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

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The Vietnam Study: the one in question is here - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-47905-1 ... Safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of the self-amplifying mRNA ARCT-154 COVID-19 vaccine - it is, like the theme of Anna's post here - talking about the so-called "replicon" vaxx tech and the Nagase post which discusses it is what I referred to above.

It raises legitimate questions about "self-replication" in the tech which would have the potential to spiral out of human control - due to recombination via the 'alphaviruses' used.

It was clear from the interview that Anna and the other women were deliberately avoiding any mention of the Nagase posts, which were the first to bring this to attention of the west.

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This quote is from the article you linked to above... "One technology being applied in this development is the use of self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) that allows host cells to make copies of the vaccine mRNA"

The problem with these kinds of articles is that numerous independent researchers have been unable to find any mRNA in the 'vaccine' vials. None whatsoever.

COVID Vials Contain Nanoscale Electronic Components (Rare Earth Metals) - Not Biology... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/COVID-Vials-Contain-Electronics---Not-Biology:9?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

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Yes, I'm in no way attesting to the veracity or quality of that study.

In fact, the critique Nagase makes of it in the post of his I linked would give one to understand that it's NOT JUST a misunderstanding of the presence/absence of a substance from the vaxx ... but an entire paradigm of misrepresentation - such as would lead one to "miss" the possibility that certain lab-created 'substances' - when released 'in the wild' - could create inter-species havoc.

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The truth about geongineered storm from FLA. the Western Appalachians .

I can tell you many explanations for what you hear in this video.. 1. Mega region planning 2 Agenda 21 , and 2030 plans 2.a Lithium has been found there ,QUARTZ, and there is gold as well . 3.FEMA an the Gov and BLACKROCK are not our friends and do not want to really help,UNDER ANY EMERGENCY DECLARATIONS FEMA, MILITARY and DHS are the gov. 4.This STORM is man made man augmented , they did NOT warn it would hit cat 5 or go that far north with UNNATURAL LEVELS OF MOISTURE AND STALL FOR 3 DAYS 5 Maximum chaos and destruction and desperation is what they want just before ELECTION. 6. They cannot TELL THE TRUTH here because Gov., Military, and Mil Ind. contractors and corporations are all involved. 7. They have no intention of rebuilding this area , this poor women just does not understand 8 There are farms and homesteads in this area that have been in the same family for 200 years , this has never happened to this degree. There is now permanent GEOLOGICAL and Geographical alteration 9. We are in war , these are the weapons of 4th and 5th gen. warfare and Cyberwar, and mind control. 10 . It has always been the plan to have our national guard and military occupied in foreign situations while we are attacked from within and from outside, which is next PREPAREDNESS MUST BE A CONSCIOUSNESS AND A WAY OF LIFE NOW ,ORGANIZE IT IN YOUR FAMILY , AREA ,COMMUNITY , YOU COULD BE NEXT. SK



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What is Inflation-Professor Wollf


All War is Evil. No More War


The Bankers Plan for All of Us


All War is Evil. No More War


What You should Know about the Federal Reserve by Peter Shift


No More War. Peace & Liberty Not War. No More War.


The Federal Reserve is a Criminal Organization Owned by Evil World Elite


No More War. No More War. No More War. No More War.




All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


Ron Paul & the Federal Reserve


All Wars are Evil


Liberty & Freedom or the Federal Reserve?


All wars are Banker Wars.


Crooks Control the Federal Reserve


All wars are Banker Wars.


All Wars are Bankers Wars


All War is Evil. No More War




All War is Evil. No More War.


Stop Paying Income Taxes.



All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying Income Taxes.




All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


Money & the Future


All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes


"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King

The Coming Depression 2025-2045


All War is Evil. No More War


Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is KingJust Print More Paper Dollars a Cheap & Easy Fix


All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King




All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


Federal Reserve; Definition


All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


Banks are Teetering 12-1-23


All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King








All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


Weather, Bitcoin & Control


All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


Money is a social contract



This video is a must watch; will affect you and is less then 10 Minutes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fbNi2CSoS0ZG/


“…[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank…sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”

Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 324 (MacMillan Co. 1966).


All War is Evil. No More War

Stop Paying Income Taxes

"XMR" & "ARRR" Privacy is King


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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

Boy! Now with this Replicon, this just continues to get worse and worse for humanity! I am very grateful for the solutions that Dr. Ana has found.

I am wondering about something I heard Lisa say about those who have gotten multiple shots. She said that those people will be more "resilient" is maybe how she put it, essentially saying that they will be able to tolerate this technology more easily.

The reason I am wondering about this is because I know multiple people in my own family who have had 3 or 4 shots that I know of, and they seem to be just fine. I don't see any outward manifestations of a problem. I would like your thoughts. Does this seem feasible?

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Some people might tolerate the shots better than others, and they might survive and reproduce more than people who get sick and die from the shots. Therefore it is logical to say mankind will become more "resilient" through "natural" selection. However, the self-assembling technology is in everything and is everywhere, so it's all rather moot anyways.

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

I agree with you that we have ALL been "hit" with a biological weapon since it is "in everything and is everywhere," like you said. I am not necessarily seeing the outward physical manifestations with these people I mentioned, but what I AM seeing is this (which I think is even more disturbing...and it really saddens me!!):

Dr Vernon Coleman: Proof That the Covid-19 Vaccine Causes Mental Illness


And, I also believe that some of us, most who are on this site and have heard the "good news" and seen the research from Dr. Ana and others, are somehow being "saved" because without it, we would be just like those others. It is a blessing from God, IMO!

And it isn't because we are ''better" than these other people, but rather, I believe, because we have "a love of the truth." We WANT to know!

And it is our job now to lead others to this truth (if they are able to remove the scales from their eyes and see and accept it).

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What we're really dealing with here is mind control. Vaxxed people don't want to see or know because the bots tell them not to. Their minds are sick with bots. If they won't see the truth, then give them your love.

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

I agree with that to a certain extent but I still believe that we ultimately have "free will." God gives everyone free will. I don't know if bots can take that away, but I could be wrong. I don't know. It just makes sense to me. But, it is true, we are dealing with something that is basically not from this world and this technology is demonic and it has to do with the "blood," which is a big deal.

Still, I have a hard time believing that what God has created can be so easily changed. I think that Satan has been trying to do that since the dawn of time. Maybe that is going too deep for this discussion, but even people who have been under mind control historically have been able to come out of it just from their own sheer will.

And nobody really knows at this point if these bots are temporary or not. But one thing we can agree on is that these people are not thinking normally.

And, I agree. We should give them our love regardless since we wouldn't withhold it from someone who is sick. And these people are sick.

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The Bible says most souls will be lost, and I think this is how they are gonna do it. God be with you.

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That makes sense. The use of our free will is everything. God doesn't force us to do anything.

And I was also thinking. Both you and I are subject to the same nanobots too but we aren't mind controlled so I think that is further evidence that the difference comes down to the proper use of the will...and knowing the truth. It is our shield and buckler.

It is really sad, and obviously these people didn't ask to be brainwashed, but they didn't seem to fight against it either.

Anyway, God be with you too!

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CROSSTALK from "Who is Robert Malone?"

"States signed the Constitution, not people.

Paul ratified the Laws of Moses for the Roman church. The first constitution is found at Nehemiah 10.

Without realizing the parallel platforms of Original Sin and national debt, about 80% of your article above only points out how nothing makes any sense. Without proper problem identification the solutions engineered are fleeting medications to cover up symptoms.

Paul was Eubulus' nephew. (End of 2 Timothy) Read Acts in light that Paul:

1. Adopted Ebionite doctrine just as Jesus did (Johnism). "Be washed of Original Sin" - the Pharisees objected... And ye shall be healed - The paraplegic lowered into the clinic through the roof.

2. The Pharisees on the Temple Mount declared a suicide pact to assassinate Paul. Paul escaped to a nearby Roman jail for protective custody and to secure his Roman citizenship papers (took about two years). Paul's father Eubulus/Caratacus' brother was the leader of the Jewish community in Tarsus, Celicia. Eubulus an early Britannia king was captured by Rome and released to rule as a vassal king to Rome; simultaneously, as Paul (Shaul) was a boy, his father quashed a rebellion against Roman rule. This is how Paul earned eligibility for Roman citizenship along with his warfare/lawfare plan to War by Propaganda (Christianity/Romans 13).

3. Paul's ship finally came in. He was smuggled out of the Holy Land on an extradition ship headed for Rome. It wrecked but Paul finished the journey and stayed in protective custody relatively safe from the death warrant on him by the general rabbi (hunger strike). From there, in Rome, Paul began the propaganda through letter writing (Epistles) to all the middle and lower class (Ebionites turn the other cheek) network he could remember. Postage paid by Rome. War by Propaganda.

Paved with good intentions? Your Psywars book is only a recent snapshot! It is all about redemption but if you want the law behind you look to Congress and Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act. And remember that gold is fine white powder (manna like in Exodus). Maybe then you can all see the bigger picture. The Game is to keep you from the Kundalini breakthrough (optimal endocrine interaction) that will make you "gods like them". They keep you dazzled by the shiny metals.

Understanding Paul's War by Propaganda led to my Doped Carbon 60 Transition Metallofullerene Pump. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p1m6zH_t61cqrA2Ko6IXbhF8d4Cw2Lbj/view?usp=sharing I have wrapped my endocrine system DNA cerebrospinal fluid in transition metallofullerenes.





Traditionally, and even recently with my Patroon (Khazarian) heritage, the Social Security was a festive party where you were killed and eaten by the community. You gave back and quit taking.

Soon they realized that if a pregnant woman partook of the pituitary gland, the skeleton of the fetus grew (6-carboxytetrahydropterin - skeletal growth hormone) too large and killed both mother and child. But if you waited until Mom delivered, you could give it to her and she passed the hormone through her breast milk and with some care shaping the soft baby skull you could produce a giant genius - exceptional cerebral cortex surface area.



We are still ruling. We have been all along - the Sons of God are the Sons of Cain.


That's all for now! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QBQihhAZiKALvymnTDAogqVHF7UxtJpP/view?usp=sharing I am already pouring my stiff drink!"

That last remark is "inside" because of how Robert Wallace likes to tell me to chill.

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The existing jabs already self-replicate.

Thats the point Dr Ana keeps making.

So what if they have a new name for it... its just the updated version of what has already been happening for over 3 years now.

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So do the chemtrails and been getting it for at least 30 yrs and heavily and perfected for the last 10 yrs.the Jabs are an overlay and a huge moneymaker.

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Actually, this is different since is creates bots out of whole cloth. Beastvaxx doesn't do that is my understanding. "Self-replicate"? No I think the self assemble structures. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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ppl hearing from God on yt- masters voice prophecy blog-/ Johnathon kleck/ outpouring gates/ Randy Kay/u b ready/ dalton travis gray/ servants for his glory 44th/strength for today- personal discernment to be continued....

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latter rain 333

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gods healer7 end times prophecy channel

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narrow road 79k / vengeance

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Geoengineered storm evidence , there is more , the Western Appalachian region is PERMANENTLY GEOLOGICALLY, GEORGRAPHICALLY, AND POPULATION ALTERED. I LIVED THERE FOR 10 YEAR , I know all the affected areas. My old homestead [150[years old is gone , the nearest town 12 miles is gone , the only road is gone. HELP IS BEING DENIED AND TURNED AROUND , The real death toll not being told, the greater tragedy just starting. Here are the many reasons



I can tell you many explanations for what you hear in this video.. 1. Mega region planning 2 Agenda 21 , and 2030 plans 2.a Lithium has been found there ,QUARTZ, and there is gold as well . 3.FEMA an the Gov and BLACKROCK are not our friends and do not want to really help,UNDER ANY EMERGENCY DECLARATIONS FEMA, MILITARY and DHS are the gov. 4.This STORM is man made man augmented , they did NOT warn it would hit cat 5 or go that far north with UNNATURAL LEVELS OF MOISTURE AND STALL FOR 3 DAYS 5 Maximum chaos and destruction and desperation is what they want just before ELECTION. 6. They cannot TELL THE TRUTH here because Gov., Military, and Mil Ind. contractors and corporations are all involved. 7. They have no intention of rebuilding this area , this poor women just does not understand 8 There are farms and homesteads in this area that have been in the same family for 200 years , this has never happened to this degree. There is now permanent GEOLOGICAL and Geographical alteration 9. We are in war , these are the weapons of 4th and 5th gen. warfare and Cyberwar, and mind control. 10 . It has always been the plan to have our national guard and military occupied in foreign situations whilw we are attacked from within and from outside, which is next PREPAREDNESS MUST BE A CONSCIOUSNESS AND A WAY OF LIFE NOW ,ORGANIZE IT IN YOUR FAMILY , AREA ,COMMUNITY , YOU COULD BE NEXT. SK

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The video link for this does not work for me.

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They worked for me,Redacted has 2.5 million subscribers,I probably would have told them more but I can't make youtube comments(Shadow banned)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Jn2iAvFg-U

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It took some time.

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