We're now in the early stages of the fourth industrial revolution, which is bringing together digital,
and biological systems.

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In this episode, I speak with Dr Geanina Hagima from Romania. She presents research about the European Union Transhumanist Agenda and explains the Biodigital convergence happening now around the world. Dr. Hagima has exposed nanotechnology in the COVID19 bioweapons, other vaccines, has done rainwater analysis showing building blocks of nanotechnology. She is a gynecologist who has testified in the Romanian parliament regarding the COVID19 Crimes against Humanity and was sanctioned by the Medical College for it. Everything we have been warning about, has happened and is happening. Dr Hagima has been one of the few physician heroes around the world who did not ignore the threat of self assembly nanotechnology, but bravely exposed the technocratic transhumanist agenda.

Giardasil Vaccine Microscopy By Dr. Geanina Hagima And HPV Vaccine Injury Review


"Vaccine" Microscopy By Dr. Geanina Hagima In Romania: Comirnaty Omicron B4-5 Shows Micro bots, Quantum Dots And Hydrogel Filament Development

The Danger In The Air - Rainwater Analysis Research by Dr. Geanina Hagimă From Romania Shows Magnetic Nanoparticles And Filaments. Comparison To Clifford Carnicom's Rainwater Analysis

BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima

Here is the full presentation, that Dr Hagima wanted to provide for my substack subscribers - please see for yourself:

Ana Mihalcea 24 01 2025
7MB ∙ PDF file

Discussion about this video

Could this be why Musk wants to put satellites everywhere, and have all phones and sats "direct to cell?"

History is being told by the victor (Musk) right now - let's make sure the real truth gets out.


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Further, U.S. Vice President Vance is in Europe at the AI Action Summit in Paris on Feb. 11, and at this conference is pushing for as little regulation on AI as possible! He even said, "I'm not here to talk about AI safety....I'm here to talk about AI opportunity."


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Feb 10Edited
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How other should this be named as being a worldwide coup !!!!!

There is a huge risk that the Earth population and everything on planet Earth it is destructed, means are affected that belong to the Creator and the worldpopulation.

Nobody asked for this and some lunatics thinks they can decide for the world population. This is criminality beyond words.

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Agree ..... they have been lurking in the dark and preparing for ages .....

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So afraid of what is happening to our World 🥺

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Thank you! It is definitely important to find out what they doing to us… WITHOUT OUR CONSENT!

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Thank you so much for doing this work, both you Dr Ana and Dr Hagima whose English is excellent! It is so important that we learn about this. Most people have no idea that their brain or body is being changed and those to whom I try to explain this think I am crazy. It is so important that you make these videos for us therefore. Thank you so much.

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Here is her Rumble channel, she does not promote it enough, but there are many good videos on there that answer many questions people often have. They are long form though, no quick little shorts.


Some are more sciency than others, but I would recommend Episode 18 is a good place to start. Dr Sandy Corlett has taught Live Blood Analysis classes for like 20 years and she has Hundreds of Thousands of pictures of blood from her and her many students over the years.


So she can pinpoint Exactly when the shedding to the unvaxxed began, for people who did not already know... which was in Early 2021.

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Friggin Pierre Poilievre better wipe this shit of our Canadian government website! These fucking psychopaths! Harari needs to be placed 6ft under!

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Our? Not mine!!! Let the useful idiots who believe in democracy and voting wipe that out together with the system infiltrated by the villain cabal beyond hope.

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Completely "penetrated"

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NOTHING LESS than the ongoing war of Hell's Angels thieving God's creation by the Demon Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals, Vampires.

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I pray God has special rewards for all the brave doctors and scientists to whom we owe so much.

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When the going gets tough - the tough get going!

THANK YOU - great lady's!

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People trained in law probably hear klaxons sounding the alarm: the motives of transhumanism appear to fall well within the definition of criminal intent. This does not mean that charges against transhumanists are going to succeed in conviction, for the usual reasons: the standard of criminal proof is 99.9$--beyond a reasonable doubt. It's hard to prove intent to kill. Civil suits for varieties of assault, which require a standard of proof on only 51$--the balance of probabilities--are easier to prove. Besides, follow the money, right?

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Georgia Guidestones, Noahide Laws signed by Carter, Clinton and other US presidents, Talmud, Torah, 1million guillotine blades bought by government?USA, Freemasons/Jews, Ai moving to Israel

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You are mistaken with the mention of "Torah". The Noahide laws and the Talmud have nothing to do with the Torah as stand alone. Most sects within Rabbinical Judaism stop using the Torah hundreds of years ago and those that do, use the "wrote" learning method which is a detached and repetitive method of absorption rather than deep rich spiritual understanding. Jesus said that those who teach it are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Take it up with Him.

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Awesome Ladies! You are invited together with the rightful president of Romania! https://rainbowcoalition.substack.com/p/transhumanism-agenda-of-the-european

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Indeed Dr. Geanina Hagima is very courageous to do her well documented research in Romania at this moment. The country and practically all the neighboring countries are in turmoil thanks to the concerted efforts and unbelievable corruption of the Genocidal Globalists. May she be protected.

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God bless her.

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Amen that.

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well, I have a serious question - have these people who plan the whole world's future - have their mental abilities been assessed??? Kind of sounds good - "university" and bla bla but the actual things they are talking about and planning FOR OTHERS are absolutely INSANE. I would not ask, I would DEMAND that they have mental evaluation.

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Great work by all thank you for spreading the truth we need to tackle the criminal politicians which is happening we have senators in Australia trying hard but also we have quite a few boots on the ground not as many as they have in Europe though go hard

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Human efforts to halt the Targeting Programs cannot succeed. Only God can protect Targeted Individuals and mankind generally from Targeting Programs and other attacks of Evil on mankind. But mankind has turned its back on God and therefore He will not intervene against the Evil forces behind targeting. Further, your prayers are unavailing because you don’t know God or how to access His Throne in heaven. Request your free copy of the thirty-page .pdf booklet: “A World Held Captive”. No money requested. No obligation. Arthur Millard saltysam.usna66@gmail.com WhatsApp: +(507) 6587-6634

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Human efforts to halt the Targeting Programs and other Evil programs cannot succeed. Only God can protect Targeted Individuals and mankind generally from Targeting Programs and other attacks of Evil on mankind. But mankind has turned its back on God and therefore He will not intervene against the Evil forces behind targeting. Further, your prayers are unavailing because you don’t know God or how to access His Throne in heaven. Request your free copy of the thirty-page .pdf booklet: “A World Held Captive”. No money requested. No obligation. Arthur Millard saltysam.usna66@gmail.com WhatsApp: +(507) 6587-6634

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Feb 10Edited
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