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In this episode, Dr Zelada Ruck from Bolivia shares her recent microscopy of the polio vaccine that shows self-assembly nanotechnology. Dr Zelada has investigated dental anesthetics, COVID19 injections and other vaccines. She speaks in Spanish and the translator is Engineer Alberto Huerta.

Dr. Liliana Zelada Rück is a Dentist and   Specialist in Endodontics from the Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro.     She has a   Masters in Implants with a Mention in Periodontics from the University of Buenos Aires Argentina and the Misael Saracho University of Tarija Bolivia.    Independent researcher since 2021.  

Alberto Vela Huerta

Biochemical Engineer, National School of Biological Sciences of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional.

Master in Business Administration, Instituto TecnológicoAutónomo de México.

Work experience in the nuclear industry, pharmaceutical industry, health journalism, teaching on productivity and quality systems, and expert service for the Federal Court of Administrative Justice and the Council of the Federal Judiciary.

Consultant in Natural Health, through the Intelligent Management of Food, Beverages, Habits and Environment.