Hi Dr Anna,

Regarding EDTA cleation with vitamin C; have you analyzed the IV solution used for this process for nano structures? My concern is many of those big pharmacuetical companies manufacture many if not all nutraceuticals and medicines.

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I agree. And if its in the dental anesthesia, it's likely in all anesthesia, maybe even all liquid medical/health products. Eye drops? Mouthwash? Nose spray? Nothing surprises me anymore. These people are pure evil. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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When reading the NASA war report July early 2000 , if I remember correctly 2007. They state the primary weapon on humanity is Nanobots, all to be in play by 2025. They’ve been doing this for at least 25 years.

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Correction it’s July 7, 2001

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If we knew 1/8 of the medical/pharma thuggery in play we’d collapse. All to maim/and or kill (gov depop control — check out Deagle depop) for thug profits = enjoy us while becoming billionnaires off of poison. WTH needs population control other than what’s already in play!

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Yes. It is found in hydrogels. Eye drops, contacts, solutions, facial products, lotions, you name it. Even in soda. Coke and Pepsi for sure. Wound care. Burn care. All of these have hydrogels. It, previous to the jabs, was the main way to introduce nano/micro robotics into humans. There really is no avoiding it, especially in western countries, as they have been targeted for mass extermination. Although no where is safe. Humans are an endangered species. Whether they know it or not. Neutralize until they can be destroyed. If they can be destroyed. We are a little late to the game and there are far too few taking this as seriously as they should. Like the good Drs. mentioned.

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Yes, you are correct, however possible solutions are frequency, resonance, vibration, Light; flashes of light and seven trumpets, ring any bells? As this reality collapses to an end the beginning begins. EDTA and vitamin C resonate at a frequency which can be read thus it can be created and sent widely ( world wide) or locally. This technology already exists in our realm. We know what created this is not of mankind, is it possible there are other beings with advanced technology that can help mankind? Thus we pray, and pray often. Blessings my friend.

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Thank you for that perspective! Appreciate your time ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️

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I believe you but which ‘good Drs. mentioned?’ They seem to be few and far between! This is horrifying!!

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In lieu of the regular anesthetic injections, I used Dec. 2024 for a simple filling Dr. Marshall Olson, alternative dentist in Dallas, Texas, (actually Irving, TX) who uses powdered procaine (re-constituted) from a Compounding Pharmacy in Colleyville, Texas. www.ecodentalwellness.com. Please note the spelling "eco" not "echo".

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In lieu of the regular anesthetic injections, I used Dec. 2024 for a simple filling Dr. Marshall Olson, alternative dentist in Dallas, Texas, (actually Irving, TX) who uses powdered procaine (re-constituted) from a Compounding Pharmacy in Colleyville, Texas. www.ecodentalwellness.com. Please note the spelling "eco" not "echo".

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Thats a very important question did you get a answer?

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ok what do i tell the dentist to use for anesthesia for dental work??????

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There is a form of electronic anaesthetic that does not involve the use of any drugs. Electronic dental anesthesia (EDA) is a pain-relieving technique that uses transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to numb an area of the mouth.

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Who does this and how is someone looking for a dentist to put in a crown expected to proceed? Thank you

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The Living Well Dentist Directory


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THANK you very much. I found one in my area and have an appointment!

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I am 75. I got 3 wisdom teeth out in my 20's. One was impacted and they left it. At age 70 it started to come up. It's almost all up now. Dentist said it's delayed. It looks yellow. I won't go back. Once in awhile I get a mild toothache. I use half peroxide mixed with water and swish 20x a day. Takes. Couple days or so. Kills the bacteria that. Causes a toothache. I WAS all home free! I got all my back molars a root canal. My front teeth are real good. Now I have this one damn wisdom tooth that is bothering me and I refuse to see a dentist cuz I don't want any needles in me. I had an old friend who kept getting toothaches and he used the peroxide and water mix. Eventually the tooth died and he pulled it out. I know cuz when I was cleaning his apt I found a pill bottle filled with his dead teeth. He NEVER went to a dentist! So I guess I have to do that too.

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Hydrogen peroxide above 1.2% strength is scientifically established as causing permanent precancerous changes to oral mucosa, and can injure the nerves in your teeth in the root pulp, and if the nerves die, your teeth die, so be careful with that stuff. A salt solution, even a super-saturated salt solution is an alternative good way to kill off unwanted bacteria in the mouth that you can use a few times a day that would not cause you any harm, and you can use Himalayan rock salt to make that. Also, the red/blue LED mouth pieces to sterilize mouth bacteria in gums and teeth and promote healing in gum tissue are also good, I have one of those and they do work.

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DECAYED not delayed!!

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I just looked that up on the internet, though I am sure if you Google in whatever country you are there will be dentists offering that service, whether or not that would suffice for a crown placement is another matter, as that might be a degree of pain that TENS is not geared for.

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In lieu of the regular anesthetic injections, I used Dec. 2024 for a simple filling Dr. Marshall Olson, alternative dentist in Dallas, Texas, (actually Irving, TX) who uses powdered procaine (re-instituted) from a Compounding Pharmacy in Colleyville, Texas. www.ecodentalwellness.com. Please note the spelling "eco" not "echo".

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thank u sir i appreciate it

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One of the researchers who posts on Substack--Matt's MIcroscopy maybe--says that the continuous electrical stimulates the nanobots as well. Empowers them so to speak,

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Such TENS application involves only a few extremely limited duration brief touches with a small pen-like electrode to any area required and the resultant effect lasts about 30 minutes or so, so a few brief touches would not really be enough to make any real difference to nanobot activity, as nanobots already have the inbuilt ability to pick up electrical stimuli from external sources constantly.

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Laughing gas?? Better yet don't get dental work done. There are new ways that aren't conventional. They heal the teeth, not drill them. I wish I could tell you more. If I find where I saw that, I will repost.

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Yes, please

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Take the antidote that Dr. Ana discovered recently which is EDTA and Vitamin C

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I found this on G Edward Griffin's "need to know" web site.

The Dangers of Root Canals and Crowns. What To Do Instead.

It has a link to

The Living Well Dentist Directory


Just thought I'd share.

Drilling and filling teeth with poison, apparently, isn't the correct way to deal with tooth decay. (Go figure!! What ever they have told us is good for us, do something entirely different) Is my rule of thumb!

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Yes we are to do the OPPOSITE of what they told us!!!

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Like they reversed the food pyramid in 1940. Before that the bigger area on the bottom was all meat, cheese and eggs and the carbs and sugars was at the small TOP in the smaller area. So they reversed it so we eat less meat cheese and eggs and eat more carbs and sugars like yogurt with sugar instead of fats. They removed the fat and added sugar so now people are eating more carbs and less meat and diabetes has sky rocketed. So do the opposite of what they tell us to do!!!

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In lieu of the regular anesthetic injections, I used Dec. 2024 for a simple filling Dr. Marshall Olson, alternative dentist in Dallas, Texas, (actually Irving, TX) who uses powdered procaine (re-instituted) from a Compounding Pharmacy in Colleyville, Texas. www.ecodentalwellness.com. Please note the spelling "eco" not "echo".

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Totally agree.

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In lieu of the regular anesthetic injections, I used Dec. 2024 for a simple filling Dr. Marshall Olson, alternative dentist in Dallas, Texas, (actually Irving, TX) who uses powdered procaine (re-instituted) from a Compounding Pharmacy in Colleyville, Texas. www.ecodentalwellness.com. Please note the spelling "eco" not "echo".

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I was reading about using laughing gas. That's what they used before anesthetics.

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hello Dr Ana, I am in the process of watching your video and I feel I must say to you that I noticed when you were in the screen that your thyroid looks very enlarged! You may be aware of this already, but it is concerning to me and I thought I should mention it to you. Please take care of yourself first, and then the rest of us.

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and I am taking the EDTA, Vit C, Methyl BLue, D, minerals, and a few others that I deem beneficial, infused with an intention of love, purity and protection. Why not.

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What does the Methyl BLue do? I mean what is it? I was using the EDTA and vitamin c but I couldn't afford much more. Thanks!

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Ana Maria Mihalcea mentioned that it helps keep the nano from forming the clots that some embalmers have pulled out of the veins.

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I bought some MB, but am afraid to take it. I read some bad stuff about it. Anyone here have any problems with taking it?

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I have not had any side affects. I notice it has a strong taste, so I reduced drops to half and take it when I have been around a large group and that is not very frequent. The color is a strong blue.

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I just read the Karen Kingston Report about Optogenetics, the Science behind hacking the human brain with their rare earth metals that were found in the C-19 injections. I will pursue the removal of the metals and nano. I will remain as natural a HUMAN as I can, or until death I depart this body.

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I noticed that as well. Way to be observant!!

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me, too

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continued..... the food farmers or we grow will be healthier. I wouldn't buy any processed food. Make sour dough bread or buy from someone that makes it at local farmer's market. Think of how we can take care of ourselves. Think of the money we save. Sell the big house, opt for one that only requires one salary. Get off the grid. We take back our Sovereignty. We can do this. I didn't say it would be easy.

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I think we will never fully get away from their nano. It is in the soil, the plants, the animals, the insects, and us. Just thinking out loud here, Elana Freeland in her book Geoengineered Transhumanism (I recommend everyone read it) outlines that at the nano scale it is far more powerful, and there is a lot of aluminum sprayed on us and in the soil. We need to start growing our own food, burn the grass, and maybe eliminate some of the aluminum if that is possible to destroy it. Be able to cover what you grow. You can grow a tremendous amount of food in a 10 x 16' space, by using wire towers. Buy from your farmers. Learn canning techniques and freeze drying or air drying. Eat less, proteins, carbs, fats, and fruits. Plant fruit trees-love them and they will be prolific. Make your own soap, shampoo, mouthwash, toothpaste-(bentonite clay recipes) , detergents. We can do this!

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As long as we can decontaminate the soil and water. THAT is going to be difficult with the geo-engineering of the atmosphere. "THE DIMMING" if you've already watched it, please share far and wide anyway. Everyone needs to be fully aware of what we are up against.

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I totally stopped using aluminum foil (and plastic food bags) around 2007 when I found out it possibly caused Alz.

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Use wax paper.

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I use this instead: Beeswax wrap (for packaging and storing) which you can usually find on Etsy.com in really pretty patterns.

Beeswax wrap is one of the healthiest and safest alternatives out there for aluminum foil. It lasts long and is definitely reusable.

First of all, beeswax wrap is made up of natural products such as food-grade beeswax and oils such as jojoba oil or coconut oil. Hence, there’s no tension of toxicity here, as noticed in silicone and aluminum.

You can use it for various purposes such as for wrapping and storing various leftover food items, fruits, and vegetables. It is easily moldable and very flexible for versatile usage.

If you can’t purchase beeswax wrap, you can try making it at home. You will need beeswax pellets, jojoba oil, pine resin powder, and cotton.

You can reuse this wrap by washing it with cold water. Avoid using hot water as it may melt the wrap. Lastly, make sure to take good care of it if you want it to last for more than 1 year.

I cook and store food in glass containers too.

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This is a full-time job, only a few can achieve this......

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Oct 17Edited

Yes, definitely the way to go, keep in mind 'Unhackable Animal's substack has just released a collation of contamination findings of a list of products where even organic Oranges and Grape Fruit are shown to be contaminated, suspected via ground water.


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If you go outside at night and shine a bright LED flashlight not phone light - get at dollar tree....look a few inches by the light and you will see thousands of teeny tiny reflective particles SWIRLING about in the air like it's electrically charged. THIS is what we are all breathing IN. Probably aluminum too.

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Do you want to know who is vaxxed and who isn't? People lie. They will say they are not vaxxed when they are. Download the free Bluetooth Discover on your phone. It will pick up the vaxxed. It will give a NUMBER and display "unknown" if it's a human. If it's a TV or speaker it will say. You just press START and see the numbers pop up. I sit in my car and do it. You can check out your family and friends and see if they are telling you the truth. You can delete them and start over. You can go in a graveyard and you will pick them up too!!

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Thank you very much for your wonderful post.🙏

I'm Japanese.

For some time now, I have been extremely concerned about nanotechnology in dental anesthetics, which are commonly used by many people.

We have started a signature campaign for the Japanese Society of Dental Anesthesiology using a free signature site called 「voice」, asking them to investigate nanotechnology in dental anesthesia.


I think it is important for the people to come together in unison and appeal to the appropriate places in large numbers.

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As a retired residency trained Comprehensive Dentist , I am more than a little skeptical about this study. Anesthetic agents are produced as entities by pharmaceutical manufacturers , the difference coming only in packaging. An indictment of anesthetic should include either a proven exclusion of medical products or the inclusion of sll.

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You wouldn't doubt it if you had a heart attack 90 days post surgical extraction, and then a stroke 8 months post extraction.

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Produced as entities pharmaceutical manufacturers? Same thing that was done with Covaids jabs. All they did was manufacturer for the DOD.

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I can understand your skepticism but Dr David Nixon and others have been looking at many dental anesthetics for a few years now, its not like Dr Ana just made this one post.


Dr Lundstrom has a lot of info on his page as well... I would recommend you read their material.


Here are other places Dr Ana has talked about it as well.



Or do you have a microscope and some old anesthetic laying around?

Put it on a slide and Watch. Put a slipcover on if it makes you feel better but it slows development.

You can likely see some of it constructing under brightfield but darkfield is Much better, and some microscopes can swap out the condenser.

Or let us know if you find One dental anasthetic that Doesnt have it.

I dont think you Will but I wish you luck... for all of us.

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Maybe that’s why the Canadian Government(PM Trudeau) is offering the most advantaged free Dental Services 🤷‍♀️🤔🫣

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Hello, where can we obtain unmolested anesthetics for my dentist?

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In response to Charlene I would go so far as to say that they have full-spectrum poisoning. It's ubiquitous in our foods, especially Phast Phoods, water (municipal Al fluoride, nanobots?), air (chemtrails with hundreds of poisons. Probably many medical drugs but what about acupuncture equipment and Chinese patent meds and bulk herbs? This is the result of the over-representation of psychopathy and sociopathy in the billionaire class. They are soulless, demons who cannot feel compassion and empathy who deliberately wish to hurt and kill people. Why because that's what psychos do.

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I too just learned of graphene being used in dental anesthetics, but this was sadly after my last appointment, which was for cleaning. anyway, I was told to use flouride toothpaste and buy an electric toothbrush and a water-flossing machine. Now, I'm on a fixed income but this is just how little you mean to these medical "professionals", they're more like professional liars. You know more just these them, I'm sure.

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Yes it's tough road, but many of these 'professionals' are so indoctrinated they may never wake up, alternatively it's still just about the money for them.

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Hello how to find anesthetics without graphen ??? thanks

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if i want to send this to someone not a scientist / this does NO good /need a short concise ..what's in it and how do we stop it and get around it to stilll have dental work done??????????????

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Like a good and honest holistic dentist in Nashville, TN: I am suggesting this dentist because he is always on The Truth About Cancer and/or Vaccines and he is very well-known to Ty and Charlene Bollinger (also very aware of the junk they put in shots and boosters): https://www.drlokensgard.com/about

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In lieu of the regular anesthetic injections, I used Dec. 2024 for a simple filling Dr. Marshall Olson, alternative dentist in Dallas, Texas, (actually Irving, TX) who uses powdered procaine (re-instituted) from a Compounding Pharmacy in Colleyville, Texas. www.ecodentalwellness.com. Please note the spelling "eco" not "echo".

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In lieu of the regular anesthetic injections, I used Dec. 2024 for a simple filling Dr. Marshall Olson, alternative dentist in Dallas, Texas, (actually Irving, TX) who uses powdered procaine (re-instituted) from a Compounding Pharmacy in Colleyville, Texas. www.ecodentalwellness.com. Please note the spelling "eco" not "echo".

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