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Image: COVID19 vaccinated individuals - abnormal vein findings on abdomen via Computerized Thermography.

Here is Felipe’s presentation. Note I do not agree with all of his conclusions or views about the spike protein and Graphene as a sole cause of the rubbery clots given my research, however I do find his CT findings very interesting.

Presentation 02
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In this episode,  I follow up with Felipe Reitz on our original interview a couple years ago where he presented his specialized Computerized  Thermography as a potential early screening tool for undetected rubbery clot formation in the Covid 19 vaccinated population. Felipe explains his findings of engorged abdominal veins and correlating live blood manifestations and explains his research on why this is seen.  There were some people who used American Thermography as a screening tool, but people need to understand that Felipe has developed his own device, which instead of picking up tissue temperature differences at 1 degree Celcius, his camera is able to detect 0.06 degrees in temperature difference. He has invented the award winning Reitz scan which also determines pain levels.

You can find our previous interview here:


Felipe Reitz, is a distinguished scientist with a career spanning over 22 years across various domains of healthcare. Specializing in Live Blood Analysis, Reitz has developed protocols and methodologies to aid in diagnosis and is recognized for writing the first compendium or encyclopedia on the subject.

Felipe has served as a medical detective, helping patients understand their health and uncover underlying issues. He is an accomplished author and a dedicated teacher, sharing his broad expertise through courses and lectures globally.

Felipe founded one of Europe's largest integrated medical centers and established the Reitz Institute in Brazil. Throughout his career, he has received numerous awards for his contributions to healthcare. His passion lies in research and the development of new products to improve people's health and well-being.

Felipe Reitz continues to innovate and make significant contributions in healthcare, combining his diverse expertise to enhance medical practices and benefit patients worldwide.

Book Info

"Acanthocytes," Volume 4 of the "Reitz Hematopedia" compendium by Felipe Reitz, stands as a methodical exploration of acanthocytes, red blood cells observed during live blood analysis with dark field microscopy. This volume provides practitioners with a definition of acanthocytes and essential resume information for blood analysis reporting. Focusing on scientific aspects, it describes the molecular mechanisms transforming normal red blood cells into acanthocytes, including lipid membrane alterations, oxidative stress, and abnormal protein aggregations.

The book details numerous symptoms correlated with acanthocytes, from neurological to hematological and systemic symptoms. It addresses clinical conditions inducing acanthocyte formation, their main symptoms, and common diagnostics, treatments, and natural approaches. Beyond its clinical focus, "Acanthocytes" explores global research and emerging perspectives. Statistical insights present a breakdown of hundreds of symptoms associated with acanthocytes, illustrating their impact across body systems and aiding practitioners in understanding their significance.

Recognizing acanthocytes serves as a vital diagnostic clue, prompting comprehensive investigations for associated conditions. The volume emphasizes early detection, timely intervention, and improved patient outcomes. Its careful assessment contributes to precise diagnoses and customized care, integrating relevant factors and symptoms.

"Acanthocytes" is considered a collector's item due to its quality of information and unique approach. It enhances the discourse on live blood analysis, enriching the knowledge of naturopaths, doctors, researchers, universities, and the scientific community. Acquiring the other volumes is fundamental for enhancing live blood analysis reports, correlating insights with patients' case history and health status for a comprehensive analysis.

To buy the book

To support Felipe’s research:

