I truly hope that justice is served. But what they have done to those who trusted them is irreversible except by our Creator. Praying 🙏 for all living beings on earth who are being purposely destroyed by these demonic creatures.

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But Dr. Ana gives ways to stop the self-assembling of the nanotech. EDTA & Vit C, Methylene Blue, etc. Even activated charcoal. And Drs Ed Group, Brian Ardis, Henry Ealy & Jana Schmidt are also finding what works to degrade the nanotech. Esp Dr. Group & his research assistant, as they have a super-sophisticated microscope that fluoresces, layers, etc. -- only 20 in the US (Dr. Ana probably has one). They're trying different substances on the nanotech & find what stops, & degrades it! Even Dr. Group's 12 Solfeggio (healing) tones causes it to degrade! It's on spotify, & also youtube -- don't know if it'll let me post the link but I'll try. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3DS3cU9To0

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Yes but none of that can change the altered DNA back to human DNA. What these criminals have done is irreversible. The altered DNA will continue to produce toxic material and cancers for the rest of the injected person’s life. Which probably won’t last very long post injection.

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The "four doctors" that I follow are healing people! Dr. Group is working with Dr. Ana on some things. Check them out at healingfortheages.com -- there's an annual conference in Sept (they did one last Sept too, & then monthly masterclasses). I attended virtually, & will do so again this Sept.

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I don’t trust that any human can heal what a demon has done. Only our Creator can do that. Praying 🙏 for all living beings on earth.

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I get what you're saying, but trust me, it is very clear that God is working through these doctors. They have had SO many God-given ideas & strategies, it's amazing. And Dr. Ana. And Todd Callender.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Makes no sense. If God wanted to right things, he could do it in an instant. I don't think he wouldn't be using a few relatively unknown doctors to fix a few damaged people who just happen to be fortunate enough to be under their care. That's what my God-given common sense tells me, which is what I think He wants me to use. But who knows, unlike many, none of whom I trust, I don't claim to know what God is planning, or why.

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Here's a comment on the Solfeggio Tones (by Dr. Group) by Dr. Group's research assistant:


2 months ago

Actually. We have microscopy showing reversal of several issues in the blood after listening to this for only 30minutes. Will be discussing in detail at the next Healing for the Ages webinar April 20th. we do in fact have the power to heal ourselves if we can assist our smart bodies by remediating contaminants and giving powerful aids such as this to harness that ability of self healing.

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Re; Activated Charcoal

Is sourced from the "Shell" of the Coconut. ALL fruits outside layer should be removed before consuming. DIY is only way to safely consume. Currently searching for a clean source for Charcoal. All I've found so far is toxic!

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Do you know where I can find the info on solfeggio?

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On Spotify, check out Global Healing Society & you'll find more. Dr. Group said it would be great to just have them playing in the background while in the house. Or office. I think he said they were going to make a CD, but don't think that has happened. Wish it would, I'd rather listen that way.

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"Be Concerned" put up a youtube link. It's probably in those show notes

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For the tones? I did. Here it is again.


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I posted the link for it, but I actually got the info from one of Dr. Group's monthly masterclasses. I had purchased a ticket to the Healing For The A.G.E.S. conference last Sept (another this Sept!) at healingfortheages.com. That gave me access to the monthly classes.

There are other healing videos on youtube, but there are also frequencies that can do a lot of harm to our cells, so I trust Dr. Group's & listen to those.

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In my view, you are both heroic. Thank you for continuing to do the right thing in the face of all these inhumane wrongs.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Not only the right thing . . . but also the most creative thing in the face of the most, as you say, inhumane wrongs.

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Now that it has been ruled a treatment and not a vaccine, here in the U.S., it's malfeasance counts for thousands of people; 1 to 5 years, each count. The wheels of Justice roll slowly, yet inexorably. There is no where for them to go now.

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Just send the perpetrators to Guantanamo for justice to be done, in Gods' name

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We Live in a Quantum World!!! In this world WE R The Creators with our Emotions and Thoughts!! Break out of The Duality Program Raise our Vibrations and Observe and Create What We R Wanting/ Joy Peace Freedom!!! Love For Humanity not a Victim Consciousness!!! ❤️🎶🦋

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You are so right. Looking at the face of the blob they call the president makes this effort more difficult than usual!

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100% agreed. We r the creators and we co-created this horror. Justice needs to be served.

And we allow a loving peaceful compassionate world to be.

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Dr. Anna's detox is much more detailed that the few things she mentions lately and I have over 12,000 hours of research. Besides Dr. ANNA. Karen Kingston and others I put together her list and her most effective detox I will send it to anyone who replies "Send". I will sent it just add Curcumin 500 mgs. Daily. To the supplements.

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SEND please. NAC, zinc, shikimic acid, chlorine dioxide, medicinal mushrooms, ivermectin, among them

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This interview is everything Dr. ANNA has tested and prescribed. God Bless


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Thank you for sharing.

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My pleasure in fact if you ho on my Facebook you will see over a thousand of hours of research, evidence and much more. Its user name John Mulazo

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I also have done my own research. There is a lot that has been suppressed,

but a lot of natural remedies that help. I also say that there are varying qualities

of everything, including zeolite, chlorella, etcetera. Mike is aware and has a million$ testing lab to test for chemical/impurities in food, etcetera. He sells chlorella tablets and powder and a LOT more. He also tests for glyphosate, no one else does this. www.healthrangerstore.com

His news site: www.naturalnews.com his video site: www.brighteon.com

have a great day.

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Actually Dr. Anna's research proved zeolite is very bad, while it does remove the metals from the blood it then deposits them into the brain I know this is true cause when I was taking Zeolite for about 2 years I was losing my memory thought it was alzheimers. After I stopped taking it my memory returned. Much better to take Humic fulvic mineral blend. It removes the heavy metals without any harmful effects

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Thanks , are we non vaxed absorbing nano particles from the vaxed ?

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Absolutely every toxin from vaxxed is being shed, lipid Nanoparticles graphene and hydrogel plus the chemtrails and smart dust geoengineering spraying our food and water. Everyone needs to detox not just the vaxxed. Here is detox


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Yes please 🙏



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Send please! 😊

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Here you go. Add one more supplement. Curcumin 500 mgs. Once daily to whats in detox regimen. Here's link.


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With great love and thanks to you both. 💖 🇺🇸 💖

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This sounds like one of the greatest plans I have heard Ana!

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God bless and protect you both, Dr. Ana and Mr. Todd Callender. You are awesome. God is guiding you both in this battle to save humanity. Personally, I (and all) are indebted to you and humbled by your outstanding efforts. Ditto all who are on the front line seeking The Truth.

We will win this insidious war. It is already written.

Stay strong, stay safe and stay true. May God, our Lord Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit surround you and protect you whilst you fearlessly fight this war. We are with you too. X


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Dr. Ana:

Keep up the outstanding work.

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Thank You

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As a psychologist-linguist, I respectively suggest you avoid using the phrase, "I truly believe". "Belief" and its derivatives is a "religious word". Science is not religion. Either you know something and can communicate the evidence for your comment or you don't know. "Truly believe" suggests one can "falsely believe" something? When I hear a scientist use "I believe" I think Scientism - the fusion of religion and science (Darwin). Substitute "I believe" with "I think". Better. Just a friendly suggestion from your loyal therapist.

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Michael, "Believing" is a concept as well as "thinking," another concept.

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You may want to look at the NLP used at the Bohemian Grove Junior League event held every September in the Nevada desert, where the message couldn't be more clear.


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According to our own research, people who rely on the word "believe" tend to cease looking for new answers, new information. It is a form of "arrested development". It is, IMHO, a subconscious process. Those who substitute "I don't know" tend to keep looking. That is the salient point here. And, it is significant.

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It sounds like redundancy annoys you & you prefer clarity. Me too! :)

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Point #1. Once you come to a conclusion, how much more time are you going to invest confirming what you already know, at the expense of investing this time on something objective? What is the goal here and how do you measure your progress, objectively? For example, once you realize you can't trust someone, do you constantly "test" your conclusion or simply avoid the person? So many of the alternative mainstream media (not this one) keeps interviewing themselves, repeating what we already concluded. This pattern appeals to emotions, not intellect. The logical "next step" is to obtain power because without it, all the blogs, interviews and videos result in what exactly? Measuring success by the number of "likes" is a PSYOP. Where are the videos illustrating the steps for gaining superior power? I know of only one. #2. Words matter. While we complain and point out the words of the opposition, it is important we choose our words carefully. If I were cross examining someone who used the word "believe" in their answer, I would object to such an answer because it is argumentative.

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Back in 2015, I managed a research team for a private client on "vaccines" and PSYOPS. Conclusion? The psychological program the obligatory vaccine side used appealed to the argumentative science and the emotional responses of their opposition at the expense of gaining real power first and foremost. It worked. Movies like "VAXXED" made people feel good -- feel like they were winning. But objectively speaking, they were wrong. Why? Because of their strong Postmodern bias -- the substitution of objective results for emotional rescue. Unless and until this paradigm shifts from the subjective to the objective, there will be no success. But, many will feel like they won.

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Fascinating, thank you. I have felt like we skeptics have been in an echo chamber, which is comforting, but accomplishes nothing much else.

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If you want to see how an objective operation works, I suggest looking at independent POTUS candidate V.A. Shiva Ph.D. campaign and his "systems" management approach. While Dr. Shiva shares quite a lot of the same opinions on issues presented here and elsewhere (alternative mainstream media), I find these media outlets do not interview him. Shows me how well PSYOPS works.. The one person who addresses objective power with the goals we aspire to is ignored. Why?

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I watched that video,he also talks about India's caste system also.I still have my FB page,would delete it but that's what they want but I posted evidence that it was a hoax for about a year and a half.I knew it was a hoax from go and expected it.Ron Paul knew it too and posted it was a hoax on twitter,he received nothing but criticism.We are a remarkably brainwashed species.That's why!

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Thanks for the input. I think you're right.

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Tremendous initiative by you two!

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TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



Here is a 9 min. video that explains the idea 



Ways you can help Raise Public Awareness 



Ways you can Take Action 



With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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For proof of the Mark of the Beast system to be implemented even before 2030 (they have determined the timeline needs to be moved up to 2025) just look to the World International Property Organization(WIPO) at Patent # WO 2020/060606 filed in June of 2019 by Microsoft. CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY ...DATAhttps://patents.google.com/patent/WO2020060606A1/en

Oh and just in case you think that is just way out there, your cell phone/internet provider (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile etc)

are planning on using your bodies frequency to connect through the bluetooth to connect everyone to the IOT just by holding your phone in your hand or in your earbuds/headset.

The google Patent for: "Devices and methods for transferring data through a human body" can be found here: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20130142363A1/en

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The notion of "informed-consent" needs to be reversed to "consent-informed". Informed-consent ignores the basic tenant of "POWER". If you have no power of consent, any information you get, if any, is irrelevant. You must first possess the power of consent, first and foremost. Consent is not an "after thought". Why? Because informed or not informed, you're getting it. FOCUS on the POWER of consent.

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How do we wake people up? THINK BIG - after all, that's what the Cabal did, and it worked.

Let's create a gripping movie - a drama, rather than a documentary. The advantage is that people want to be entertained and when people watch a fictional movie, they are prepared to suspend a certain amount of disbelief, so we have a channel through which to reach them

In these parts, we surely have writers who can write a good plot, or even a movie script. In the wider movement, we have actors and film producers, such as Mel Gibson, Roseanne Barr, John Voigt, etc. We can reach into the alternative media and enlist people like Greg Rees, etc.

Betwee all of us, there must be some who can connect us with the right people to make it happen. Who knows, maybe President Trump would be happy to help.

Given that UV radiation and oxidation degrade spiderweb silk, can we not devise a device which can deliver this into the body? Didn't President Trump speak of UV/light treatment as a COVID remedy? Surely he knows something we don't!

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my husband's cousin wrote a novel; I haven't read much of it but there's covid in it. She's a traveling nurse who knows the score (and always has).

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Unfortunately, UV will only enter to around 0.4mm into the skin. Might still help as blood travels round, but will it help with the already formed clots deep in the body?

Mikki Willis had had success with his docs/musical; maybe, he could also make a drama.

My own thought on the wake-up thing would be to leaflet drop from drones along, say, busy shopping areas. The Allies used this method often during WWII.

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Actually, Far Infrared penetrates up to 1.5 inches. Near Infrared goes far deeper. Check this out: https://aestheticbureau.com.au/systemic-effects-and-photon-penetration-of-red-light-therapy/

Also, sauna.space -- their learning tab has good info.

I like your drone/leaflet idea!

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Yes many will wake up after the solar flare, then disclosure.

Many will also not handle the truth. It is too startling.

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Yes, UV could be part of a protocol. I wonder if Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) degrades the filaments. It certainly helps me to break down clumps of the stuff on my skin.

We could do a symphony of things - movie, leaflet drops by drone ... maybe we can have a brainstorming session via Dr M to come up with a plethora of ways t wake the normies. We could even form taskforces to do the deeds!

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Understand that many humans canot handle the truth, but some can.

Once they believe the lies, the truth us hard to process. Disclosure will

surface soon, after the solar flash...cheers

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I think that your comment is a really cheap shot at people who sincerely mean to do well and help in this horrific situation we are in! No explaining more about what you know about the solar flare is actually mocking people and very cruel! Why would you do that??

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I am not mocking anyone,all efforts at disclosure help.

There ARE many who will refuse to understand the truth,

and there are humans who will wake up. It has nothing to do

with the humans revealing the truth. Its' just reality.

The solar flare event will happen and will help all of us.

take care.

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I think the barrage of solar flares months ago created a higher vibrational state where those people in miami were able to see the shadow aliens.We humans can't even see 1% of the existing electromagnetic spectrum.I think you are right,many will refuse to understand the truth,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Full_Disclosure_Event

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Hi Rachel, I agree with you about majority of people thinking this is crazy-talk. I know people who have said this is all "conspiracy theory". 😣 So we could get a big old X Flare anytime, right?

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I could have written my comment with more clarity, but I wrote it fast

and it obviously appeared critical.

I admire Dr. Anna and the lawyer very much and meant no harm.

Have a great day.

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I take MSM for other reasons, ie. the body needs sulpher for the electrical system to work properly. No doubt it has other good qualities, such as you state.

According to, I think, Dr Mihalcea, methylene blue degrades the rubbery clots. It certainly up-regulates the electron transport chain, which may in itself be part of the reason it can kill the clots. Dunno about dosage, hopefully it does not need to be IV to work against the clots.

Anyway, a good supplier is: https://cztl.bz/

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