The Mathematical Model of Light Medicine!
Dr Keryn Johnson discusses his revision of atomic theory. The model is very useful for comprehending consciousness and the biology of time linked to black hole singularity physics based on symmetry. Given that the current science paradigm based on measurements is unable to provide a rational answer for what is going on inside a black hole, this new science model gives a framework to cross through the event horizon and see from the perspective of the other side.
Dr. Johnson had a spiritual near-death experience where he was downloaded with this new model of the atomic structures and a new Unified Field Theory of Science. His new model of atomic structures and rearranged Einstein’s famous equations of E=mc2 by considering Light as the foundational principle of creation. Dr. Johnson describes Helium Bose-Einstein Condensate as the manifestation of God the creator (He the Father) and explains how by considering the supersymmetry inversion of creation his concept can be applied to quantum biology – and how the novel view of Hydrogen atoms through SUSY inversion (no mass and no charge in the geometry of two by two allow quantum tunneling) can be utilized to access the creative light principle in the matter itself by returning positron symmetry into the standard model of physics. In the application of his revolutionary theories, he explains how light-emitting and absorbing molecules in natural substances like Manuka Honey (OH BEE HAVE empowering healing - royal jelly protein isolate) can utilize UV Light using (Photo-Fenton chemistry) and facilitate the intracellular death of aging structures enabling regeneration at an atomic level within the body. The Light of creation comes from God, the quantum Observer, and has its origin in the subconscious mind. Dr. Johnson scientifically explains how the neurotransmitters in our brain through monoatomic particles are creating the matter of the neurological structures in our brain at the speed of light, and how the divine Light shines from within to holographically create our physical body and our reality.
You can see our conversation three years ago about his remarkable journey and our discussion of Quantum biology and regeneration of the physical body via zero-point energy below.
Quantum Biology and the Future of Regeneration Medicine through Light
Extraordinarily for a Quantum biologist with no formal education in physics and mathematics, his revolutionary new atomic model has caught the attention of the scientific community.
Dr. Johnson has been invited to be conference chair at the International Summit on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology happening in Spain on 13-15 March 2025.
To contribute to his fundraising to cover the cost of getting to the conference, please donate here:
Further contact for his zero point energy Manuka Honey products:
Dr. Keryn Johnson, PHD, CEO of Quantum Technologies Unlimited
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